

International Cartoon Competition on Environmental Protection 2016, China

2016 International Cartoon Competition on Environmental Protection
Competition Rules
1. Theme:Innovation & Sustainable Development
Focus on the theme of the competition, though contributions relating to environment protection are also accepted.
2. Participants
1) Students group of those from China and oversea universities,
2) Social group of professional and armature cartoonists
3. Schedule:
Submissions will be accepted beginning November 15, 2016
The deadline for entries is December 20, 2016
Notice: Since the deadline is set upon the receipt of the works, it is suggested to have the works delivered as early as possible.
4. Prize
Student group:
First Prize [1 competitor]: RMB 5,000 (pre-tax) and certification
Second Prize [2 competitors]: RMB 3,000 (pre-tax) and certification
Third Prize [3 competitors]: RMB 1,000 (pre-tax) and certification
Excellent Prize: [50 competitors]: souvenir and certification
Top-over-List Prize: souvenir
Notice: Top-over-list Prize is awarded to the top on the voting rank on the official website.
Social group:
First Prize [1 competitor]: RMB 6,000 (pre-tax) and certification
Second Prize [2 competitors]: RMB 4,000 (pre-tax) and certification
Third Prize [3 competitors]: RMB 2,000 (pre-tax) and certification
Excellent Prize: [50 competitors]: souvenir and certification
5. Organizers
China Daily, United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF), China Environmental Protection Foundation(CEPF), China Journalistic Caricature Society, China Daily Website, 21st Century, Newscartoon, World Environment.
6. Requirements
1) There is no limitation of numbers of participant’s submission.
2) Paper submissions should not be smaller than 210 mm x 297 mm. Please print the title, participant’s name, college name, address and other contact information on the back of each submission.
3) If you submit your contribution via email, please follow the resolutions: - 300 dpi (file size no bigger than 2MB) - JPG - RGB - Longest side of the file should be under 1000 pixels
4) Criteria for paper submissions: title of the work, participant’s name, and the name of the college or university he or she attends are required, author’s pen name is optional.
Caption of email contribution should be in .TXT format and include the title of the work, participant’s name, institute participant attends, address, and telephone number.
7. Submission Format
1) Register on the competition webpage, fill in your real information and upload your submission.
2) Email your submissions to:
3) Mail submissions to the address found below. Please write “Cartoon Contest” on the envelope.
8. Online Entry Form
All participants need to register for the competition by completing an entry form. Fill out the form as accurately and truthfully as possible. Photocopies are acceptable. Click to download here.
10. Contact Us
Address: Newscartoon, 6/F, B3 Tower, Ziguang Building, No.11 Huixin Dongjie, Chaoyang District,Beijing 100029, P.R. China
Tel: 86-10-8488 3652 86-10-8488 3507
10. Additional Key Points
1) No fees needed for the competition
2) Cartoons and illustrations must be submitted
3) Winning contributions will be displayed on News Cartoon
4) Monthly champions are selected according to the number of votes and views the submission receives.
5) The result will be publicized on News Cartoon, as well as other newspapers or websites.
11. The Jury
1) The jury is made up of famous cartoonists, university professors and experts of environment-protection.
2) The jury will maintain an objective, fair and just principles of the entries submitted for judging and voting, and recommended the winners.
3) The winner will be announced in January 2017.
12 Copyrights
1) The organizers reserve the right to refuse entries they consider morally, politically or religiously offensive, as well as work that is considered in violation of the acknowledged moral standards.
2) If a contribution has any intellectual property rights or copyright dispute, the organizer holds the right to revoke the participant’s eligibility to participate in the competition. Participants are solely liable for any consequence that may arise from submitting work to the competition. The participant must be the owner of all rights on the work submitted and it is the responsibility of the participant to ensure that his or her contributions to the competition do not generate any copyright or other intellectual property rights dispute.
3) News Cartoon reserves the right to use the contributions for presentation and media use.
4) Organizers and participants share the copyrights of the contributions; the organizers of the event have the right to display and distribute the works of the contestants.
5) By submitting a contribution to the competition, the participant is agreeing to accept all of the rules.


