

Theme in Caneva Ride Contest 2017, Premio Toni Zampol, Italy: In Vino Veritas?

In order to resume the ability to smile on ourselves, our vices and our everyday life and invite us to a break of lightness, the Association Pro Castello di Caneva proposes the fourth edition of the Caneva Ride Contest! Open to designers around the world.
The theme of 2017 edition: In Vino Veritas? In wine there is truth? Does wine or alcoholic beverages generally help to be more sincere? Under the livelihood we are less liars? Does a glass pull the other one? Pencil your judgment. The award was born to celebrate the memory of Toni Zampol, who for many years veiled the vices and virtues of Caneva and its inhabitants with his pencil.
THEME: In Vino Veritas?
DEADLINE: 30 June 2017
EXHIBITION 15 July 2017
Pro Castello di Caneva promotes the international award Caneva Ride! (Caneva Laughs!) for humoristic sketches and satirical costume about the theme In vino Veritas? In wine there is truth?
The award is open to all cartoonists of the world from 16 years old. Participants can apply individually or in groups (in case of several authors, the referent for all communications with the award’s promoters shall be indicated)..
Up to three unpublished works, realized by any technique, color or black and white, which haven’t been awarded in other prizes. The maximum format shall be A4 (21 X 29.7 cm).
Works shall be submitted within 24:00 of 30 June 2017 at the address, as a .jpg, .tiff or .pdf file with resolution of 300 dpi, and report all personal data (first name, surname, complete address, phone number, in case of minors the name of one parent authorizing the participation). Every single file shall not exceed 5 MB. If more than one single work is submitted, then send each by single mail.
5 - JURY
Manuel de Carli, Cartoonist - President of the Jury; Pietro Francesco Manfè, Pro Castello - Caneva; Vicenzo Bottecchia, Cultural Comics Operator; Giancarlo Rupolo, Photographer.
FIRST PRIZE euro 600,00
SECOND PRIZE euro 250,00
THIRD PRIZE euro 150,00.
The jury reserves the right to report other works, which shall not receive any money prize. The authors, by participating the competition, agree with the non-exclusive right to reproduce the works on any support for promotional purposes of Pro Loco Castello, without any claims of copyright.
Opening of the exhibition and prize giving will be held Sunday 15th July 2017 during Castello in Festa 2017.
Source: canevaride.
Also on facebook.

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