

The 21st PortoCartoon World Festival 2019, Portugal

General Rules and Regulations
The United Nations (UN) declared 2019 as “the year of indigenous languages” (in the last few years, many languages have disappeared).
PortoCartoon wants the world’s humor to be wider.
Languages and the World” is therefore a theme for multiple reflections: which world and which languages? What worlds do we speak about and which languages? What languages do we connect to? What are their supremacy between them? Who dominates who by the language? The language as an instrument of subjugation? Does language give power?
There are multiple meanings. Meetings / Disagreements.
Humor leads the way.
Following to the line started in 2013, with the introduction of the Caricature Special Award on PortoCartoon, we have chosen for 2019 Fernão de Magalhães and Bob Dylan.
FERNÃO DE MAGALHÃES (c. 1480-1521)
An important figure of the history of the discoveries, Fernão de Magalhães (aka Ferdinand Magellan) made in 1519 the first voyage of circum-navigation. He connected the world people thought was fragmented, linear and not round. He was the author of the first globalization
The 500 years of this odyssey that begun in Sevilla (Spain), are celebrated in different parts of the World, from 2019 to 2022.
This Portuguese, from the north of Portugal, made the voyage to the service of the Spanish king Carlos V.
The ‘Magalhães Route’ links many cities and towns.
The humor of caricature can reinforce this dimension of the world unity, at this time of dangerous threats.
BOB DYLAN (1941 - )
Winner of the Literature Nobel Prize for in 2016, Bob Dylan became the first musician to win such an award. The award astonished the world, but the Swedish Academy’s reason was clear: Dylan created “new ways of poetic expression within the framework of the American music tradition.”
Dylan is a permanent re-inventor of the word-music connection. He has reinvented himself for more than 56 years, passing on to the music the rhymes of his “pictorial way of thinking”.
With iconic songs for different generations, Dylan avoided the spotlight of being awarded with the Nobel Prize.
In the lyrics of many songs, there is not only poetry, but humor as well.
3 Cartoonists can submit works for the MAIN THEME and for the FREE CATEGORY, as in the previous editions.
4 Artists who don’t wish to compete can send us their works EXTRA--COMPETITION, informing of their decision.
5.1. Cartoons must be original. We accept any kind of graphical techniques, including digital artwork sent by e-mail, as long as the drawings are SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR, are identified as PRINT NUMBER ONE and as an original for this contest.
5.2. Can also be presented sculptures pieces of humour, in any kind of material.
6 The artworks cannot exceed the following measurements:
- IN PAPER, 42 x 30 cm (DIN A3);
- SCULPTURE PIECES, 42 x 30 x 30 cm
7 Cartoons should be sent with the author’s Resumé, in Portuguese or English, (publications, exhibitions, prizes…) and must be identified on the reverse with the following information:
- Author’s name and address;
- Year, title and theme section.
8 Entries should arrive at the PORTUGUESE PRINTING PRESS MUSEUM until January 31st 2019 (EXTENDED:) 11 FEBRUARY 2019, along with the filled Entry Form.
9 The works should be sent to:
PortoCartoon-World Festival, The Portuguese Printing Press Museum,
Estrada Nacional 108, nº 206
4300-316 PORTO, Portugal.
Or to the e-mail address:
10 The participation in PortoCartoon automatically implies that the author waives copyrights of his works in any kind of platform, concerning the production and diffusion of the festival.
11 The AWARDS, including a TROPHY and a DIPLOMA, will be the following:
Grand Prize PORTOCARTOON 4000 Euro (half in money and half in Port wine), travel and stay costs for the Awards Ceremony in Portugal
2nd Prize PORTOCARTOON 1250 Euro (half in money and half in Port wine), travel and stay costs for the Awards Ceremony in Portugal
3rd Prize PORTOCARTOON 750 Euro (half in money and half in Port wine), travel and stay costs for the Awards Ceremony in Portugal
Special Award for CARICATURE 1st Prize 500 Euro (half in money and half in Port wine)
Special Award for CARICATURE 2nd Prize 200 Euro (half in money and half in Port wine)
Special Award for CARICATURE 3rd Prize 100 Euro (half in money and half in Port wine)
Honorable Mentions 50 Euro.
12 The organization does not ensure to send prizes on bottles of wine.
13 The Jury will have an odd number of members and its decisions will be final and cannot be subject to any type of appeal or complaint.
14 The awarded works will become property of the PORTUGUESE PRINTING PRESS MUSEUM and will take part of the INTERNACIONAL CARTOON GALLERY. The others will be returned to the artists, if formally requested with the entry form, after the exhibitions (during PortoCartoon and others in different cities and countries).
15 In case of using non-awarded works in other cases except PortoCartoon exhibitions or its promotion, copyright payment will be made to the artists.
16 All the artists whose works are selected for the exhibition will receive a DIGITAL CATALOGUE, that will be sent by e-mail to download. If the artist wants to receive a printed catalogue, he should request it and support the shipment costs.
17 The winning artists will receive the prizes in june 2 17 019, in a public ceremony.
Address PortoCartoon, Estrada Nacional 108, nº 206, 4300-316 Porto - Portugal
Entry Form (PDF) on source.

