

VIII International Caricature Contest 2015 - Magazine "Nosorog" ("Rhinocervs")

The organizer of VIII International caricature contest is The International magazine for satire, humor and cartoons “Nosorog” (“Rhinocervs”; ; ). The contest is opened for proffesional or amateur cartoonists, from any country, any nationality, age, sex, or profesion.
THEME: The world's greatest writers from Homer to the present day!
First Prize: 300 euros + Diploma
Second Prize: Diploma
Third Prize: Diploma
Five ( 5 ) Special Diplomas
Conditions of entry:
1. Technik: Any technik will be accepted.
2. IMPORTANT: Write on each caricature which writer you present! (you may find photos of writers on Wikipedia, or somewhere other on net)
3. Entries: maximum 7 entries will be submitted.
4. Size of entries: A4, A3 format.
5. Send your name, surname, address, country and the e-mail.
6. You may send by post or by E-mail.
7. E-mail for sending art-work:
Note: 300 dpi resolution; JPG, JPEG format.
8. If you send by post, address is:
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Note: Please, do not send originals, because we will not send you back!
Entry deadline is December 25th 2015 (Please write on envelope: PRINTED MATTER - NO VALUE !)
10. Some Names of BIG Writers:
1. Homer
2. Sophocles
3. Euripides
4. Aristophanes
5. Cicero
6. Vergil
7. Ovid
8. Horace
9. Dante
10. Francesco Petrarca
11. Giovanni Boccaccio
12. William Shakespeare
13. Jane Austen
14. William Blake
15. Charles Dickens
16. John Milton
17. George Orwell
18. Harold Pinter
19. Marcel Proust
20. Gustave Flaubert
21. Émile Zola
22. Victor Hugo
23. Alexandre Dumas
24. Honoré de Balzac
25. Stendhal
26. Jules Verne
27. Marquis de Sade
28. Molière
29. Miguel de Cervantes
30. Mario Vargas Llosa
31. Miguel de Unamuno
32. Federico García Lorca
33. Pedro Calderón de la Barca
34. Lope de Vega
35. Leo Tolstoy
36. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
37. Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov
38. Maxim Gorky
39. Vladimir Mayakovsky
40. Sergei Yesenin
41. Ernest Hemingway
42. William Faulkner
43. Mark Twain
44. Edgar Allan Poe
45. John Steinbeck
46. Tennessee Williams
47. Henry Miller
48. Harper Lee
49. John Updike
50. Walt Whitman
51. Norman Mailer
52. Arthur Miller
53. Emily Dickinson
54. Isaac Asimov
55. Jack London
… (also, you can draw some other BIG writers)
Ivo Andrić (Yugoslavia, Nobel Prize)
Branko Ćopić (Yugoslavia)
Plus: FREE choice, not included for Prizes (only for Exhibition):
Goran Kljajić (Republika Srpska).
The exhibition will take place in the galery of the National Library of Republika Srpska, city Banja Luka
12 - IMPORTANT NOTE: In the event that the State, from which the awarded artist is, under international sanctions, the organizer is not liable if it can not deliver the prize!
13 – IMPORTANT NOTE – 2: The Organizer of this Cartoon Competition has permanent troubles to deliver diploma or money-prize, if winner is from Iran! The Organizer is not responsible for that.
14. Note: Sender must be author of caricatures!
14. Jury members:
Mrs. Irina Iosip, painter, cartoonist and Editor of "Salt and Pepper" magazine - Romania
Mrs. Jasmina Bukva, satiric writer - Serbia
Mr. Aleksandar Blatnik, painter, cartoonist - Serbia
Mr. Milenko Kosanovich, cartoonist - Serbia
Mr. Milenko Mihajlovich, painter, cartoonist - Serbia
Mr. Miladin Berich, writer, Editor, Serbs Republic /BA
Mr. Goran Kljajich, writer, Chief Editor of “Nosorog” ("Rhinoceros"), Republika Srpska.
We wish good art-work and successful participation to everyone.
International magazine for satire, cartoon and caricature “Nosorog” (“Rhinocervs”)
City Banja Luka
Republika Srpska
Balkan, Europe

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