

The III International Salon of Graphic Humor of Pernambuco 2018, Brazil

Regulation of the III International Salon of Graphic Humor of Pernambuco 2018
The III International Salon of Graphic Humor of Pernambuco (III SIHG-PE) has as its general theme THE LITERARY WORLD, inspired by the following phrase of Jorge Luís Borges: "It becomes great for what one reads and not for what one writes." The focus will therefore be on encouraging reading as the greatest treasure of people. Thus, the theme of the exhibition and award will be Writers - in the category CARICATURE; Literature - in the CARTOON category; and Adaptation of Stories, Tales and Novels of the Universal Public Domain Literature - in the category COMIC STORIES/COMIC STRIPS.
a) The graphic artists in general, amateurs or professionals, of Brazilian or foreign nationality may compete.
b) Each competitor may submit up to two (2) works in each category: cartoons, caricature and comic stories/comic strips, as long as they have not been awarded until the date of submission of the work to the III SIHG-PE. Comics should contain a maximum of 4 pages, in A3 format, vertical. Jobs that exceed the number of pages allowed will be automatically declassified.
c) By entering this contest, the candidate is aware that he / she is solely responsible for the veracity of the data and authorship of the submitted works, responding civilly and criminally if it is proven, during or after the contest, the falsity of the data or authorship works submitted.
d) Works of the comic stories/comic strips category will only be accepted based on authors in the public domain. Each participant must make sure of this condition to avoid having their work disqualified if the public domain concerning the chosen work is not confirmed.
e) The persons directly associated with the organization, the award committee and the production of the III SIHG-PE, in addition to their respective relatives up to the second degree, are excluded from participation in the contest.
a) Application forms will be available at
b) Registration can only be made exclusively via the website or by e-mail available on the site.
c) The participant must complete a registration form for each category, attaching the related works.
d) The works must be sent in the format A3 (297 mm x 420 mm), horizontal (cartoon) or vertical (cartoons, caricature and comic stories/comic strips) in JPEG, with resolution of 300 DPI - maximum 5 MB.
e) The organization is not responsible for registration or work not received due to technical reasons of computers, congestion, failure of communication lines, as well as any other factor that makes it impossible to successfully send via the event website.
f) The homologation of the registrations will be announced through a confirmation e-mail.
g) The registration will imply the acceptance of this regulation, in all its terms, including the compliance of the final result of the contest and the items referring to the destination and use of the drawings.
a) The works will go through a pre-selection and the selected ones will be exposed in the III SIHG-PE showcase. The complete list of the chosen ones will also be published on the website
b) The authors of the selected works will assign the copyright to the III SIHG for the use of the hall for the purpose of disclosure during the event and the dissemination of the next salons. The winning works may be used on a permanent basis for the promotion of this and the next editions of SIHG-PE. In both cases, the possibility of charging for the use of the works is excluded, in view of the selection and award criteria described in this regulation.
a) The works will be received from May 13, 2018 until midnight on August 12, 2018.
b) The selection of works will take place in August 2018.
c) The trial of the works will occur on October 28, 2018.
d) The awards will take place during the opening ceremony of III SIHG on October 30.
e) The exhibition of the winning and selected works takes place from October 30, 2018 to December 9, 2018, at Caixa Cultural, Marco Zero, Bairro do Recife (Recife-PE).
a) For the selection and award of the works, criteria of creativity, originality and relevance to the proposed theme will be obeyed, in an evaluation that will be the responsibility of the judging committee, whose decisions must be accepted by the participants, with no possibility of challenge.
b) The works sent to the SIHG will pass through two juries: one of selection and one of awards. The first, made up of professionals trained in the area of graphic humor, will select around 120 (one hundred and twenty) works that will compose the exhibition and the catalog. Among these, those awarded by the awards committee will be chosen.
c) Of the works selected, the first and second places of each category will be awarded.
d) The panel of judges may select up to two works in each category to receive Honorable Mention, which does not include cash prizes.
e) Any omissions of this Regulation shall be settled by the jury.
a) The following prizes will be awarded to the selected category:
CARTUM | literature
1st place ................................ R $ 5.000,00 and trophy;
2nd place ................................ R $ 3.000,00 and trophy;
Honorable Mention ................. Certificate.
CARICATURA | writers
1st place ................................ R $ 5.000,00 and trophy;
2nd place ................................ R $ 3.000,00 and trophy;
Honorable Mention ................. Certificate.
COMIC STORIES/COMIC STRIPS | adaptation of the public domain
1st place ................................ R $ 8.000,00 and trophy;
2nd place ................................ R $ 4.000,00 and trophy;
Honorable Mention ................. Certificate.
b) In total, R$ 28,000.00 (twenty-eight thousand reais) in prizes will be awarded.
c) All those selected for the exhibition will have their works published in the III SIHG catalog.
d) The release of the winners will be held on October 30, 2018, when the opening of the exhibition, at 7:00 pm, and the site of the event. Winners will be informed via telegram and / or call and / or e-mail of their prize.
e) The value of the award will be delivered within 40 days after its disclosure via deposit in bank account or via international transfer in the name of the holder.
f) The value of the prize is subject to the legal tax in force at the time of its assignment.
g) To receive the prize value, it is mandatory to hold a bank account in your origin country.
Samuca Andrade - Organizer of SIHG - PE
Clériston Andrade - Coordinator of SIHG - PE.
Source: sihg.

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