

25th University Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba 2017, Brazil

Universitarian HUMOR Exhibition of PIRACICABA
01- The 25th Universitarian Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba/UNIMEP, organized by the Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba UNIMEP (Methodist University of Piracicaba), will be held in accordance with the following schedule:
Applications until: May 20th, 2017
Art selection: May 29th, 2017
Awards: June 2nd, 2017
02- Only students enrolled in an under-graduate or graduate program, of any University or College acknowledged by its local government, can apply to the Universitarian Humor Exhibition. They must send the Application Form attached to a document that can prove his enrollment in a University or College.
CHARGE: humoristic drawing related to a recent fact
CARTOON: humoristic drawing with no relation with any specific fact
CARICATURE: face reproduction with anatomic distortion, usually from a well-known person.
COMIC STRIP: sequential story in stages/frames.
SPECIAL: thematic category specific to humor artworks that deal with ENVIRONMENTAL / ECOLOGICAL issues.
There is no charge or cost for the application and it can be done in person or by electronic or regular mail.
03- Each participant can apply to as many categories as he or she wishes, with no limit regarding the quantity of works sent. However, THEY MUST BE FROM HIS OWN AUTHORSHIP AND NEVER BEEN PUBLISHED BEFORE. In the cases which these conditions are not followed, the committee will proceed with the cancellation of the application or the annulling of the awards and the mentions received. In addition, the committee may decide to take legal action against the transgressor.
Obs 1: COPIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED (photocopies, photography, heliography) of the artworks.
Obs 2: Artworks made in the computer and printed will be accepted since they follow the rules of authorship and must not have been published before.
Obs 3: Regardless of the number of works sent by the authors (free), there will be a limit for the selection of a maximum of 03 works by each artist in each category.
04- The Artworks sent by email or delivered in person must respect the following observations: 30 x 40 centimeters (12x16 inches), no frames attached, identification in the overleaf containing first and last name, country, telephone, e-mail, the category in which the specific artwork is being submitted and the name of Educational Institute (in clear script). The address is:
Salão Universitário de Humor de Piracicaba/UNIMEP
Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba
A/C: Laboratório de Comunicação
Rodovia do Açúcar, Km 156 - C. Taquaral
Caixa Postal 68 - CEP: 13400-911 Piracicaba/SP/Brasil
Telefone: 55 (19) 3124-1611
05- Copies of the Application Form will be accepted if they are perfectly readable.
06- The Artworks sent by e-mail to must be formatted in JPEG, 300 dpi, limit file size: 3MB. Other procedures for sending an electronic file can be found at The set of artworks must be attached to the completed Application Form, in addition to the image of the DOCUMENT CONFIRMING that the student has regular academic link (or finished the course in the last two years)
07- The applications will be valid if, besides the observation of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th items, are received by the Organizational Committee until May 20th, 2017. For the application by mail, the date of postage will be considered.
08- All valid Artworks applied, according to the 7th item, will be submitted, to a pre-selection process, and only these will be eligible for the awards.
Obs 1: All applied Artworks can be reproduced by UNIMEP with the purpose of promoting the Universitarian Humor Exhibition.
09- Many awards in cash will be granted, in total R$ 6.000,00 (six thousand reais), divided into:
Four (04) awards in cash of R$ 1.000,00 (one thousand reais) each, indicated by the Award Jury among the selected artworks (regardless category).
One (01) special/thematic Award, entitled Meio Ambiente/Centro Cultural Martha Watts-Unimed, in the value of R$ 1.000,00 (one thousand Reais), given to the best artwork that deals with ENVIRONMENTAL/ECOLOGICAL issues.
One (01) special award entitled Prof. Almir de Souza Maia, in the value of $1.000,00 (one thousand reais), among the SELECTED artworks, defined by voting via INTERNET from the indication of the artists themselves/Selected authors in that edition.
Obs 1: Other awards and mentions can be created by the Organizational Committee.
Obs 2: CASH Prizes will only be deposited in Current Account (Individual) in the NAME OF ARTIST WINNER, who shall inform all data of that bank account to the Organizing Committee, after requested.
10- The selection of the Artworks to be presented in the Exhibition and the selection of the winners will be conducted, respectively, by the Selection Jury and the Award Jury. Members of the Jury are people with acknowledgeable talent in the area.
11- The awarded Artworks in conformity with items 9 and 10, will be considered property of the Methodist University of Piracicaba. The ownership, utilization rights and any other rights over the Artwork will pertain to UNIMEP and Centro cultural Martha Watts-Unimed, that maintains to itself the right to use it as wanted.
12- The non awarded Artworks can be withdrawn by the authors in person or by written permission to a third party in the period from August 24th to October 30th, 2017 in the same location mentioned in item 04. The Artworks can also be returned by mail; for that the author must send a written request authorizing the mailing of the work, which will be paid by the recipient.
13- The Organizational Committee and the Methodist University of Piracicaba are not responsible for eventual damage or loss of the artworks sent by mail or internet.
14- The formalization of the application will indicate that the participant is in accordance with this regulation.
15- Problems not foreseen by this regulation will be solved by the Organizational Committee and Rectory of UNIMEP.
Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba - Unimep
A/C Laboratório de Comunicação
Rodovia do Açucar Km 156 Campus Taquaral; Caixa Postal 68
CEP 13400-911 Piracicaba-SP. Tel. (19) 3124-1611.
Application Form on source.

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