Invitation: XIX PortoCartoon-World Festival 2017, Portugal

Dear cartoonist friends,
Unhook the humor to make the world better!
Make tourism, helping us to know everything we should not do. And many of us do not want to know. Make sustainable tourism, with your unsustainable humor!
If your humor is caustic and your pencils are pointing to the wounds of the world, all the universe should watch out. Nothing will be left out. Not even the 'sustainable tourism for development'!
In the field of caricature, two great figures call for the exercise of beauty distortion.
Picasso began himself by caricaturing the world of extremely cubic shape; Guterres, with his ups and downs in politics, reaches the top of world diplomacy as a ‘long-distance runner’. Both are a pertinent pretext for a razor-sharp demonstration of the most universal language (after or before the music?).
To participate in this nineteenth edition of PortoCartoon-World Festival is to give the world a precious jewel: an opportunity to laugh and to think.
Porto, 22.11.2016
Luiz Humberto Marcos,
PortoCartoon-World Festival
Museu Nacional da Imprensa
Estrada Nacional 108, nº 206
4300- 316 Porto
Tel.: +351 22 530 49 66
Regulation in languages here .


The 11th Tehran International Cartoon Biennial 2017, Iran

The 11th Tehran International Cartoon Biennial 2017, Iran
Sections and Subjects:
Thematic Cartoon: Safety and Security
Cartoon : Free
Caricature: World Famous People (Actors, Athletes, Politicians ,...)
- Each Participant can send maximum 5 artworks to each section.
- Send artworks must not won a prize before.
- Send artworks must not published in catalogs of this biennial before
- Original artworks must be send by mail post
- Digital artworks must be send with png or jpg format, 300 dpi resolution and 2000 pixel width or length
- Minimum size of original artworks must be A4 and maximum A3
- Name, full name, phone number, email and post address must be written at the back of original artworks.
- Must send (full name, post address, email address, phone number, photo and CV) in word file
- Catalog will be send for the artists that their artworks has been published in the catalog
Grand Prize: (Thematic section) 8000$ with Trophy and Honorable Mention
First Prizes in each section: 2000$ with Trophy and Honorable Mention
Second Prize in each section: 1500$ with Trophy and Honorable Mention
Third Prize in each section:1000$ with Trophy and Honorable Mention
Deadline: 20th April 2017 (EXTENDED:) 21 MAY 2017 (EXTENDED AGAIN:) 30 JUNE 2017
Mail address:
Iranian house of cartoon, No 44, after Ahmadi Roshan(ketabi) square, west Golnabi st., Shariati st., Tehran, Iran
Email address for sending digital artworks:
Tel: + 98 21 22 86 86 00
Fax: + 98 21 22 84 69 28
Source: resistart.
First blogged 26.11.2016 23:20.

Regulation of XX International Biennial of Graphic Humor, Cuba 2017

The circle of comic artists and cartoonists of The Cuban Journalists Union and the San Antonio de los Baños Humor Museum, call for the XX International Biennial of Graphic Humor, Cuba 2017, which will take place from April 2nd to April 5th, 2017 co-sponsored by the Artemisa Province Culture Direction.
The participation in the contest is open to all graphic artists. They can compete with free theme sending original artwork or digitally processed (printed and signed by the author) with a maximum format of 30 x 40 cm. It is possible to compete in:
-General Humor
-Political Satire
-Humor comic
-Humor Photography
-"Tomy" Online Award of political humor (in memory of the caricaturist Tomas Rodriguez Zayas) that in this occasion will focus on "Perspectives from the South" (300dpi JPG)
Each author can send one work by each category, besides Tomy Online Award.
In the reverse of the original on paper or cardboard, participants should specify the following information about the author:
-Full name and artistic signature
-Personal Address
-Phone number
The same personal information must accompany the message of the works sent by e-mail for the Tomy Online Award, specified from the subject and the email address:
The works made on paper or cardboard, conveniently packaged will be received until January 31st, 2017 at:
Unión de Periodistas de Cuba (Upec)
XX Bienal Internacional de Humorismo Gráfico
Calle 23 no. 452, Vedado, Cuba. CP 10 400
Teléfonos: (53) 7832- 37 22/ (53) 7832-45 59 ext. 116
About Jury
The admission jury will select the works presented for the contest that will be exhibited at the XX International Exhibition of Graphic Humor from San Antonio de los Baños.
The international jury is integrated by prestigious persons from the graphic humor will award the prizes whose decision will be final.
About Prizes
-Eduardo Abela Prize, the greatest award of the contest in honor of the outstanding Cuban caricaturist (1889-1965) consisting of a diploma and 1000 cuc.
-1st, 2nd and 3rd Prizes in each category and whatever mentions the jury considers consisting of Diplomas.
-Online Tomy Prize consisting of a diploma and a reproduction of Tomy´s work.
As a tradition several cultural and social Cuban institutions join the contest and present collateral prizes.
Source: raedcartoon.