Rules of the 8th Sejong International Cartoon Contest SICACO 2019, Korea

The SICACO Committe is inviting world cartoonists to take part in SICACO 2019 (the 8th Sejong International Cartoon Contest).
1. This year's contest comprises a Thema section (titled Hot x Cold) + Free section (Sports, Children, ?? etc).
2. The size of works should be smaller than 297mm × 420mm.
3. Any color, free style, and unlimited items (+3 works).
4. Each entrant should provide title, name, age, address, career, e-mail, and telephone number on reverse.
5. The deadline for entry of original works is 31 August 2019.
6. Entries should be addressed to the
Sejong Int'l Cartoon Institute
450, Wolpyeongdong, Daejeon
Seoul 35221, Korea.

7. The most creative cartoon will win the Grand prize of $3,000, Gold prize of $1,000, Silver prize of $500, Bronze prize of $300, and 300 Selected works will be awarded.
8. Exhibit the cartoons at the City Gallery in October 2019.
9. Submitted cartoons will not be returned, but exhibited forever in Korean public halls, art galleries, & museums.
10.Your cartoon may be used for promotional purposes : cards, posters, catalogs, newspapers, magazines, and books, etc.
From Dr. Lim Cheong San,
President of the Sejong Int'l Cartoon Institute, 450, Wolpyeongdong, Daejeon, Seoul 35221, Korea.
Tel: 82 (070) 7757-9944
Cell Phone : 82-10-5425-6115
E-mail : (all works).

XXI PortoCartoon 2019 with the main theme: Languages and the World

Dear Cartoonist, dear Friend,
Every year languages ​​disappear.
In the last ten years, about 100 have disappeared. Therefore, the UN declares 2019 as the year of the indigenous languages.
This invitation range is wider: to put the finger in the languages-world relationship. Which world and which languages? What worlds do we speak about and which languages? What languages ​​do we connect to? What are their supremacy between them? Who dominates who by the language? The language as an instrument of subjugation?
Dead languages ​​and living languages. Towers of Babel? What languages ​​does the world need? What values ​​do they pass on? What values ​​are lost and gain by them?
Language as a right and as a heritage? The language as a disagreement or as a meeting point? Does the 'language of humor' cross all languages? Are there many worlds in the languages of humor?
In the intelligence and in your art is surely the answer.
We would like to receive your most appreciated participation until: 31 January 2019
To participate is to speak the language of everybody.
Greetings, with universal humor,
Luiz Humberto Marcos

The Portuguese Printing Press Museum
Estrada Nacional 108, nº 206
4300-316 Porto, Portugal
Tlf: (+351) 222 031 159


Dear Sir,
Thanks for participating in my SICACO 2018.
The list of winners is the same as the attachment.
We will send the winner's present by int'l mail within December 10th.
Winners will receive their certificate, one cartoon book, and 4 cards.
Original works you send me by mail are selected as prime prizes.
All of your contests are donated to the National Museum of Korea.
We like original, half-half, digital cartoons sent by mail (no e-mail).
You'd better send me digital cartoons print out and sign.
Please write your e-mail & real address and phone number on each back.
Please show me your contest by mail and send me your cartoon books and other's.
There's a problem with the Iranian winner's dollar remittance, but it's all due.
See you in SICACO 2019.
Happy New Year!
Dr.Lim, Cheong San,
President of SICACO 2018
Mobile 82-10-5425-6115 /

Grand Prize / lzabela Kowalska - Wieczorek (Poland)
Gold Prize / Recep Bayramoglu (Turkey)
Silver Prize / Shahrokh Heidari (France)
Silver Prize / Valentin Druzhinin (Russia)
Bronze Prize / Corradeschi Ghlno (Italy)
Bronze Prize / Mahmood Nzari (Iran)
Bronze Prize / Rocio Munoz (Peru)
Bronze Prize / Jung, Chae Lin (Korea)
Bronze Prize / Kim, Soo Bin (Korea)

Special Prize / Joanna Wasiak-Bassa (Poland)
Special Prize / Huseyin Cakmak (Cyprus)
Special Prize / Park, Ki So (Korea)
Special Prize / Akbar Torabpour (Iran)
Special Prize / Galym Boranbayev (Kazakhstan)

