

The 4th International Caricature Festival, Smile of the Sea 2019, Russia

We are pleased to inform you about the IV International Caricature Festival "Smile of the Sea" and invite you to take part in it.
The festival was established by the Novorossiysk city branch of the Union of Journalists of Russia with the assistance of the Administration of the city of Novorossiysk and the Russian Academy of Arts. For the first time the festival was held in 2016, and we hope that the meeting with the beautiful humorous and satirical art of caricature on the shores of the Black Sea will grow into a good tradition.
Theme of the festival: "Corruption"
Additional topic: “Crime and Punishment
Works are accepted until August 15, 2019 (DEADLINE EXTENDED:) August 25, 2019.
The selection of cartoons at the exhibition and the determination of the winners is conducted by a specially invited jury.
At the end of the festival, winners and participants will receive festival diplomas and a catalog in electronic form. The best works will be awarded special prizes, a diploma from the Russian Academy of Arts, a diploma from the cartoonist guild of Russia.
Technical requirements for works: A4 format for originals and their copies, JPEG (300dpi) - for works in electronic form.
You can send work by the new e-mail:
or at the address:
353900, Krasnodar region, Novorossiysk, ul. Karl Marx, 44, office 5 RUSSIA
(telephone: + 7-918-9873929, telephone / fax: (8617) 72-00-47.
We wish you a creative success!
Festival Director: Valery Volkov
Artistic director of the festival: Alexander Prokhorov.
(Translation by Google).
Source: cartoonblues.


20° International Competition for cartoonists on the world of wine, Spirito di Vino 2019

Competition rules 2019
Spirito di Vino 2019
20° International Competition for cartoonists on the world of wine
Art. 1 – Subject of the competition
Movimento Turismo del Vino Friuli Venezia Giulia holds a competition called “Spirito di Vino” to award prizes to authors of satirical cartoons focussing on the world of wine and wine culture. The participation to the competition is free of charge.
Art. 2 – Participation to the competition
The competition is open to artists coming from Italy and abroad, exclusively on an individual basis, over 18 years old (who turn 18 in 2019 and above). Participants will be split into two categories: the “under”, from 18 to 35 years old, and the “over”, above 36 years old.
Art. 3 – Work format and requirements
The satirical cartoons can be drawn manually with any technique, black and white or colour, only in A3 format with 1 cm of external border. Each participant is entitled to only submit one work. The works shall be sent as hard copies and signed in a non invasive way with ©Name and Surname of the author in the corner (front) or in the back of the page.
Art. 4 – Deadline and submission of the works
The works can be submitted from Sunday 26 May to Monday 14 October 2019. To take part to the competition, the cartoonists need to register in the competition section of the website, download the competition rules, as well as the registration form.
The hard copies of the works shall be sent (properly protected) by registered mail, together with a signed copy of the registration form filled in every section, to the following address:
Movimento Turismo del Vino Friuli Venezia Giulia
Via del Partidor, 7 – 33100 Udine (Italy)
Only the works delivered within Monday 14 October midnight will be accepted.
In addition, the works shall also be uploaded on the website, together with the registration form, in jpg and high resolution (300 dpi) format.
The hard copies received after the aforementioned deadline will not be accepted. The organisers have no liability for any deterioration and/or damage to the works sent by mail or resulting from any other issue connected to the submission of the works (delays, no delivery, etc.).
Art. 5 – Return of the works
The hard copies of the works will not be returned.
Art. 6 – Exclusion
The works that do not comply with the rules stipulated by art 1, 2, 3, 4 will not be accepted.
Movimento Turismo del Vino Friuli Venezia Giulia – Via del Partidor, 7 – 33100 Udine
Tel +39.0432.289540 – Fax +39.0432.294021 –
Art. 7 – Members of the jury
Movimento Turismo del Vino selected a jury made of great masters of the Italian satire, such as Giorgio Forattini, Alfio Krancic, Emilio Giannelli, Valerio Marini and other leading personalities from the world of cartoons, graphics and food&wine. The decisions of the jury are unquestionable and irrevocable.
The jury will assess the capacity of the cartoonists to best interpret the proposed topic showing their manual designing skills, creativity and a precise technique. The works drawn using digital techniques will also be taken into consideration.
Art. 8 – Prizes
The prizes up for grabs for the three winners will be distributed as follows
1° prize - “under”: 75 bottles
2° prize - “under”: 50 bottles
3° prize - “under”: 25 bottles
1° prize - “over”: 75 bottles
2° prize - “over”: 50 bottles
3° prize - “over”: 25 bottles
Art. 9 – Awarding ceremony and exhibition
During the awarding ceremony, the works selected by the jury for the finals will be put on display in Autumn 2019 in an exhibition held in a representative location.
A booklet with the works displayed at the exhibition will be published and one copy will be distributed to each author of the selected works and, upon request, to the authors of the works excluded from the selection. The event will be promoted in the Italian and foreign press. The exhibition could then become itinerant and put on display in other locations to be defined.
Art. 10 – Copyright
By participating in the competition, the cartoonists grant Movimento Turismo del Vino the non-exclusive right to reproduce, publicise and promote the works – with the sole obligation to mention the author – on digital material (websites, social networks, TV programmes, online magazines, etc.), on any material connected to the competition (brochures, flyers, folders, invitations, billboards, shoppers, etc.), on the catalogue of the exhibition, as well as on postcards, calendars and posters. This list is not complete and just gives some examples of the possible ways in which the organisers are entitled to use the works. The use of the aforementioned works by the organisers does not entitle the cartoonists to claim any income. The participants guarantee that they are the authors of the submitted works, explicitly lifting and removing any liability from the organisers in case any compensation is claimed by third parties for any circumstance. Such authors declare, taking full civil and criminal liability, that the submitted works do not violate the relevant legislation.
Art. 11 – Approval of the competition rules
By participating to the competition, the artists declare that they fully acknowledge and accept all the conditions and clauses illustrated in this document.
Source: spiritodivino .


