

Results of the 2nd International Contest Animal Cartoon 2017 theme "Pets", Serbia

Two First prizes:
Cemalettin Guzeloglu TURKEY (Top)
Muhamed Djerlek Max SRBIJA
Two Second prizes:
Lazo Sredanović MONTENEGRO
Goran Ćeličanin SRBIJA
Two Third prizes:
Marcelo Ferreira BRASIL
Tsocho Peev BULGARIA
Danja Doroški SRBIJA
Guibao Gai CHINA
Manuel Arriaga SPAIN
Zoran Tovirac SRBIJA
Klaus Pitter AUSTRIA
Vladimir Nenashev RUSSIA
Prof. dr Špiro Radulović (cartoonist, Srbija), jury president
Nenad Ostojić (cartoonist, Croatia)
Tošo Borković (cartoonist, Srbija)
Prof. Jugoslav Vlahović (cartoonist, Srbija)
Jovo Škomac (cartoonist, Srbija).
See all prize-winning cartoons on source.


Winners of 2nd International Cartoon Contest, Kolasin 2017, Montenegro

208 artists from 46 countries around the world participated at the competition, which includes 618 works.
Once preselection being made, we chose 102 best authors with 306 works. The jury started selecting the best 60 works. Works were viewed via a video projector. The best 60 works were printed on A3 format after which the final selection of the top 20 works was made. The works that received four votes from the jury declared the winner. Out of the top ten, the jury selected by secret voting the top three: first, second and third prize. Seven authors have won diplomas.
The FIRST PRIZE, which consists of a trophy, a T-shirt with his work and 300 euros, won: PAOLO DALPONTE, Italia
SECOND PRIZE: A diploma, a T-shirt and the amount of 200 euros, won: SNEZANA ČOMOR, Serbia
THIRD PRIZE: A diploma, a T-shirt and 100 euros, won: ERAY OZBEK, Turkey.
Those who won diplomas are following: Silvano Mello, Brazil; Vahyu Kokkang, Indonesia; Raul Alfonso, Colombia; Peter Klaus, Austria; Mirko Zulic, Montenego; Armen Hamonangan, Indonesia; and Hicabi Demirci, Turkey.
Opening ceremony and exhibition of the best works will be held on July 1st, 2017, in the premise of the culture centre in Kolasin. The festival shall be open by His Excellency, Ambassador of Norway, Arne Bjornstad Sanes, June, 18, 2017, in Kolasin.


International Comics Festival Salon Stripa 2017, Serbia

SKC Happy Gallery
Kralja Milana 48
11000 Belgrade
Propositions and rules:
Participants are not age-limited
HIGH QUALITY COPIES ONLY, up to 4 pages, will be accepted. Works have to be sent via post office (e-mails excluded). Along with their work, participants are also required to send a filled APPLICATION FORM for the International Comics Festival Contest 2017 that can be downloaded HERE.
Required language: English
Submitted entries can be previously published
Theme, style, technique and genre are free-choice
Page numbers should be written on the back of each page
Submitted entries will be reviewed for official awards, sponsors' prizes and the festival exhibition.
Awards & Prizes:
Grand prix of the Festival (includes 1000 €)
Awards for the best traditional style comic, the best alternative comic, the best script and the best graphicsSpecial jury award for inventiveness
Awards in the category up to 15 years of age: Young Lion special award (the best entry in the category), Special jury award for the best idea, Special jury award for maturity and imagination
Special jury award for the youngest author
Sponsors’ prizes
Additional information:


11th International Fair Play Cartoon Contest 2017, Turkey

Fair Play Commission of the Turkish Olympic Committee announces the 11th International Fair Play Cartoon Contest 2017 open.
THEME: Fair Play
1. The competition is open to all amateur and professional cartoonists.
2. The cartoons will be original production of the artist, revealing his/her own approach. Cartoons sent may be of the ones previously published but previously awarded cartoons are not allowed to submit.
3. Technique: Coloured or black and white. The cartoons will not be drawn by pencil but will be painted by pilot type or similar paint according to printing technique. Marker will not be used.
4. All cartoons must be 25x35 cm maximum.
5. Electronic versions suitable for printing in 200 dpi and jpg format will be accepted.
6. Participants are required to put signatures on their drawings. Participants must write in capital letters their names, surnames, address, e-mail, country and telephone number behind their drawings.
7. The cartoons must be sent to the following address, no later than 07 September 2017
11th International Fair Play Cartoon Contest
Türkiye Milli Olimpiyat Komitesi Fair Play Komisyonu
Ataköy 34158 / Istanbul – Turkey
Application via e-mail:
8. Whether awarded or not, selected cartoons will be published in an album. Cartoonists whose drawings published in this album will be sent a copy of the album.
9. TOC Fair Play Commission reserves the right to reproduce the cartoons. By participating in this event, caricaturists agree that all submitted cartoons can be used in exhibitions throughout Turkey and abroad.
10. Regardless of award-winning or taking place in the album, all the cartoons submitted for selection will not be returned.
11. All the cartoonists participated in the competition are implied to agree on the conditions and regulations of the competition.
First Prize: 1.000$ + Plaque
Second Prize: 500$+ Plaque
Third Prize: 250$+ Plaque
Fourth Prize: 100$+ Plaque
6 Merit Plaques for 6 cartoonists (determined by the jury)
* Erdoğan Arıpınar (Turkish Olympic Committee (TOC) senior member, Vice President of the European Fair Play Movement (EFPM), International Fair Play Committee (CIFP) member)
* Prof.Dr. Bilge Donuk (Vice Chairman of the TOC Fair Play Commission)
* Murat F. Özbay (Member of the TOC Fair Play Commission)
* Teoman Güray (Member of the TOC Fair Play Commission, World Fair Play Cartoon Exhibition Manager)
* Cartoonists: Muhittin Köroğlu, Ahmed Öztürk Levent, Nühsal Işın, Şevket Yalaz, Mesut Yavuz.
Source: TMOK.