Student H.M / Eghball Talab Paskeh (Iran)
Student H.M / Yusuf Mert Erturk (Turkey), 10y
Student H.M / Mapta Yomakobat (Serbia), 10y
Student H.M / Eghball Talab Paskeh (Iran)

Student S.P / Reyhaneh Fakoori (Iran), 17y
Student S.P / Aziz Goveli (Turkey), 12y
Student S.P / Setayesh Rajabian (Iran), 13y
Student S.P / Songul Sep (Turkey), 14y

Theme Prize / Kazanevsky Vladimir (Ukraine)
Theme Prize / Mlhai Ignat (Romania)
Theme Prize / Makhmudjon Eshonkulov (Uzbekistan)
Theme Prize / Tommy Thomdean (Indonesia)
Theme Prize / Bogdan Petry & Horla Crisan (Romania)
Theme Prize / Erico Junqueira Ayres (Brazil)
Theme Prize / Zaenal Abidin (Indonesia)
Theme Prize / Jiri Srna (Czech)
Theme Prize / Vladimir Pavlik (Slovakia)
Theme Prize / Klaus Pitter (Austria)
Theme Prize / Hicabi Demici (Turkey)
Theme Prize / Tomas Trunecek (Czech)
Theme Prize / Pavel Constantin (Romania)
Theme Prize / Hafis Nesiroglu (Azerbaijan)
Theme Prize / Mileta Miloradovic (Serbia)
Theme Prize / Bossens Philippe (Belgium)
Theme Prize / Branko Ilic (Croatia)
Theme Prize / Milan Alasevic (Slovenia)
Theme Prize / Slobodan Obradovic (Serbia)
Theme Prize / Muzaffar Yulchiboev (Uzbekistan)
Theme Prize / Raimundo Rucke (Brazil)
Theme Prize / Konstantinos Tselios (Greece)
Theme prize / Mete Agaoglu (Turkey)
Theme Prize / Zarko Luetic (Croatia)
Theme Prize / Steffen Jahsnowski-Herschel (Germany)
Theme Prize / Ali Shahali (USA)
Theme Prize / Krotos Tadeusz (Poland)
Theme prize / Valeriu Kurtu (Germany)
Theme prize / Kamil Yavuz (Turkey)
Theme Prize / Doru Axinte (Romania)
Theme Prize / Fujio, Kuroda (Japan)
Theme Prize / Eder Santos (Brazil)
Theme prize / Sittipunt Tumying (Thailand)
Theme Prize / Spiro Radulovic (Serbia)
Theme Prize / Ivailo Tsvetkov (Bulgaria)
Theme Prize / Nikolay Sviridenko (Uzbekistan)
Theme Prize / Sepideh Seifizadeh (Iran)
Theme Prize / Georgopalis Dimitris (Greece)
Theme Prize / Mikhail Zlatkovsky (Russia)
Theme Prize / Darsono (Indonesia)
Theme Prize / Gopal Sarkar (India)
Theme Prize / Miro Stefanovic (Serbia)
Theme Prize / Ashmarin Stanislav (Russia)
Theme Prize / Ronardo Cunha Dias (Brazil)
Theme Prize / Liviu Stanila (Romania)
Theme Prize / Djoko Susilo (Indonesia)
Theme Prize / Todorovic Bobisa (Serbia)
Theme Prize / Octavian Covaci (Romania)
Theme Prize / Luc Vernimmen (Belgium)
Theme Prize / Luis Mendiguren Tarres (Spain)
Theme Prize / Zbigniew Kolaczek (Poland)
Theme Prize / Vladimir Stevovic-Beluga (Serbia)
Theme Prize / Aidarbek Gazizov (Kazakhstan)
Theme Prize / Bambang Sulistyo (Indonesia)
Theme Prize / Oleg Gutsol (Ukraine)
Theme Prize / Aurel Stefan Alexandrescu (Romania)
Theme Prize / Omer Cam (Turkey)
Theme Prize / Lubomir Kotrha (Slovakia)
Theme Prize / Yoemnis Batista DelToro (Cuba)
Theme Prize / Fernando Pica (Colombia)
Theme Prize / Sunnerberg Constantin (Belgium)

Achievement Award / Jitet Kustana (Indonesia)
Achievement Award / Kfir Weizman (Israel)
Achievement Award / Vladimir Stankovski (Serbia)
Achievement Award / Vitaliy Levitskiy (Ukraine)
Achievement Award / Hanusic Hule (Austria)
Achievement Award / Liu Qiang (China)
Achievement Award / Alexander Shmidt (Russia)
Achievement Award / Milanko Kalicanin (Serbia)
Achievement Award / B. V. Panduranga Rao (India)
Achievement Award / Feng, Gui Bo (China)

