

6th Niels Bugge Cartoon Award 2018, Viborg - Denmark

6th Niels Bugge Cartoon Award 2018, Viborg - Denmark
Theme explanation: Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence is coming. I don’t mean computers playing chess or go against human beings… and winning. No, I mean machines, manufactured by humankind, thinking, inventing, creating and perhaps, in the future, feeling and suffering.
Science fiction literature and movies from the 20th and 21st centuries have developed the concept of robots, clones, androids at the service of humans. Robots, clones and androids that suddenly start thinking, and even thinking for themselves, and then, possibly, rebel and fight against us - their creators, their masters, their gods.
The US writer Philip K. Dick, author of the novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (Blade Runner on the screens, as well as Total Recall and The Adjustment Bureau), was one of the most amazing visionaries concerning artificial intelligence.
Steven Spielberg, with his movie A. I. Artificial Intelligence (following an idea of Stanley Kubrik), also went quite far away on the very deep philosophical question of the android, a perfect charming child, who wishes to become human.
But, for the moment, this is not our present. Our present is for instance the industrial robotics which is already invading our factories, and the housework robots which will soon occupy our homes and doing all our domestic chores. That means less jobs for working people outside and less work for us inside. So, surely more free time for all of us inside but perhaps also less freedom and social autonomy outside.
And then, one thing led to another, shall we have robotic soldiers to make war someday and android sex toys to make love... instead of us.
In short, dear cartoonists from all over the world, with our 2018 theme Artificial Intelligence, all the possibilities are opened for you to express, thanks to your natural intelligence, your most terrific and free artistic creativity about this very important subject concerning our present and future as living social species on Earth.
Carlos Brito
For the jury of the 6th Niels Bugges Cartoon Award 2018

Conditions and rules:
Initially, each participant can submit up to 3 entries in digital format by sending them before March 15th, 2018 via internet (Upload) to the following address:
together with the digital entry form with the informations about the author. Size for the first round: A4 Format, 300dpi, 2480x3508 pixel (approximately), Max. 5 MB each file.
The cartoons received after the deadline will be rejected.
Out of these submissions, the jury will make a selection of 100-120 drawings. Only the selected artists will be asked to send the original work by post. All these works will be shown at the exhibition.
The works can be made in black & white or color, with any drawing technique, we accept only wordless cartoons, without subtitles. The submitted work should not have been awarded before the deadline of this contest.
Cartoon works will be appreciated by the International Jury.
The award winners selected by the jury will be personally informed via e-mail. The final decisions of the jury are incontestable.
The Prizes are :
1st Prize : 3.000 €, Gold plate and diploma
2nd Prize : 2.000 €, Silver plate and diploma
3rd Prize : 1.000 €, Bronze plate and diploma
The selected participants give the organizers permission to use their drawings only for promoting the artist and the event itself. Every other aspect of the copyright remains with the artist (except for the awarded submissions). It ensures that the awarded works can no longer be submitted in other contests or published by their authors or third parties after the official publication of the results. The drawings that were awarded one of the prizes will become property of the organizer. The exhibition and the award ceremony will take place in late May 2018.
By taking part in this contest the participants accept the above mentioned rules.
Contact for further information: .
Also on facebook.
(Source and uploading page updated 25.01.2018 17:30).

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