International Cartoon Exhibition Ymittos 2017: Make our day, make us laugh with your pen

International Cartoon Exhibition Ymittos 2017, Greece
Within a situation of gloomy, economic and social hardship. The faces of the people around us are dour. We decided to ask the cartoonist to make our day, make us laugh with their pen. It is a relationship of solidarity that attempts to resist the prevailing climate and bring laughter.
Subject: Make our day, make us laugh with your pen
Submission Deadline: July 25th 2017.
More on facebook.
Subject to cartoon and sketch:
Make our day, make us laugh with your pen
The Caricature and Cartoon Exhibition will be held
October 21 - November 4
Events Hall Municipal Community Hymettus
To organize events which will include lectures, performances
and various artistic and other events.
• The drawings must be black and white or in color.
• Each participant may present up to 3 drawings (size A3).
• Resolution must be at least 300 dpi.
• It would be preferable that the drawings should not contain any text or comments. In case they do, the English or Greek language should definitely be included.
• The use of collage is prohibited.
• The drawings must be sent via e-mail.
• The drawings that the Artistic Committee will judge that have been copied from other cartoonists’ works will be disqualified.
The drawings should not have been exhibited before.
• The drawings should not have offensive content.
• A short CV, the e-mail address, Skype account (if available), and the postal address of each participant is required.
• All participating drawings may be exhibited in a touring exhibition in Greece or abroad.
The drawings should not have been published previously.
• Drawings that do not correspond to above requirements will not be accepted, and the Cartoonist will be informed by e-mail
• They will be exhibited to 200 drawings to be evaluated by the Jury Committee.
• The prizes will be decided by the Jury Committee.
• Eminent experts from the world of Letters and Arts will make up the Committee.
• The drawings may be used in the advertising campaign of the exhibition. On no account should drawings or copies be sold. Commercial exploitation of part or the whole exhibition is prohibited.
• Participating artists will not receive any kind of payment for their participation.
• Copyright of the exhibition belongs to the organizers.
Participants will receive a digital catalogue of the exhibition.
• Participation in the exhibition implies full acceptance of all the above terms.
The Jury Committee members
Peter Nieuwendijk President Federation of Cartoonists Organisation, Holland Cartoonist
Bernard Βouton Vice-President Federation of Cartoonists Organisation, French Cartoonist
Leila Alaiy Teacher of Art, Cartoonist, Tabriz/Iran
Marianna Psylla Professor, President of Dept of Communication, Media & Culture Panteion University
Alexandros Loukissas Teacher of Art, Painter, Greece
Yiannis Kaltsas Coordinator of Ο.C.
Submission Deadline: July 25th
The drawings should be sent to the following e-mail address:
1st Prize
5 days accommodation (nights) at Delphi Palace Hotel (4*) Delphi
Sponsor Iniohos Kaltsis SA
2nd Prize
3 days accommodation (nights) at Delphi Palace Hotel (4*) Delphi
Sponsor Iniohos Kaltsis SA
3rd Prize
Album of works by expressionist Painter George Bouzianis
(in English or Greek language) edition of the Benaki Museum
4th Prize
Book or CD
5th Prize
Book or CD
Visitor’s award
Book or CD
They also awarded 10 Praises.
All participants whose works will be exhibited will receive a Digital Certificate of Participation.
The Organizing Committee.


Silence is the theme in the International cartoon competition Brain Sneezing 2017, Slovakia

PRERAG, association
announces the international cartoon competition
Brain Sneezing - from kalokagathia to hypochondria and back
Topic 2017: SILENCE
Brain Sneezing & Cartoons Therapy
Deadline: 15th August 2017 (EXTENDED:) 08 September 2017
Competition terms:
Each author can send maximum 5 original works.
The competition is open to everybody and is not restricted in terms of artistic design methods.
The format of works should not exceed the A4 dimension.
The competition is non-anonymous.
The works can be sent either online, by filling the electronic application form, or via regular mail, with each work signed on the reverse with the author´s name and their address.
The rewarded works will become the property of the organiser.
The results will be announced on the 15th September 2017 and the winners will be awarded the following prizes:
1st prize: 500.00 EUR
2nd prize: 300.00 EUR
3rd prize: 200.00 EUR
The competition Jury reserves the right to grant other special prizes or not to grant some of the prizes.
The organisers will accept all the works that will be delivered online at the web address.
The organisers reserve the right to publish selected works in promotional materials and to re-install the exhibition. The catalogue will be sent to each competitor whose works will be published in the catalogue.
The authors agree that their works become the property of the organisers at no charge, that copies of their works might be made and used in re-installing the exhibition in other venues and that their works might be published free of charge in order to promote the exhibition.
The international competition and exhibition "Brain Sneezing - from kalokagathia to hypochondria and back" is financially supported by the International Visegrad Fund.
Address :
Dubová 5
080 01 Prešov
Also on facebook.