Best Cartoon / Ali Miraee (Iran)
Best Cartoon / Musa Gumus (Turkey)
Best Cartoon / Emad Salehi (Iran)
Best Cartoon / Askin Ayrancioglu (Turkey)
Best Cartoon / Marco Ramos (U.S.A)
Best Cartoon / Li, Shen Hong (China)
Best Cartoon / Nenad Ostojic (Croatia)
Best Cartoon / Hou, Xiao Qiang (China)
Best Cartoon / Musa Keklik (Turkey)
Best Cartoon / Grzegorz Sobczak (Poland)
Best Cartoon / Graziella Malvasi (Italy)
Best Cartoon / Zhu, Zi Zun (China)
Best Cartoon / Carlo Sterpone (Italy)
Best Cartoon / Emad Abdelmaksud (Egypt)
Best Cartoon / Damir Novak (Croatia)
Best Cartoon / Ilya Katz (Israel)
Best Cartoon / Dubovsky Alexander (Ukraine)
Best Cartoon / Darko Pavic (Croatia)
Best Cartoon / Shahid Atiqullah (Swiss)
Best Cartoon / Nikola Listes (Croatia)
Best Cartoon / Guibao, Gai (China)
Best Cartoon / Hector Beas (Argentina)
Best Cartoon / Akiyoshi, Sugimoto (Japan)
Best Cartoon / Oleksy Kustovsky (Ukraine)
Best Cartoon / Stephen Mumberson (England)
Best Cartoon / Mahdiye Mousazade Mehrabani (Iran)
Best Cartoon / Radko Oketic (Slovenia)
Best Cartoon / Slobodan Butin (Croatia)
Best Cartoon / Patrick Heymans (Belgium)
Best Cartoon / Anatoly Radln (Russia)
Best Cartoon / Zdenko Puhin (Croatia)
Best Cartoon / Erdogan Basol (Turkey)
Best Cartoon / Bernard Bouton (France)
Best Cartoon / Goran Celicanin (Serbia)
Best Cartoon / Juichi Matsushima (Japan)
Best Cartoon / Blaze Dokuleski (Macedonia)
Best Cartoon / Valery Momot (Ukraine)
Best Cartoon / Eival Einstein (Brazil)
Best Cartoon / Masafumi, Kikuchi (Japan)
Best Cartoon / Nedeljko Ubovic (Serbia)
Best Cartoon / Kemal Ozyurt (Turkey)
Best Cartoon / Huey Nguyenhuu (U.S.A)
Best Cartoon / Resad Sultanovic (Bosnia)
Best Cartoon / Semerenko Vladimir (Russia)
Best Cartoon / Milenko Kosanovic (Serbia)
Best Cartoon / Katz Grigori (Israel)
Best Cartoon / Virgilio Pibague (Colombia)
Best Cartoon / Hong, Xue (China)
Best Cartoon / Marziyeh Khanizade Abyane (Iran)
Best Cartoon / Farouk Mousa (Egypt)
Best Cartoon / Zordan Daniele (Italy)
Best Cartoon / Elena Ospina (Colombia)
Best Cartoon / Mehdi Afradi (Iran)
Best Cartoon / Juli Sanchis Aguado (Spain)
Best Cartoon / Louis Pol (Australia)
Best Cartoon / Didie Sri Widiyanto (Indonesia)
Best Cartoon / Bozo Stefanovic (Bosnia)
Best Cartoon / Roberto S.C. Rodriguez (Cuba)
Best Cartoon / Agim Sulaj (Italy)
Best Cartoon / Bulent Okutan (Turkey)
Best Cartoon / Bozidar Vukelic-Boba (Croatia)
Best Cartoon / Mirsaid Gaziyev (Uzbekistan)
Best Cartoon / Sinchinov Evgeniy (Russia)
Best Cartoon / Stawomir Makal (Poland)
Best Cartoon / Mojmir Mihatov (Croatia)
Best Cartoon / Mihai Victor Eugen - Vem (Romania)
Best Cartoon / Musa Kayra (Cyprus)
Best Cartoon / Enn Ehala (Estonia)
Best Cartoon / Li, Jing Shan (China)
Best Cartoon / Amatoliy Stankulov (Bulgaria)
Best Cartoon / Chiorean Cornel Marin (Romania)
Best Cartoon / Mozhdeh Malek Oghli (Iran)
Best Cartoon / Shinji, Iwamoto (Japan)
Best Cartoon / Zhang, Ya Ming (China)
Best Cartoon / Josef Prchal (Spain)
Best Cartoon / Yousef Alimohammadi (Iran)
Best Cartoon / Ali Tehrantpour (Iran)
Best Cartoon / Nasim Sayaddokht (Iran)
Best Cartoon / Daniel Eduardo Varela (Argentina)
Best Cartoon / Pierpaolo Perazzolli Edyperazz (Italy)

