

International competition of cartoons on road safety 2016, Russia

Dear friends!
We invite you to take part in the international competition of cartoons on road safety.
Each year in road accidents kill millions of people worldwide. We can make the roads of planet safer together!
on conduct of the open international competition of cartoons on road safety, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the formation service of the State traffic Inspectorate of MIA (Ministry of internal Affairs) of Russia.
The management of SIRS (State inspection of road safety) MIA of Russia in the Tyumen region together with the Department of culture of the Tyumen region organises the open international competition of cartoons on road safety, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the formation service of the State traffic Inspectorate of MIA of Russia, aimed at improving road safety and creating a positive image staffers of SIRS and traffic police.
1. Goals and objectives of the competition.
Goal of the competition:
- prevention of offenses in the field of traffic and traffic accidents, reducing the severity of their consequences;
- formation of road users sustainable knowledge of traffic rules, skills of safe behavior on the road, respect each other, discipline and personal responsibility for their actions in traffic.
Objectives of the competition:
- formation of positive public attitudes to road safety with the help of humor;
- uniting the efforts of the staffers of SIRS, traffic police, artists and cultural workers in road safety;
- the development of new forms of cooperation and interaction of the subjects of prevention in the promotion of road safety.
2. Dates of the competition:
Works on competition are accepted till 10 Jun 2016. Summing up to 3 July 2016.
3. Participants of the competition:
3.1. Adult section:
Professional artists and amateurs.
3.2. Children's section:
The participants may be minors under the age of 10 to 16 years.
4. Contents of the competition:
The competition provides made individually cartoons, comics (with words and without words) representing a satirical or comic figure in any style in the following categories:
4.1.Adult section:
- ensuring road safety;
- interaction of traffic police and road users for road safety.
4.2. Children's section:
- ensuring road safety;
- interaction of traffic police and road users for road safety.
5. Order of the competition:
The number of figures accepted for consideration from one participant is not limited.
The best cartoons, selected by the organizing Committee, will be presented at the Exhibition, which will be held in Tyumen within the framework of festive events, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the service of the State traffic Inspectorate.
The jury determines the winners in each section (adult and child).
The format of works provided for the competition: A4.
The technique of drawing is free.
The letter, sent to the address: with a mark "On competition of cartoons" and containing contest drawing is the application form for participation in the competition.
Contest drawing is submitted in electronic form in JPG format not exceeding 3MB, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.
Each letter must be accompanied by a brief information about the author of the competitive figure: surname and name, age of participant, phone, and e-mail (contact) address, short CV of the author.
Evaluation criteria: conformity to the theme, originality of approach, creative personality, technique of performance.
6. Conditions of participation in the competition:
Not allowed to participate in the Competition and will not be considered collective and anonymous figures, which do not contain information about participant of competition.
It is an unacceptable violation of copyright.
The correspondence is available at:
In case of violation of the Condutions and Regulation of competition - cartoons are removed from competition without explanation.
The cartoons of participants can be used by the organizers of competition for exhibitions, publications in mass media, production of printed and visual propaganda in traffic safety.
Submission by authors of their works for participation in the contest, entrants agree to these terms and conditions.
In case of obvious repetitions among the submitted to the competition, the final decision on a caricature is assigned to a jury.
7. Organizing committee of the competition:
- develops the regulation on the Competition,
- takes the contest works,
- registers participants of Competition,
- form the Jury, exercising estimate competitive works and determines the winners of Competition,
- organizes the Competition, Exhibition of the best works, awarding the winners.
8. Encouragement of participants of the competition
All participants will receive an e-card and a certificate of participation, prize-winners of the competititon will be awarded with souvenirs with symbols of the State traffic Inspectorate and cups.
9. The contest pages in social networks:
«Facebook» .

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