2017 Philosopher Wang Yangming Caricature & Ancient China Int. Competition & Exhibition

2017 Philosopher Wang Yangming Caricature &
Ancient China in the Eyes of Artists
International Competition & Exhibition
2017 Philosopher Wang Yangming Caricature & Ancient China in the Eyes of Artists International Competition & Exhibition is an open competition. The objects of the competition are Cartoon, drawings, graphics and other works of fine arts created by artists.
1. Philosopher Wang Yangming Caricature
2. Ancient China in the Eyes of Artists
Both themes are required to submit without limitation of quantities.
WORKS AWARDED IN OTHER COMPETITIONS Can be included in the competition.
1. Maximum A3 (297 x 420 mm). Works should be sent or delivered(original scripts are preferred)by February 25, 2017 (date of the postmark), packed in a protective cover to: Organizing Committee of “Philosopher Wang Yangming Caricature & Ancient China in the Eyes of Artists” 2017 International Exhibition.
2.Participants can also send electronic edition( JEPG, 300dpi) to
1. Works for the competition will be qualified by the international Jury.
2. The Jury will award the following prizes + Diplomas for each winner.
3. Jury has the right of final distribution of the statutory prizes, change of their amount, or non-awarding them. Jury's decisions are final.
4. The competition results will be announced after the final selection in March, 2017 at web site: .
Awards and Prizes
Grand Prix (1) 1500 USD
Gold Medal (2)1000 USD
Silver Medal (4) 800 USD
Bronze Medal (6)600 USD
Special Prize (30) 300 USD
1. Participation in the competition is free of charge.
2. Organizers reserve the right to include the submitted works in the Gallery and publishing.
3. The submitted art works would be promoted on the internet and media.
4. Works should be accompanied by their author's photo or caricature, a short biographical note and a filled application form linked on the website & below also (PLEASE USE CAPITALS).
Participants' Privileges
1. Authors of work qualified to the exhibition are given a presentation copy of the catalogue.
2. Works sent to the exhibitions will be exhibited in the country and abroad after the main exhibition.
3. Organizers plan to award the author of the best Debut and will organize her/his individual author’s exhibition at Gallery included in 2017 program as well.
4. Participants wish to participate in the exhibition and in the catalog only, they may send a print copy, or by e-mail (JEPG, 300 dpi)
Final Provisions
1. Organizers reserve the right to use the sent works for advertising purposes without any special fees paid to the authors: to be exhibited and reproduced in a variety of advertising materials, as well as printed and circulated in catalogues.
2. The prize-winning works become the property of the organizers and will be included in the collection of the gallery.
3. The exhibition organizers are the finial judges in interpretation of the regulations.
4. Sending her/his work the artist agrees to the mentioned above rules and regulations and agrees to the publishing of the author's profile in the post-exhibition album.
Contact Information
E-mail address:
Mailing address: 2801 Suite, No.7 Building, Tianchang Yuan Media
Village, Beiyuan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100107 CHINA
Tel: 0086-10- 84827182
Fax: 0086-10- 84827182
(Organizers are not responsible for transport damages.)
1. Deadline for works reception February 25, 2017 (date of the postmark)
2. Final Jury Meeting in April , 2017
3. Exhibition in April,2017
Philosopher Wang Yangming Profile
Wang Yangming is one of the most influential philosophers in the Confucian tradition. He is best known for his theory of the unity of knowledge and action. A capable and principled administrator and military official, he was exiled from 1507 to 1510 in Guizhou, Southwest part of China for his protest against political corruption. It was during this period of exile that he developed his contribution to what has become known as Neo-Confucianism (“Learning of the Way”). With Neo-Confucianism in general, Wang Yangming’s thought can be best understood as an attempt to propose personal morality as the main way to social well-being. Wang’s legacy in Neo-Confucian tradition and Confucian philosophy as a whole is his claim that the fundamental root of social problems lies in the fact that one fails to gain a genuine understanding of one’s self and its relation to the world, and thus fails to live up to what one could be.
In order to memorialize this great Neo-Confucian philosopher and inherit his idea at home and abroad, it is our honor to coordinate the Confucian Academy to hold 2017 Philosopher Wang Yangming Caricature & Ancient China in the Eyes of Artists International Competition & Exhibition after successfully launching 2015 Confucius Caricature & China in the Eyes of Artists International Competition. Most welcome you to submit your caricatures of Philosopher Wang Yangming & Ancient China with thanks.