H.M / Natasa Rasovic Bodis (Croatia)
H.M / Durga Pavankumar Pothabathula (India)
H.M / Natasa Rasovic Bodis (Croatia)
H.M / Myat Ko Ko (Myanmar)
H.M / Jaksa Vlahovic (Serbia)
H.M / Hao, Yan Peng (China)
H.M / Victor Crudu (Moldova)
H.M / Hazem Nassar (U.S.A)
H.M / Rodrigo De Matos (Macau)
H.M / Jugoslav Vlahovic (Serbia)
H.M / Azuka Nwokocha (Nigeria)
H.M / Nur Rokhim (Indonesia)
H.M / Marochin (Indonesia)
H.M / Jayarathna Wickramasingha (Srilanka)
H.M / Ika W. Burhan (Indonesia)
H.M / Ali Salehi (Iran)
H.M / Luc Descheemakr (Belgium)
H.M / Jorge A. C. Fernandez (Cuba)
H.M / Agoes Jumianto (Indonesia)
H.M / Suratno (Indonesia)
H.M / Saeideh Falahatdoost (Iran)
H.M / Fina Binazir (Indonesia)
H.M / Norbert Van Yperzeele (Belgium)
H.M / Luka Lagator (Montenegro)
H.M / Sogand Seydjoo (Iran)
H.M / Vasokycmar (Serbia)
H.M / Evelyn De Paz Samayoa (Guatemala)
H.M / Raed Khalil (Belgium)
H.M / Nazanin Fazeli (Iran)
H.M / Fotos Thimodeas (Greece)
H.M / Partono (Indonesia)
H.M / Armin Ganjdeh (Iran)
H.M / Gerald Peigneux (France)
H.M / Amir Reza (Iran)
H.M / Cedomil Miskovic (Croatia)
H.M / Gema Samudra Sutrisno (Indonesia)
H.M / Gai Yu (China)
H.M / Alexey Mikhaylusev (Russia)
H.M / Filip Karan (Serbia)
H.M / Muzaffar Begmatov (Uzbekistan)
H.M / Borislav Hegedusic (Croatia)
H.M / Si Thu Swe (Myanmar)
H.M / Fakhredin Dost Mohamad (Iran)
H.M / Khoiril Mawahib (Indonesia)
H.M / Severin Sikanja (Serbia)
H.M / Tsocho Peev (Bulgaria)
H.M / David Evzen (Czech)
H.M / Yarzarthazi (Myanmar)
H.M / Mahmonir Babazadeh Zarei (Iran)
H.M / Marina Gorelova (Belarus)
H.M / Jin Xiao Xing (China)
H.M / Henryk Cebula (Poland)
H.M / Aung Thein Htke (Myanmar)
H.M / Husan M. Sodiqov (Uzbekistan)
H.M / Soe Thura Tun (Myanmar)
H.M / Norberto Rodolfo Vecchio (Argentina)
H.M / Satria (Indonesia)
H.M / Mykola Kapusta (Ukraina)
H.M / Cai, Wai Dong (China)
H.M / Raquel Orzuj (Uruguay)
H.M / Grigoris Georgiou (Greece)
H.M / Jsmail Kely (Czech)
H.M / Misaila A. Septimiu (Romania)
H.M / Ngai Oo (Myanmar)
H.M / Zidarov Veselin (Bulgaria)
H.M / Lupu Marian (Romania)
H.M / Zhang, Sheng Bo (China)
H.M / Michal Graczyk (Poland)
H.M / Lee, Ki Myung (Korea)
H.M / Mwangi Cyrus Kinyanjui (Kenya)
H.M / Ismet Lokman (Turkey)
H.M / Michael Mayevsky (Ukraine)
H.M / Kaung Zaw Htet (Myanmar)
H.M / Kim, Hee Jin (Korea)
H.M / Junko Whyte (Ireland)
H.M / Kaan Saatci (Turkey)
H.M / Mark Winter (England)
H.M / Koundouros Nicolas (Greece)
H.M / Ferhat Demirbas (Turkey)
H.M / Konstanin Chkhirov (Russia)
H.M / Corden Dulk (Netherlands)
H.M / Budi Hari Pujiono (Indonesia)
H.M / Lazo Sredanovic - Dikan (Montenegro)
H.M / Jordan Pop Iliev (Macedonia)
H.M / Seon, Hyun Ji (Korea)
H.M / Norman B. Isaac (Philippines)
H.M / Serafim Bakoulis (Greece)
H.M / Lim, Byeong Ju (Korea)
H.M / Norman B. Isaac (Philippines)
H.M / Mete Agaoglu (Turkey)
H.M / Farid Amur Sardari (Iran)
H.M / Judith Huntado (Ecuador)
H.M / Lim, Ji Won (Korea)
H.M / Choi, Won Jun (Korea)
H.M / Kim,Geun Hee (Korea)
H.M / Park, Seong Jun (Korea)
H.M / Jeong, U Jun (Korea)

