

The Second Salzburg Caricature Competition 2016, Austria

Prize money:
Winner €1000 | 2. place €500 | 3. place €250 | & Special student Prize „AK-Schülerpreis“ with €500
Other Prizes: drawing sets and more…
Theme: all submissions must pertain to the theme: “(un)fair (In)justice
Submissions: must include the filled out entry form (as pdf or jpeg + minimum 300 dpi) and the title of the caricature and be sent to us only via e-mail to
until July 31, 2016.
Jury: Thomas Wizany, Gerhard Haderer, Prof. Sybille Moser-Ernst and Gerald Koller
Awards Ceremony: Odeïon Salzburg, Waldorfstraße 13, A-5023 Salzburg (probably on friday, september 30. 2016, 18:00 h)
This will be followed by a traveling exhibition. To participate in the exhibition please apply separately in august 2016.
The contests rules and conditions as well as the theme must be observed and may be found at
Please understand that for legal reasons the rules and conditions and the entry form are in the German language only.
Please send questions to
Entry form on source.

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