

International cartoon contest and exhibition on theme Submarine 2019, Serbia

Submarine cartoons
Apropos 56. International Submariners Congress, Belgrade, Serbia, from May 21-26, 2019, Union of Submariners Belgrade and Union of Cartoonists of Serbia FECO organize International cartoon contest and exhibition on theme SUBMARINE (submarines, crews, divers, torpedoes, mines etc.)
Send cartoons at e-mail adress: till April 20, 2019 (JPEG, 300dpi, A4, max 4MB per one cartoon)
1st Prize – 300 euro and Diploma
Special Prize Nikola Otas* – 300 euro and Diploma
2nd Prize – 200 euro and Diploma
Selected cartoonists will get a printed catalog if they send their postal address or could download catalog in PDF format from website .
Organizator could use cartoons for promotional purpose of the unions, contest and the exhibition.
*Special Prize Nikola Otas (1960-2016) is dedicated to submariner and prominent cartoonist, vice-president of FECO Serbia.

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