The 6th International Cartoon Contest, Aleksandar Klas 2019, Serbia

The 6th International Cartoon Contest ALEKSANDAR KLAS 2019
A. Participation 
The competition is open to all cartoonists of the world regardless of nationality, religion, age, sex and education.
B. The theme of the competition 
C. Sending cartoons 
Accepting exclusively original works and signed digital prints. Papers should not have been previously awarded. Sends the maximum 5 cartoons A4. In addition to the works send a photo, Curriculum Vitae (CV), and on the back of the works basic information (name, surname, address, e-mail address and telephone number).
Works can be sent only by post to the following address:
Cetinjska 1
11000 Beograd
D. Deadline
Cartoons will be accepted until September 15, 2019.
E. Awards 
FIRST PRIZE: 500 euros, diploma and catalogue.
SECOND PRIZE: 300 euros, diploma and catalogue.
THIRD PRIZE: 200 euros, diploma and catalogue.
Will be allocated 5 diplomas.
F. Exhibition
The award ceremony and exhibition will be held in Belgrade for a day ILUSTROVANA POLITIKA magazine in November 11, 2019.
G. Catalog 
All cartoonists whose cartoons are selected in the catalog will receive PDF version of the catalog.
H. Other Provisions
Arrived works remain the property of ILUSTROVANA POLITIKA magazine. The organizers reserve the right to use them without financial compensation to the authors. By entering the contest is considered that the authors accept the proposition as a whole.
Špiro Radulović
Editor of competition
cartoonist .