1st Global Caricature Festival on Safe Community 2017, Iran

The 1st Global Caricature Festival on Safe Community 2017, Iran
Simultaneously with the international conference on safe community, Mashhad 2017, the first global caricature festival will be held. The following topics are covered in the festival:
1- Safety and urban transportation
Making sidewalks safe
Making urban streets safe
Clean and safe transportation
Vehicle Safety and Standards
Traffic rules and safe community
2- Health, hygiene, and safe community
Trauma care
Providing health services for prevention and control of health disorders
Safe community and mental health
Nutrition and safe community
3- Safety in public places and urban environments
The promotion of safety in environment with an emphasis on innovative approaches (especially in schools, places of worship, etc.)
The role of ergonomics and environmental health in creating a safe community
4- Safety and municipal services
The role of municipal services in creating a safe city
Environment and safe community
5- Safety in urban design and urbanization
Townscape, visual comfort, and mental health
Planning and urban design indicators which are effective in the promotion of citizen’s safety
The role of urban lighting and safety lighting design in the safety of the city
Making the municipal utilities safe in order to prevent accidents
6- Information technology (IT), communications, smartization, and safe community
The use of IT and communication technology in detecting, recording and analyzing events data
Smartization and safe community
The role of IT, communications, smartization, and safe community
7- The culture of citizenship and safe community
Citizenship education and its role in safe community
Safe culture and citizens’ role in the promotion of safety in the community
Citizenship rights and safe community
Religious teachings and safe community
8- Safety risk management
The indicators of urban disaster risk management
Urban risk prevention strategies
Primary and secondary risks posed by climate change in cities
The specific topic of the festival: what will the future cities look like?
The conditions of participations:
The artists should send their personal data forms and artworks to the festival secretariat email
The artworks, awarded in other festivals or competitions, are not accepted and they will be rejected in the judgment stage
The organizers of the contest are allowed to use all the artworks for advertising the safe community issues
The file should be in JPG format, 2000 pixel, and 300DPI
The artworks entered the exhibition will be published in a festival book, and the artists creating those artworks will receive a copy of the book
Festival prizes:
The first winner: 1500 $, trophy, and honorable Mention
The second winner: 1000 $, trophy, and honorable Mention
The third winner: 750 $, trophy, and honorable Mention
Special prize:
Three awards (each costs 10 million Rails) will be presented to the three artists
The festival & exhibition date: 6-8 March, 2017
Artwork submission deadline: 23 February, 2017
Telephone and fax: 00985138412321
Secretariat address: Safe Community Conference Office, Charsoogh1, Art Center, Koohsangi Park, Mashhad, Iran.
Submission Registration Form on source: safe2017.


Free theme in the 6th GIN Graphic Humor Contest 2016, Spain

6th GIN Graphic Humor Contest
The Gin Foundation and the Quevedo Institute of Humor of the FGUA convene the 6th GIN Graphic Humor Contest.
Deadline: December 18, 2016.
You can participate in the competition whoever wants it, both individually and jointly between screenwriter and draftsman.
The works presented must have a humorous intention. The theme is free.
The presentation will be in paper or digital. The work has to be publishable in paper: vignette, strip, comic page ...
Maximum measurement: A4.
For digital format, it should be sent in JPG to 300 dpi.
Works are accepted in any of the official languages ​​of Spain. Those that come from outside Spain and contain text, should be labeled in Spanish.
Each participant can submit a maximum of four proposals. All works submitted must be unpublished.
The deadline for delivery of works is December 18, 2016.
Original, reproductions and digital works are accepted.
The works that will not be returned, will be part of the fund of the Graphic Humor Documentation Center of the Quevedo Institute of Humor of the FGUA.
In the case of originals, the author who wishes may request a certificate of donation.
Submission of physical works:
GIN COMPETITION - Quevedo Institute of Humor (FGUA) Calle Nueva nº 4. 28801 Alcalá de Henares (Madrid)
Sending of digital works: electronic mail or WeTrasfer to the email
Along with the work, the following data must be specified:
Name and surname, telephone number, date of birth, full postal address and e-mail address.
The GIN Graphic Humor Contest consists of 3 prizes, which have the following economic endowment (raw):
1st prize: 600 euros
2nd prize: 400 euros
3rd prize: 200 euros
The winning works will be published on the websites and
The jury of the Graphic Humor Contest GIN will be chosen by the Quevedo Institute of Humor of the FGUA and by Humoristán. The jury reserves the right to declare any of the prizes void or to propose another nominative distribution. The decision of the jury will be made within 2 months after the deadline for submitting the papers. The verdict will be communicated to the winners and published on the websites and
Participation in this contest implies the acceptance of these bases. The organization reserves the right, if necessary, to introduce such modifications as it deems necessary for a better functioning of the contest. The organization is not responsible for the works submitted to the competition.
Date: Tuesday, November 22, 2016
(Translation by GOOGLE).
Source: .


