

Winners in the 22nd Euro-kartoenale Kruishoutem 2019, "The Wall"

The Turkish cartoonist Dogan Arslan did win the 22nd edition of the Euro-kartoenale Kruishoutem, Belgium. With his endless wall he is reacting to the problems of refugees around the world. The second prize was for Luis Mecho from Costa Rica, followed by the Iranian Jalal Pirmarzanad who won the Bronze award. The winning cartoonists got their prizes on Saturday at the prize-giving ceremony in Kruishoutem, Belgium.
"The Wall" was the theme of this year’s contest and no less than 985 cartoonists from over 87 countries (a new record!) sent in their works. The international jury - with cartoonist Luc Descheemaeker (O-Sekoer) as president – had to choose among 2750 cartoons and they liked the work by Dogan Arslan the best, also because he combined the theme and a worldwide current topic of the refugees.
Besides the top three winners, there were also prizes for the French Jean-Loïc Belom, who won a personal exhibition in the European Cartoon Center next year, the Polish Krawczak Andrzej (Best Entry of the EU) and Herwig Beyaert (Best Belgian).
A selection of the best 150 cartoons can be seen until the 30th of June 2019 during the exhibition in the European Cartoon Center: border walls, restriction of freedom, walls between people, social media, … these are all topics that were developed by the cartoonists. From July on a smaller exhibition of 60 works will travel around to different cities in Belgium.
First Prize: Dogan Arslan (Turkey) (Top)
Second Prize: Luis Mecho (Costa Rica)
Third Prize: Jalal Pirmarzanad (Iran)
Best Entry European Union: Andrzej Krawczak (Poland)
Best Belgian Entry: Herwig Beyaert (Belgium)
Prize of the ECC: Jean-Loic Belom (France).
Listes Nikola (Croatia)
Mahmood Nazari (Iran)
Mikhail Zlatkovsky (Russia)
Druzhinin Valentin (Russia).
The cartoon used to promote the campaign was from Agim Sulaj (Italy).
You can see all winning cartoons on our website.
The catalogue with a selection of 100 works is available. All the cartoonists that are published in the catalogue will receive automatically a free copy during the month of May. Other participants receive a free copy on demand and with payment of the postal cost. Please ask for your copy by sending an e-mail to . You can also buy an extra copy on the webshop
The ECC.

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