

Results of Caneva Ride Contest 2017, Premio Toni Zampol, Italy: In Vino Veritas?

Caneva Ride Contest 2017, Premio Toni Zampol, Italy
Theme: In Vino Veritas?
We report that upon the reporting of a large number of people and participants, after appropriate verifications the work that was the winner of Canza Ride 2017 "In Wine Veritas" by Behzad Ghafarizadeh Canada can not be admitted to the competition because it does not respect the regulation as work already winner of another competition and therefore not unpublished.
For this reason, the ranking of the winners is modified as follows:
First ranked: Bruno Hamzagic
- Bruno Hamzagic, the brilliant vignettist, has remarkably effective use of color, with a genial combination of technology connectors and natural shadows that make us laugh at taste. The design is also very effective, framing two subjects, certainly not on the cover, but from which a genuine beauty comes out. The aspect that struck the sticker in question is the ability in the synthesis of these elements to reproduce a situation that is contemporary but at the same time ancient, atavistic, and Dionysian. Use the Wine - Fi text to close and complete the image. Connected!
Second Classified: Konstantin Kazanchev
- Second, but not least noteworthy, is the design by the artist Konstantin Kazanchev that surprises us with a definite theme and solution: our consciousness. Well-made, the illustration suggests the theme of wine as a possible pacifying element of conflicts, difficult decisions, and moral issues to which we all, for good and for evil, have daily to do. To enrich the concept of the man's profile we can perceive is a man with important decisions, with his gut and 'wide' shoulders. Prosit!
The third prize is not awarded. (Source: facebook).
Selected Artists:
1. Bruno Hamzagic Brazil (primo)
2. Konstantin Kazanchev Ukraine (secondo)
3. Seyran Caferli Azerbaijan
4. luc descheemaeker Belgium
5. Paulo Sergio Brazil
6. Rafael Corrêa Brazil
7. Rodrigo Serra Brum Machado Brazil
8. Jovcho Savov Bulgaria
9. Lyubomir Mihaylov Bulgaria
10. Bilig (bi li ge) China
11. Slobodan Butir Croatia
12. Roberto Castillo Rodriguez Cuba
13. Sergey Sichenko Israel
14. Angelo Campaner Italy
15. Coan Italy
16. Davide Bassi Italy
17. Gianni Barro Italy
18. Irina Selivanova Italy
19. Marco Gavagnin Italy
20. Roberto Feletto Italy
21. Selivanov Andrey Italy
22. Sergio Tessarolo Italy
23. Dariusz Dabrowski Poland
24. Jacek Majcherkiewicz Poland
25. Evžen David Repubblica Czechia
26. Aurel Stefan Alexandrescu Romania
27. Doru Axinte Romania
28. Julian Radu Romania
29. Liviu Stanila Romania
30. Ivan Anchoukov Russia
31. Maxim Smagin Russia
32. Zlatkovsky Mikhail Russia
33. Goran Celicanin Serbia
34. Mileta Miloradovic Serbia
35. Zoran Mihailović Serbia
36. Cenk Alparslan Turkey
37. Hilal Özcan Turkey
38. Menekse Çam Turkey
39. Konstantin Kazanchev Ukraine
40. Oleksy Kustovsky Ukraine
41. Makhmud Eshonqulov Uzbekistan.
(Source: facebook.)

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