Mobility: 1st Autoszektor Caricature Contest 2017, Hungary

Autószektor Caricature Contest 2017, Hungary
The Motorist Great-Coalition (H-1132 Budapest, Váci street 18.) invites all professional and amateur caricaturists to the „Autószektor Caricature Contest” with the following theme:
Mobility – from cars to bikes, public transport to space travel, from technical sports to having fun
1. All participants must be a natural person over 18.
2. The contest has 1 turn. Each competitor is allowed to participate in the competition with a maximum of 5 caricatures. Entries should not content any text and should be made in A4 format. File details: CYMK, JPG, good quality, the maximum size of the mail is 10 MB.
3. The registration formattached to this contest invitation – must be sent back signed and scanned, together with the caricatures – to the
4. Deadline: 31 January 2017.
5. Awards:
I. 150 000 HUF
II. 100 000 HUF
III. 50 000 HUF
+ Everyone on the podium gets a diploma.
6. By applying, the participants accept that any decision of the jury - in connection with this contest – is final and not appealable.
7. Announcement of results: 2017. 02. 28.
8. A digital catalogue will be made with the submitted caricatures.
9. By filling the registration form, the participant acknowledges that the Motorist Great-Coalition - referring to the competition – can use the submitted creations free, without the purpose of gaining financial benefits. Forms of use:
- Through mediums cooperating with the Motorist Great-Coalition (;;, etc. )
- In digital or printed catalogues
- In the free publication made for the partners of Motorist Great-Coalition, which will not be merchandised
- On exhibitions, or events supported by the Motorist Great-Coalition
- As decoration
Continuous information on facebook &
If you have any question, contact us at!
We wish you good work and a successful participation!
István Knezsik
President of the Motorist Great-Coalition.

5th Autumn Salon of Latin America SOAL 2017, Brazil

After the 4th SOAL’s success (Salão de Outono da America Latina), which welcomed an impressive number of visitors (11500), brasilian and cultural association Salon d’Automne França-Brasil lauches its 5th edition, SOAL 2017 with its traditional partner, Memorial of Latin America Foundation, in Sao Paulo. With more than 2 millions visitors, it has now become one of the most visited cultural centers in South America.
Like the last three years, the SOAL will take place in the well-known Galeria Marta Traba, as from May 4th until June 4th 2017.
Galeria Marta Traba is part of the Memorial da America Latina cultural compound,designed by Oscar Niemeyer, Brasilia’s famous architect.
The international jury, which will select the artists present in our exhibition will be composed of seven members, five of which are already well-known artists.
As in the last two editions, you will apply on following categories: painting, sculpture, photography, grafic arts, art book, video, installation, street art, performance.
You may have access to the Tecnical Rules and fill the SOAL2017 application form online on our website in english version.
Registrations are to be made exclusively online as from November 20th until January 20th 2017.
So, don’t wait until it’s too late to apply.
Welcome to the 5th SOAL-Salão de Outono da America Latina, The Art without Border Salon.
Source in languages.
Also on fb.

18th International Festival of aphorisms and caricature-Strumica 2017, Rep. Macedonia

18th International Festival of aphorisms and caricature-Strumica 2017
C A R N I V A L – E R O T I C A
• In this category each author can participate with maximum of 10 aphorisms, printed in three copies, completed with code and particulars about the author, and set in sealed envelope.
• The authors are allowed to participate with more works, each as group of 10 (ten) aphorisms and marked with particular code.
• In this category, the authors can participate and send 3 caricatures, maximum.
The technique is on their own choice, and dimensions A/4.
• Particulars about the authors should be written at the back side of the work.
Contest due date:
The works will be accepted up to: January 17, 2017, at latest.
• Three main prizes will be awarded: Golden, Silver and Bronze Plaque .
• The Organizer retains the right to award some additional prizes.
• The works are to be send to:
NUCK "Anton Panov"
Blvd. "Goce Delcev" bb
2400 Strumica , R Macedonia
with note: To the Festival of aphorism and Caricature
• The works received ,remain in property of the Organizer and the author, and they have the right to its public presentation, catalogue prepare or other publication.
• The works received in due time will be reviewed and evaluated by competent jury commission.
• The presentation of the works – exhibition and the Reward Ceremony will come to: February 27, 2017.
Contact -Further information
E-mail: .


