

International Cartoon Exhibition on Media Literacy 2018, Indonesia

International Cartoon Exhibition on Media Literacy 2018
Not all television shows or radio broadcasts present educational information. The information tends to be packaged according to industry interests. In fact, not infrequently the television and radio media are used for the benefit of a particular group or person. There are many also present violent impressions, ethnic offensive, religion race and intergroup (SARA), and many others who connotes negatively.
Actually, in Indonesia Law no. 32/2002 on Broadcasting in mandated, that the content of the broadcast should contain information, education, entertainment, and benefits for the establishment of intellectuality, character, morals, progress, nation power, maintaining unity and unity, and practicing Indonesian religious and cultural values.
To encourage the realization of healthy broadcasts, it needs to involve a community to control the content of the broadcast. As a form of campaign, the Regional Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPID) of Central Java, Indonesia will hold an International Cartoon Exhibition on Media Literacy. The exhibition is also to commemorate the 85th National Day of Broadcasting (Harsiarnas) in Central Java, Indonesia.
The committee invites cartoonists around the world to participate in this exhibition.
THEME: "Wisely/Being Wise Choosing Television and Radio Broadcasts"
DEADLINE: May 2nd, 2018
EXHIBITION: May 6th, 2018
1. This cartoon exhibition can be followed by cartoonists from all over the world.
2. Free technique.
3. Please send your cartoon to:
4. File size / format: minimum size: 1 MB; maximum size:15 MB; file format: JPG; Resolution: 300 dpi; Color mode: RGB. The work must be safe and good to be printed on A3 paper.
5. Every cartoonist is entitled to submit maximum work: 5 (five) cartoons.
6. Cartoons are the cartoonists original idea.
8. Participants will get certificates.
7. The copyright of the work of the contest remains in each cartoonist.
8. The exhibition committee is entitled to use the work received for the purposes of publication, branding and others that are still relevant to the exhibition.
5 best works will get “KPID AWARD” certificate and each gift 1.000.000 IDR
1. Abdulloh Ibnu Thalhah (Cartoonist, Art Lecturer UIN Walisongo Semarang)
2. Bernard Policarpio Fabro (Cartoonist, Founder of Yoyoy – Satiristang Bisaya, Philippines)
3. Budi Setyo Purnomo (Chairman of KPID Jawa Tengah)
4. M Rofiuddin (Commissioner of KPID Jawa Tengah)
5. Abdul Arif (Chairman of Gold Pencil Indonesia).

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