

IV Tragaluz International Illustration Award 2017, Colombia

IV Tragaluz International Illustration Award
Rules for participation
This competition is open to illustrators from all countries who meet the following criteria: adult participants who submit illustrations that are unpublished and have not been submitted to other competitions recently.
The artists will keep ownership of their works. In case of winning the award, they will sign a contract for seven million Colombian pesos (COP 7,000,000) to create the illustrations for a book that Tragaluz will publish.
For this version of the award, we are asking illustrators to choose a fragment of a book they have always dreamed to illustrate. The text can be of any genre, and can be by a dead or a living author from any nationality. The selected fragment must not exceed one page (one page from the chosen book) or a text with 2,000 characters including spaces, in Spanish or English. Based on the chosen fragment —whose source must be cited—, the participant should make an illustration and send us a digital copy to
The submission message should include the contestant’s personal data (full name, age, ID number, nationality) attaching the selected fragment and the illustration. The fragment must be a separate file (either DOC or PDF). The attached illustration must be a high-quality JPG image file (100% – RGB). It can be either horizontal or vertical in direction, and must not exceed five megabytes and 150 dpi.
Tragaluz will choose one single winner. A contract will be signed with the winner to be the illustrator in one of the books published by us in 2018. The contract is equivalent to COP 7.000.000 (seven million Colombian pesos). If the winner is a foreigner, this amount will be converted to dollars according to the exchange rate of the day of the transaction.
This amount will be paid in two instalments: 50% in advance at the time of signing the contract, and the remainder 50% at the time of publication of the book. The wire transfer costs will be on the winner.
Tragaluz Editorial Board will make the decision on the winning submission. This call for submissions can be considered void if no illustration meets the expected quality.
Illustrations can be submitted starting June 1 and no later than August 15, 2017. The results will be published on Tragaluz’s website and social networks (Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook) during Fiesta del Libro y la Cultura de MedellĂ­n, September 15, 2017.
More on website: tragaluzeditores.

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