Similarity: Josip Kovacevic 2007 - Vladimir Stevovic Beluga 2014

Josip Kovacevic Honorable Mention DICACO 2007
Vladimir Stevovic SICACO 2014 catalog / ADV 2015.
(Santa Klaus, Turkey)


International Cartoon Contest Peer650, Belgium : Bruegel in 2017

1. Participation
Anyone aged 18 and over can participate in this international contest. Participants declare that they agree with the terms and conditions of the contest, the rules, and the jury’s decisions. Participation is free.
The deadline is 03-02-2017.
2. Theme: “Bruegel in 2017
Peer will celebrate the 650th anniversary of acquiring city rights in 2017. The year will be filled with festive activities for the residents of Peer and for visitors.
One of Belgium’s most famous painters, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, was supposedly born in Peer (Grote-Brogel). We wonder what Bruegel would think of the world today; as it is in 2017.
3. Submissions
Each participant can submit maximum five entries (colour or black and white). All graphic techniques are allowed. We prefer that participants print out digitally drawn work so that the works can be presented to the jury in sufficiently high quality. The works cannot have been published or exhibited in the past.
Please send your works to the following address:
Stad Peer
Cartoonfewzstival Peer650
Zuidervest 2a
B- 3990 Peer
or via email:
The drawings must measure 210 x 297 mm (A4). Surname and first name of the participant must be mentioned on the back of the drawing.
4. The prizes:
1st prize: €700 + souvenir
2nd prize: €350 + souvenir
3rd prize: €150 + souvenir
All winners will be invited to spend three days (and 2 nights) in Peer for the awards ceremony.
5. Patrimonial rights
By submitting an entry, participants give the organisers the right to use their entries to promote the cartoon festival and the festive year Peer650 (i.e. the catalogue, publicity in the press and on other media, posters, etc.).
6. Catalogue
A catalogue will be published, taking into account budgetary limitations. Selected participants have the right to one copy. Participants will receive a free catalogue upon request. They will have to pay the postal expenses or they can collect the catalogue at the Tourist Reception in Peer.
7. Property
All works become the property of the organisers.
8. Originality of the works
Entrants remain responsible for the originality of their works. Discussions and possible claims related to any form of plagiarism are at the entrant’s expense. If plagiarism is discovered after the prizes have been awarded, the jury can deliberate and decide to revoke the prize.
9. Jury
A professional jury will look at the entries received, make a selection for the exhibition, and select the prize winners.
10. Awards ceremony and exhibition
The opening and awards ceremony will take place on Saturday, 6 May 2017. The exhibition will run from 7 May - 30 July 2017. It will be accessible for free on Wednesday afternoons and during the weekend. Group visits are also possible on other days.
Source: .


Winners in the international cartoon contest Olense Kartoenale 2016, Belgium

The winners of the international cartoon contest Olense Kartoenale 2016 with the theme "Sports: from start to finish" are announced. Amnesty International chose the theme "The right to medical assistance".
A total of 340 cartoonists from 55 countries participated with 1,089 cartoons.
The top prize this year went to Chuntra Tawan from Thailand. The second prize went to the Serbian artist Jovo Skomac. The prize of Amnesty International went to Konstantin Kazanchev from Ukraine. He came personally to receive his award during the award ceremony on Friday, November 11th at the town hall. The 9-year-old Melissa Welsh from Turkey was present with her mother at the ceremony. She was awarded the third prize in the youth category.
Winners in adult category:
1st prize: Chuntra Tawan (Thailand) (Top)
2nd prize: Jovo Skomac (Serbia) (Down)
3rd prize: Heidarpanah Mojtaba (Iran)
4th prize: Mehdi Azizi (Iran)
Prize of Bialogard city: Karolina Gmiterek (Poland)
Winners in youth category:
1st prize: Yuan Yi Lin (China)
2nd prize: Rojina Fetanat (Iran)
3rd prize: Melissa Welsh (Turkey)
4th prize: Nina Khmelyova (Russia)
Exhibition and catalog
The exhibition of the Olen Kartoenale is to view until December 31 in the chamber during the opening hours of the town hall. The winning cartoons and many other entries are also bundled in a beautiful color catalog. This compilation is for sale for 12 euros at the reception of the town hall.
More on & their fb page.
(Translation support by Google).


