

1st LIBEX Competition 2018 : Imagination and power in the digital age

2nd Exhibition & 1st LIBEX Competition 2018
"Imagination and power in the digital age"
The Euro-Mediterranean Center LIBREXPRESSION – Foundation Giuseppe di Vagno, located in Conversano (BA), on the occasion of the 14th edition of its Festival LectorInFabula - from 13 to 16 September 2018 - organizes an exhibition of 54 selected satirical cartoons selected on the basis of a competition.
The cartoons must illustrate one of the themes developed during the Festival under the general title "Imagination and power in the digital age". (See the description of the festival theme and various sub-themes in annex).
1- The competition is open to press cartoonists without a nationality condition;
2- The participation form must be completed in its entirety and signed. The cartoons sent without a complete form will not be taken into consideration;
3- Each cartoonist can send a maximum of 3 cartoons;
4- The vignettes must be sent in high definition (at least 2 Mo), in .jpg or .png format ;
5- The cartoons must be in color;
6- The cartoons may not have been produced specifically for this exhibition / competition;
7- The cartoons sent must not have already been awarded in other competitions;
8- The cartoons without text will be privileged for the choice;
9- If the cartoon contains a text, the text must be translated in Italian by the author. Vignettes with text not translated in italian will not be considered eligible for the competition;
10- In the first phase, a high-level jury composed of journalists and cartoonists will select 54 vignettes for the exhibition;
11- In the second phase, the jury will nominate the 3 best cartoons and 10 with mention, among the 54 already selected.
- The cartoons must be sent by June 15, 2018
- The cartoons must be sent only by e-mail or via We transfer, to
Awards and rewards:
* First prize: € 500.00
* Second prize: € 300.00
* Third prize: € 200.00
- The first three vignettes will also be reproduced in the form of a 50x70 cm poster.
- All the cartoonists selected for the exhibition will receive a catalog and 5 copies of the poster will be sent to the three winners.
- The 54 vignettes selected for the exhibition will also be published in the form of a postcard. Each selected cartoonist will receive 10 copies of the postcards with the reproduction of his own sticker.
Other conditions:
- The organizers reserve the right to reproduce and / or publish the cartoons received as part of this exhibition / competition (even those not selected for the exhibition) without the obligation of recognition of compensation to the author but will clearly indicate the copyright of the author.
The exhibition will be presented in the Major Cloister of the San Benedetto Monastery - home of the Giuseppe di Vagno Foundation - in Conversano, province of Bari- Italy, as from September 13, 2018 and will remain open to the public for at least a month.
The cartoons of the exhibition will be published in a four-color catalog.
Participation form:
The participation form can be downloaded at the following address: / ......
Presidente: Thierry Vissol, direttore del Centro LIBREXPRESSION
- Cristiana Castellotti, capo redattrice RAI radio3
- Piero Ricci, presidente Ordine dei Giornalisti di Puglia
- Gianpaolo Accardo, Direttore di
- Marco De Angelis, vignettista
- Fabio Magnasciutti, vignettista (membro del Comitato scientifico di Librexpression).

The exhibition aims to illustrate in a satirical way the LectorInFabula 2018 festival on the theme "Imagination and power in the digital age"
The general theme of the Festival
In a particular way, we will try to understand today, what has become our society starting from the relationship between Power and Imagination and the consequences of a series of revolutions that have shaken the western world starting from the Sixties socio-cultural revolution, when the individual has been placed at the center of politics in order to arrive at the great changes related to communication and mobility, determined by new technologies and by the diffusion of internet.
The information society (and the imagination?) in particular has created unprecedented scenarios with respect to social, political, economic and cultural issues. The advent of the twenty-first century brings with it new challenges, completely revolting the geography of international relations and with it the associated paradigms, thus putting into discussion assumptions that were considered, until recently, unchangeable.
Thus, the globalization of the flows of people and goods, environmental problems, transnational market agreements, the pervasiveness of communications, produce continuous transformations while the gaps and inequalities in the world are increasingly widening. While, everything that happens, suddenly becomes social fact only in function of the echo and the consensus expressed through the "likes" that it is able to produce.
All this should lead us to a rethinking of our way of life. Starting from the concept of Power, also seen as the individual ability to make the best choices, through three key words: knowledge, awareness and responsibility.
And to understand what role to entrust to the imagination, to our ability to look beyond, to remember to better orient ourselves, to elaborate concepts to solve problems, to link memory to the present, in the need to imagine and build our future.
Specific themes
1) The digital man
- artificial intelligence
- human and humanoid
- industry 4.0
- digital natives and digital migrants
- do androids dream of electric sheeps?
2) Power without imagination
- the dictatorships and the "egoarchi" (Trump, Putin, Kim, Erdogan ...)
- invisible powers (finance, markets, criminality ..)
- populisms and nationalisms
- fascists and xenophobes
- the bureaucracy
3) Imagination in power: sustainable Utopias
- equality
- peace
- environment
- Welfare
- migrations
4) Far web: a new vocabulary
- hate speech
- fake news
- selfie
- fashion blogger
- influencer
- follower
5) (Super) Powers and (others) Imaginary
- heroes and superheroes
- women
- artists and culture
- the children's gaze
- the madmen and the dreamers.
More on .

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