S.P / Zlatko Krstevski (Macedonia)
S.P / Furkat Usmanov (Uzbekistan)
S.P / Park, Vin A (Korea)
S.P / Kang, Seong Bin (Korea)
S.P / Kim, Yang Su (Korea)
S.P / Kim, Heung Soo (Korea)
S.P / Kim, Ji Su (Korea)
S.P / Park, Seon Young (Korea)
S.P / Jang, Hyeon Ji (Korea)
S.P / Choi, Jeong Hwan (Korea)
S.P / Kim, Yu Jin (Korea)
S.P / Choi, Yu Jeong (Korea)
S.P / Won, Jong Hyuck (Korea)
S.P / Lee, Jin Young (Korea)
S.P / Kim, Young Sun (Korea)

Student Grand Prize / Moon, Su Bin (Korea), 17y
Student Gold Prize / Park, Ji Hye (Korea), 17y
Student Silver Prize / Nam, Ju Eun (Korea), 17y
Student Bronze Prize / Lee, Eun Seo (Korea), 14y
Student Bronze Prize / Shin, Seon Ho (Korea), 10y

Student S.P / Sin A Leum (Korea), 15y
Student S.P / Ji, Soo Yeon (Korea), 13y
Student S.P / An, Hyo Kyeong (Korea), 17y
Student S.P / Kim, Hyun Yung (Korea), 17y
Student S.P / Lim, Seung Yeon (Korea), 17y
Student S.P / Lee, Jae In (Korea), 17y
Student S.P / An, Su Hyun (Korea), 17y
Student S.P / Lee, Yu Cheol (Korea), 17y
Student S.P / Jeong, Jae Hee (Korea), 17y
Student S.P / Shin, Ye Lim (Korea), 17y

Student H.M / Lee, Chae Eun (Korea), 15y
Student H.M / Kang Ye Lim (Korea), 15y
Student H.M / Park, Hyun Jin (Korea), 14y
Student H.M / Choi, Byeong Hyun (Korea), 17y
Student H.M / Jo, Seung Tek (Korea), 17y
Student H.M / Han, Jae Guan (Korea), 15y
Student H.M / Park, Seo Hee (Korea), 15y
Student H.M / Jung, Seo Jun (Korea), 15y
Student H.M / Ju, Young Ju (Korea), 17y
Student H.M / Yang, Hee Seo (Korea), 17y
Student H.M / Yang, Hwa Eun (Korea), 17y
Student H.M / Kim, Han Hee (Korea), 17y
Student H.M / Shin, Young Su (Korea), 17y
Student H.M / Yun, Yi Na (Korea), 17y.


The 6th International Cartoon Gathering, Cairo 2019, Egypt

The Ministry of Culture in Egypt, in cooperation with Egyptian Caricature Association organizes, The 6th International Cartoon Gathering.
Eligible Participants:
• Opened to all artists from all over the world above 18 years of age.
1- The Culture (Book - Cinema - Theater ...).
2- Caricature (Naguib Mahfouz).
Technical Criteria:
• All artworks to be prepared at 300 dpi.
• Size A3 (297mmx420mm) in JPG format.
• Entries: Max. 5 cartoons.
• Submitted works can be in color or black and white, in any style or technique.
• Submitted works must not violate copyright laws.
• By virtue of submitting an entry, the entrant certifies the work as his own and permit the organizers have full right to reproduce all or a part of the entered material free of charge for publication and/or display in media related to the exhibition.
• Send your cartoons and your CV (Name - Address - Phone number - Email address) via the following e-mail address:
• Deadline: 1st April 2019
• Opening Ceremony: 7th July 2019
• All participants whose works will be exhibited will receive a digital catalogue and a digital certificate of participation.
For more details please visit:
Or contact us at:
The President of the Gathering: Gomaa Farahat
The Coordinator of the Gathering: Fawzy Morsy.


