

Theme in Studio Andromeda Festival Economia 2016: Where Growth Takes Place

Studio Andromeda
Festival Economia 2016
Exhibition: open to all professional cartoonists
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Planet earth is anything but flat. For the joy of cyclists, ski enthusiasts and rock-climbers, it presents no shortage of hills and dales to explore. But the world of economics is even more uneven than the peaks that emerge from the maps of the alpine range.Granted, new communication technologies have greatly reduced distances in the exchange of information and market interactions. But the world’s economic geography suggests economic growth is increasingly concentrated in relatively few large cities capable of attracting human capital and of driving innovation. More than peaks, the maps of per-capita income reveal spikes, often located in areas that host research centres and top universities.In fact, the old centres and suburbs of the post-war era or even of the end of the last century are not necessarily the ones that are excelling. The economic hierarchy not only of countries, but also of cities, has undergone profound change and is in constant flux. There are many advancing and many falling back in the urban rankings of the world.It is vital that we study the economic and demographic growth of these new phenomena in order to understand not only the ingredients required for growth but also their optimal combination, the recipes we need if we want to prosper. The scale and size of cities matter, because only large labour markets can offer opportunities to a broad range of talents, matching demand and skill sets and enabling both members of power couples to fulfil their dreams.In order for these economies of agglomeration to succeed, the context must favour the circulation of ideas and networks of contacts among individuals. But the oft-cited amenity values also matter greatly, the not strictly economic factors that make one location more attractive than another and which draw on external talent. There is a lot of hysteresis in these processes: as soon as one location starts to take off or betrays the first signs of a decline, virtuous or vicious cycles are set in motion. And even if one wanted to, they are difficult to stop.Infrastructural networks play a very important role in promoting urbanization and in permitting the creation of talent bases. Housing policies for immigrants are also very important in determining the pace and quality of a city’s development. The economic context, of cities especially, plays a very important role in social mobility as well, as we learnt in last year’s edition of the Festival. This eleventh edition will instead tackle an area that has only recently been rediscovered: the economics of space and geography. We will welcome economists, demographers, and sociologists who are experts in urban agglomeration. And we will hear from those who today and in the past have played an active role in administering these territories, mindful that the rapid growth or decline of an area poses complex governance problems.
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(Dynamic and static inequalities, disparities, rich and poor men, self-made men)
Entries: min. 1 cartoon
Size: min. A4 - JPG (col) or GIF (b/n), 300 dpi, max. 1 Mb
Technique: free
Deadline: May 29, 2016
Exhibition: gallery on website
Prizes: 3 winning cartoons, selected by jury, will be awarded by the organization of Festival (not-monetary prizes).
The works should be sent via e-mail to:
including entry-form with complete author's data
Festival Economia - Trento
Tema dell'anno: I luoghi della crescita
2-5 giugno 2016
For further information:
Source: fanofunny.

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