3rd International Cartoon Contest and Graphic Humor, Noticartun Colombia 2016

1) Open to all professional cartoonists in the world, preferably older (18 years).
Deadline: December 11, 2016.
2) There will be 2 categories Humor and Cartoon graphic physiognomy
A . Physiognomic cartoons ALBERTO URDANETA (no portrait).
Images and information var / www / web / agency / nc / ndetalle / page / 5 / article / building-de- Fine-arts-has-its-historia.htmlcache.html
B. Graphic Humor: PEACE
3) AWARDS (tbc):
1, 2, 3 Position: Diploma Event for email + 3 Honorable Mentions
Graphic Humour
1, 2, 3 Position: Diploma Event for email + 3 Honorable Mentions
"Recognition Cartoon and Graphic Humor Noticartun Colombia"
In addition , a virtual catalog will be designed to house NEWS CARTOON COLOMBIA and ALBUM OF CARTOON COLOMBIAN .
4) Each participant can present in the event a maximum of 1 work subject but can only be awarded in a category and can participate with cartoons in black and white or color.
5) On the JURY:
Comprised of caricaturists and cartoonists renowned professional Argentina, Brazil and Colombia (Coming soon reveal their names).
They may participate with works but only by way of participation and not for awards (equal to the winners of the 2015 version Case) Winners 2014 have no problem participating and hope to award where appropriate. As they can not be considered for award works relatives or people who have work commitments currently.
6) The cartoons will have a maximum size of 30 x 40 cms. JPG, 300 dpi.
7) You can participate with cartoons that have already been published or rewarded previously. The selected works will be online so that if given case someone has a complaint about the originality of the work, the jury and Cartoon News Colombia, select a new job.
8) All drawings submitted must be made from original ideas, either analog (scanned) or digital, no photographs, scanned photocopies, photomontages, etc. will be accepted
9) Participants must send a brief CV in Word, contact details (name, e-mail, web or blog and country of origin of the participant) and a photograph or caricature with his works.
10) Each author owns rights on their work and only authorizes NEWS CARTOON COLOMBIA to expose in this tribute online, without any financial compensation for the parties. Any problems with copyright will be assumed by the participant
11) NEWS CARTOON COLOMBIA reserves the right to display works that understands they can attempt against individual or collective rights.
12) Participation in the contest implies full and unreserved acceptance of these conditions.
13) The work must be sent to:
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Results of the XIV International Cartoon Contest "Independence", theme: "Cosmopolitan"

The result of the XIV International Cartoon Contest "Independence", theme: "Cosmopolitan" 
Session XVI International Contest Jury cartoons «Independence» (Theme: «Сosmopolitan») was held on October 20, 2016 in Kiev.
Jury: Zablocki Vitaly (Ph.D., Professor at the National Pedagogical University) Kiryuhin Denis (analyst of the Kiev Center for Political and Conflict Studies), Kurina Aksinia (social activist, journalist), Maria Ruban (correspondent of department of culture of the newspaper «Today»), Sayenko Andrei (chief artist of the magazine «Crocodile plus», cartoonist) Tovmach Eugeny (administrative and marketing Director TRK «Cosmopolitan»), Kosobukina Nina, Kosobukina Tatiana.
113 cartoonists from 31 countries submitted 329 works. 50 selected works presented at the exhibition and in the catalog.
1st prize: Popov Andrey (Russia) (Top), 2nd prize: Golub Victor (Ukraine), 3rd prize: Lukyanchenko Igor (Ukraine).
Haiyno Anatoly (Ukraine), Zhytnikov Alexander (Ukraine), Paschenco Igor (Russia), Kapusta Nikolay (Ukraine), Maiyorenko Georgy (Ukraine), Feng Guibo (China).
Li Jingshan (China) — Diploma of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine.
Semendyaev Sergey (Ukraine) — Diploma of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine.
Kovtun Alexander (Ukraine) — Diploma Yuri Kosobukin.
Drozdov Sergey (Russia), Kaan Saatci (Turkey) — Diploma of the Association of Cartoonists.
Catalog (PDF format).


Catalog of the 22nd International Cartoon Contest Haifa 2016, Israel

Today received the new catalog of the 22nd International Cartoon Contest Haifa 2016, Israel. 16.5 x 21 cm in size, it is composed of 96 color pages + the covers.The  prize-winning cartoons in both the main theme and free humor sections are used on the cover pages.
490 artists from 68 countries took part in this edition of the event and the works are evaluated by the members of the Judging Committee (namely, Pini Shachar, Arik Polonsky, Uri Sharon, Horia Crisan, Octavian Andronic, Bernard Bouton, Kemal Ozyurt, Raul Alfonso Grisales, Ferreol Murillo Fuentes, Jacek Frackiewicz, Uri Freundlich, Ronit Eshet, and Gennady Kostovetsky) representing seven countries (Israel, Romania, France, Turkey, Colombia, Costa Rica, and Poland).
Besides the prize-winners, a lot of participants are represented in this book of humor with one or more works (some with three cartoons). And from Turkey, along with the Award of Appreciation winner Erdogan Basol, the cartoons of the following artists are included in the catalog: Kemal Ozyurt (Jury member), Murteza Albayrak, Musa Gumus, and Menekse Cam.