'Bankartoons' exhibition by H. S. Vishwanath in Bangalore, India

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am happy to inform you that IIC is organising 'BANKARTOONS' an exhibition of cartoons on Banking by Mr. H.S.Vishwanath on 1st December 2018 at the cartoon gallery.
Please find the invitation for the same.
Thanking you.
Managing Trustee,
Indian Institute of Cartoonists,
#1, Midford House, Midford Gardens,
Off M.G.Road, Bangalore-560001
Ph:080-41758540, Mobile:9980091428


2nd Cebu Lampoon Festival 2019, Philippines, with theme: Human Rights

International Cartoon Exhibition
Cebu City, Philippines
Organized by:
Yoyoy Satiristang Bisaya
In partnership with:
Campo Santo Design Studio (print & design)
Cartoon Home Network International (social media)
The Quill - official student publication of Southwestern University (student category host)
The venues of exhibition will be announced on the 20th of January 2019.
Upholding Human Rights is our Advocacy. So join us with our mission to promote human rights information through Cartoons.
For more updates of this event, like and follow our facebook page.
Use the hashtags #CartoonsOnHumanRights #2ndCebuLampoonFest to keep updated.


International Cartoon Festival Franzensbad 2019, Czechia

International Cartoon Festival Franzensbad 2019, Czechia
Compulsory Subject: HEALTH CARE
1- We accept cartoons only on the topic you entered
2- Total number of cartoons per author: at least 3 pieces, maximum 5 pieces
3- A cartoon must not have won an appraisal at previous competitions
4- Cartoons without words are not a requirement, but they have an advantage
5- Cartoons should only be sent electronically to:
6- Deadline April 30th, 2019
7- The technical parameters should be as follows: at least 300 DPI; JPG, PNG or PDF format
8- By sending their cartoons, the author agrees with the following:
a) The organizer can use the cartoons for the promotional purposes of this International Festival of Cartoons
b) The cartoons will be used in the humorous magazine, Tapír
Award Winning Works:
1. Prize money: Winner 15.000 CZK
2. Runner-up 10.000 CZK
3. Second runner-up 5.000 CZK.
Source: zlatytapir.


6th KalDer Bursa International Cartoon Contest 2019, Turkey

6th KalDer Bursa International Cartoon Contest
The Caricature Contest will be held with collaboration of KalDer Bursa Branch Office and Anadolu Karikaturculer Dernegi (Anatolian Caricaturists Society) for the 6th time within the 17th Quality and Success Symposium which is going to take place in Bursa between 12th – 13th of April 2019.
1. Topic of the Contest: "THE FUTURE IS IN OUR HANDS"
Immanuel Kant, one of the important figures of philosophy, has voiced in the 18th century that “People should use their own minds now.” Nowadays, we understand that “People should use the minds of machines.”
The amazing developments in science and technology have changed human life, which was primitive up to a few centuries ago, quickly. Thousands of people who have different lifestyle made an effort to adapt to these changes. Societies have experienced various management systems in the course of time. Countries set up the order to exploit other countries. Asymmetric income distribution occurred. Modern slavery and consumer labor force began to destroy world resources.
Within this context, the questions we encounter;
What will happen to people in the future if life goes like this?
How will the future of the person who has difficulty accepting rapid changes be created?
How do we make “human” the winner of all time?
How will we criticize today to solve the human problems?
In line with this context, we organize our competition with the subject "THE FUTURE IS IN OUR HANDS"
2. Last date for application: 16 January 2019, Wednesday.
3. The contest is receptive internationally for all amateur and professional caricaturists.
4. Application: Limited with three (3) caricatures, may be e-mailed to in 300 dpi jpg format.
5. The caricatures can be published, yet should not be awarded in another competition. The caricatures will be published at social media account between 21.01.2019 - 31.01.2019 for detection of plagiarism and resemblance. Objections will not be considered after these dates.
6. Competing caricatures may be printed and used in KalDer organisations (posters, books, albums, postcards, brochures, invitations, exhibitions, etc.) and published in internet environment. One of the artworks may be used as the main visual of the 17th Quality and Success Symposium which will be held in Bursa between 12th to 13th of April 2019. All remaining publication rights belongs to the author. Competitors are considered to have an agreement in these conditions.
7. Prizes:
• 1st Place 3.500 TL and Plaque
• 2nd Place 2.000 TL and Plaque
• 3rd Place 1.000 TL and Plaque
• Three Honorable Mention Plaques
• Anatolian Caricaturists Society Special Award (Plaque).
Explanation: Reward money and plaques will be sent to respective winners in March 2019. Reward money will be paid according to exchange rates of the date of payment in USD for international artists.
8. Results will be announced at social media account on 09 February 2019, Saturday.
- Ahmet Aykanat (Turkey) Cartoonist
- Mehmet Kahraman (Turkey) Cartoonist
- Cuneyt Şenyavas (Turkey) Cartoonist
- Mehmet Zeber (Turkey) Cartoonist
- Halit Kurtulmus (Turkey) Cartoonist
- Agim Sulaj (Italy) Cartoonist
- Vladimir Kazanevsky (Ukraine) Cartoonist
- Erdal Elbay (Turkey) KalDer Bursa
- Aykan Kurkur (Turkey) KalDer Bursa
- Arzu Ozel (Turkey) KalDer Bursa
Person in Charge of Organisation:
Arzu Ozel
E-mail Adress for the works to be sent:
Contact Information:
Phone: +90224 241 60 10
KalDer Bursa (Turkiye Kalite Derneği Bursa Branch Office)
Yuzuncu Yil Mah. 416. Sok. No:2/1 Nilufer / Bursa / Turkey.


