

The winners of the 9th Urziceni 2015 with themes Free & "Migration", Romania

The Winners of URZICENI 2015, Romania
1. From the 1576 works received at first, 578 selected were exhibited on the gallery Urziceni 2015. This first trial was performed by Julian PENA-Pai and Horia CRISAN.
2. We announced the jury composition, most of the jurors being cartoonists:
Roger Penwill, England, cartoonist, President of the Jury
Lubomir Mihailov, Bulgaria, cartoonist, jury member
Nicolae Petrache, Romania, The Festival Director, jury member
Constantin Ciosu, Romania, cartoonist, jury member
Constantin Pavel, Romania, cartoonist, jury member
Liviu Stanila, Romania, cartoonist, jury member
Horia Crisan, Romanian, cartoonist, jury member
They worked at home, no meetings or discussions among them, so they have made
their own choice and only by personal opinion.
3. Initially, each juror has the right to choose as many works he considered good, among the 578 from the public gallery. After putting together all those options, we obtained the first 162 pre selected for awards discussion.
4. From the 162 cartoons, each jury member has to select, in two rounds, his top 20 and top 15 drawings, independently, each work receiving 1 vote (1 point). And the result was a restraint gallery of 35 finalists .
5. Those finalists were presented to the public on and cartoonists of the world were invited to give their opinions about it, in a 3 days time, concerning possible fraud, plagiarism and/or similarities.
6. We have not received works with similarity problems.
7. The way of voting of each jury member is presented in this table.
8. The prize giving criterias are explained on the ''L'' column of our table of contents .
9. So, the Prizes of International Cartoon Contest Urziceni 2015 are:
GOLD PRIZE, 300 Euro, Special Honor Diploma and a Personal Gallery on Klaus Pitter, Austria (Top).
SILVER PRIZE, 200 Euro, Special Honor Diploma and a Personal Gallery on Cristian Mihailescu, Romania.
BRONZE PRIZE, 100 Euro, Special Honor Diploma and a Personal Gallery on David Fuentes, Cuba.
EXCELLENCY, Special Honor Diploma and a Personal Gallery on Houmayoun Mahmoudi, Iran.
EXCELLENCY, Special Honor Diploma and a Personal Gallery on Mehdi Azizi, Iran.
EXCELLENCY, Special Honor Diploma and a Personal Gallery on Jovcho Savov, Bulgaria.
EXCELLENCY, Special Honor Diploma and a Personal Gallery on Bahman Jalali, Iran.
EXCELLENCY, Special Honor Diploma and a Personal Gallery on Sergey Semendyaev, Ukraine.
EXCELLENCY, Special Honor Diploma and a Personal Gallery on Zeinab Dadmohamadi, Iran.
EXCELLENCY, Special Honor Diploma and a Personal Gallery on VEM - Victor Eugen Mihai, Romania.
EXCELLENCY, Special Honor Diploma and a Personal Gallery on Alireza Pakdel, Iran.
EXCELLENCY, Special Honor Diploma and a Personal Gallery on Alla & Chavdar Georgievi, Bulgaria.
EXCELLENCY, Special Honor Diploma and a Personal Gallery on Elrayah Ombaddi, Sudan.
EXCELLENCY, Special Honor Diploma and a Personal Gallery on Raed Khalil, Syria.
The Special Diploma, Special Honor Diploma: Igor Lukyanchenko, Ukraine.
The Special Prize of Urziceni Culture Center, Special Honor Diploma: Houmayoun Mahmoudi, England.
The Special Prize of CRISAN Publishing House, Special Honor Diploma: Marco D’Agostino, Italy.
So we tried, as you have seen on these pages, to make the things in TOTAL TRANSPARENCY. We think that we have succeeded and also we hope that our transparency example will be followed by a lot of juries in several cartoon contests around the world.
The Jury, Internet, 24 November 2015.
Rules, The Jury, Selected works (The Gallery Urziceni 2015), Works received, Preselected, Finalists, and Winners on bestcartoons.

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