9th Fadjr International Festival of Visual Arts 2017, Iran

9th Fadjr International Festival of Visual Arts
February 2017, Tehran Museum of Contemporary Arts, Tehran, Iran
Center for Visual Arts of Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance in collaboration with the Institute for Development of Contemporary Visual Arts will hold the 9th Fadjr International Festival of Visual Arts with the aim of introducing the pure ideas and novel and creative art and research creations in February 2017.
The Festival Organizers hereby invite all artists and researchers throughout the world to participate in this artistic event.
The Festival approach:
The Festival approach is to introduce those works which are performed with new and interactive capabilities in the form of utilizing one or more visual arts field and which show a pure idea as well as an artistic concept.
Method, technique and number of works:
1. To be contemporary, novel and interactive are the basic criteria for the works‘ selection.
2. Subject, technique and method of presentation are free.
3. The space for presentation of volumetric works and arrangement at the exhibition shall be a maximum of 300×300×300 cm.
4. Each artist can participate at the exhibition with maximum 3 works or projects (or combination of both). If a number of works are shown in one composition, arrangement, figure or structure, they shall be considered as parts of one project.
5. Maximum one work or project will be selected from each selected artist.
6. The works submitted to the Festival must be new and not submitted to the previous Fadjr Visual Arts Festival.
7. The illustration, calligraphy, ceramic, photography, cartoon, graphic, volumetric and sculptures, paintings, Persian painting, new arts, etc. will be accepted in single media or mixed media form.
Method for submission and selection of the works:
1. Registration, application for participation and submission of a photo of the work will be through the festival web site at:
2. Minimum size of the file should be 1 and maximum 4 MB.
3. All applicants are required to register their resume and their three previous works at the Festival web site.
4. The applicants have to send a statement expressing and explaining their idea and work along with their files. This statement should not exceed the maximum of 100 words.
5. The selection will be carried out in two stages: 1. Art council shall review the resume, photo of the work and statement to choose the selected works and artists. Then the results will be informed to the artists. 2. The selected artists, in interaction with the Art Council, will prepare the final work and submit it to the Festival’s Secretariat. The superior works will be selected by a group of seven juries including the representatives of members of art council and international juries.
1. The sum of US$ 250 will be paid to every artist whose works are selected at the Festival as a grant for preparing and presenting the work.
2. 10 works will be selected from the selected ones by the juries and each artist will be awarded the Golden Tooba, plaque of honor and US$ 3000 in cash.
3. Certificate of participation and the Festival Proceedings will be presented to all artists admitted in the exhibition.
4. The selected artists shall be invited to Iran. The costs of travel to and from Iran shall be borne by the artists, while the Festival’s organizers shall pay for the costs of 4 days accommodation. Invitation will be sent to selected artists to participation in the prize award ceremony.
The Festival Organization:
Secretary General: Mojtaba Aghaei
Art Secretary: Jamshid Haghighatshenas
Executive Secretary: Abdulrahim Siahkarzadeh
Art Council: Mahnoush Moshiri, Mohammad Bagher Aghamiri, Kambiz Drambakhsh, Ali Shirazi, nader Qashghaei, asghar kafshchian Moghadam, Reza Yasavoli, Mehran Houshyar, S. Nezamoddin Emamifar, Mojtaba Aghaei and Jamshid Haghighatshenas.
Secretary of International Affairs: Shaban Azadi
Terms of Conditions and regulations:
1. The Festival is open to all artists and researchers without any limitations.
2. Preparing, presenting and exhibiting constitute a part of the overall work and shall be the responsibility of the artist.
3. Shipment, transportation and execution of the works at the exhibition are the responsibility of the artist.
4. The Festival’s Secretariat shall have the right to utilize the works in printed and information media, cultural advertisement and exhibition in Iran and abroad subject to mentioning the name of the artist.
5. The Secretariat has no liability for damages caused by improper packing and posting.
6. The final decision about unforeseen events shall be the responsibility of the Festival’s Secretary General.
7. For more information, please refer to Festival web site:
Festival Calendar:
1. October 15, 2016, call for entries and registration through the web site
2. December 11, 2016, 12 P.M., deadline for registration in the web site
3. December 14-22 2016, preliminary selection of the works
4. December 22, 2016, results notification of the preliminary selection of the works
5. December 24-January 5, 2017, receiving the selected works from the artists
6. January 7-11 2017, final selection of the works
7. January 11, 2017, notification of the final results of those works entered in the exhibition
8. February 2017, Festival’s date
Venue of the Festival:
Tehran Museum of Contemporary Arts
Address & contact of the Festival’s Permanent Secretariat:
No. 17, Shahid Sadoughi Lane, Opposite Laleh Park, above Keshavarz Blv., North Kargar St., Tehran, Iran
P.C: 1418693541
Tel.: +98-21-66946910
Cell phone: +98-9121306179
Fax: +98-21- 66946911
Web site: .