The 2nd international competition S-CooMix 2019, Italy

S-CooMix 2019 RULES
S-cool organizes, with the sponsorship of the Municipality of San Giuliano Milanese, the international competition S-CooMix!
For humorous and satirical costume cartoons on the theme: "I ROBOT - when the machine exceeds the man"
The competition is open to designers from all over the world, without any territorial limits and will be divided into three categories, as follows:
OVER 18 Italy
OVER 18 Abroad
UNDER 18 (minors)
Up to three unpublished works can be sent, made with any technique, in color or in black and white, that have not already been awarded in other competitions, in the maximum A4 format (21x29.7 cm).
The works must be received no later than 24.00 on 15 September 2019 at: in .jpg, .tiff or .pdf format at a resolution of 300 dpi, together with the participation form (different for adults and minors, in the latter case a parent will send us the form).
NB: the individual files must not exceed the weight of 5 MB (for more works proceed with single items) in original with manual delivery or by MAIL to the S-COOL sales point (Via Colombo, 1 - 20098 - San Giuliano Milanese - MI - Italy) together with the duly completed registration form.
5 - JURY
President of the Giorgio Giunta, satirical designer
Nadia Maria Pizio and S-cool Team
Marco Fusi satirical designer
Municipal Administration
1st Award OVER 18 Italy
Cash prize of €200 + recognition plaque offered by the Sponsors and by S-cool
1st Award OVER 18 Abroad
Cash prize of € 100 + recognition plaque offered by the Sponsors and by S-cool
1st UNDER 18 Prize (0/17 years)
Recognition plaque offered by S-cool
1st Prize "VOTO del Pubblico" for the work most voted by the public
Recognition plaque offered by the Municipal Administration of the Municipality of San Giuliano Milanese.
The Jury reserves the right to report further works, which will not receive cash prizes and to exclude from the tender notice any works deemed unsuitable for the proposed theme or not ethically correct.
During the exhibitions there will be the possibility for visitors to indicate their favorite work to compete for the "Prize voted by the Public".
The authors, by participating in the competition, assign the non-exclusive right to publish the works on any support for promotional purposes without having anything to claim as a copyright.
Participants will be distributed on-line or in paper version the "CATALOG S-CooMIX" with the collection of all the participating works of the OVER 18 category.
OPENING: the Works will be exhibited on the occasion of the "Feast of the Patron" in Piazza della Vittoria (in San Giuliano Milanese - MI) on 6 October 2019.
On that date S-COOL will offer the presence of important cartoonists from all over Italy who will produce and give to the public autographed caricatures and vignettes, as well as selfies with the help of the "S-CooMIX frame" for activities of dissemination of the initiative on social networks network (instagram, facebook, etc.)
In the following days, from 7 to 13 October 2019, the Works will be exhibited at the Sala Comunale Biblioteca Comunale in Piazza della Vittoria in San Giuliano Milanese.
In the same area assigned to the exhibition, on October 13th 2019 from 5.00 pm to 7.00 pm, the final award ceremony will be held with the coveted presence of all participants.
Follow S-CooMix up
Facebook @scoomixcontest




Nickname for catalogue: ……………………………………………………………………………….

Date of birth: ……………………………………………………………………….....

Address ……………………………………………………………………………….

Post Code ……………………………………………………………………………….

City: ……………………………………………………………………………….

Phone Number: ……………………………………………………………………………….

E -mail ……………………………………………………………………………….

I declare to possess the absolute property of all the images sent and their components, I attest to the accuracy of the information provided, I accept in all its parts the rules of this competition.

Date: ……………………………………………………………………………….

Sign: ………………………………………………………………………………

(I authorize the processing of personal data contained in this application form based on Article 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 and Article 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 concerning the protection of individuals with regard to processing of personal data.) List of presented illustrations (if a title is not given for the works sent, they will be listed in the catalog with the title of the "Io Robot" competition):

1 – Title: ……………………………………………………………………………………

2 – Title: ……………………………………………………………………………………

3 – Title: ……………………………………………………………………………………


Results of International Competition of Cartoons and Satire humour, Bombura sword 2019

Results of International Competition of Cartoons and Satire humour, Bombura sword 2019, Slovakia
Theme: Robot - Modern Era