The World Humour Festival, Calarasi 2018, Romania: The Dictatorship of Money

Regulation of The World Humour Festival
1. After the success that put the festival in the world network of caricature festivals, gaining 4 stars, the Calarasi Festival - one of the biggest of its kind in Eastern Europe, explosively develops by 2013. Starting with this edition, it became The World Humour Festival from Calarasi, with 4 categories.
2. Categories:
a. CARICATURE - theme "The Dictatorship of Money"
b. PORTRAIT CARICATURE - worldwide known faces should be immortalized, this category holds the International Trophy "Stefan Banica".
c. DIGITAL HUMOUR - any type of digital artwork following the theme.
d. PHOTOGRAPHY- hilarious instants.
THE GRAND PRIZE - each artwork is automatically signed up for it regardless of the category.
3. There is an unlimited number of artworks that can be sent. The artworks have to be authentic, accompanied by the sign up form and an autobiography.
4. The size of the artworks should be A3 or A4, JPG format with the minimum side of 1600 pixels or scanned at 300 dpi resolution.
5. Deadline: 26 NOVEMBER 2018
6. Prizes:
Portrait Caricature: 
"Stefan Banica" Trophy - 300 USD
Digital Humour: 
Photography - 300 USD
Special prizes - offered by partners and sponsors for all categories.
Depending on the number of participants from all categories and the quality of the artworks, the jury reserves its right to forward the prize amounts.
7. The artworks should be sent at:
8. Further info: Tel/ Fax: 0040242-315383;
9. The artworks will be added to the Humor Museum of Calarasi and its collection.
(Competition e-mail address updated 08.11.2018 11:15.)


Theme for the 22nd Euro-kartoenale 2019, Belgium: The Wall

In 2019 it will be 30 years since the Berlin Wall fell. Today we see that border barriers are still erected all over the world. This inspired us to the theme for this 22nd edition of the Euro-kartoenale Kruishoutem: The Wall - in all its forms (habitation, border walls, climbing wall, fortification...).
Important dates:
Deadline: 11 January 2019
Jury meeting: 25 January 2019
Opening and prize giving ceremony: April 2019
1. The number of entries is limited to 5.
Any kind of graphical technique will be accepted. The works may not have been exhibited, published or awarded before. The drawings shall not bear subtitles.
2. You can send your works in two ways:
- Register and upload your cartoons on our website
- Send them by regular post to the following new address: Euro-kartoenale - Réné d'Huyvetterstraat 5C - 9770 Kruishoutem - Belgium - Europe
On our website you can check the list of participants to see if you works have arrived. The entry list is updated daily.
3. The drawings shall have the following dimensions: A4 – 300 dpi, maximum 3MB for digital works.
4. The drawings sent by post must bear, on the reverse side, the surname, forename and address of the participant.
5. By participating, the artist agrees with this rules and the privacy disclaimer and authorize the organizers to publish the submitted works in the catalogue and for the promotion of the exhibition. For any other use of the cartoons the permission of the cartoonist is previously requested.
6. The following prizes are awarded:
1st prize: € 1.800,00 + trophy
2nd prize: € 1.500,00 + trophy
3rd prize: € 1.300,00 + trophy
Best European cartoon: € 900,00
Best Belgian cartoon: € 900,00
Prize of the ECC: Personal exhibition in the ECC.
On the occasion of the prize-giving ceremony, all the winners are invited for a stay of 3 days in Kruishoutem.
7. On request the participants get a free catalogue. However, the postage costs are for their own account. They can also collect the catalogue at the European Cartoon Center.
8. By participating the artist lends the submitted works to the organizers for itinerant exhibitions. Consequently, the selected works will remain at the disposal of the organizers until December 2020! The awarded works will become property of the organization.
9. The original entries will only be sent back by the organizers on written request. The organization can in no way be held responsible for eventually damaged or lost works.
10. If after announcement of the prizes, it appears that plagiarism has been committed, the jury can after deliberation withdraw the prize.
11. The international jury of cartoon professionals will meet in Kruishoutem on the 25th of January 2019. The complete list of jury members will be announced on our website after the expiry of the deadline.
13. The inauguration and prize-giving ceremony will take place in April 2019. The exhibition will run from April till June 2019.
Source: ecc-kruishoutem.