

First International Kosova Cartoon Festival 2015, Republic of Kosovo

Kosova Cartoonists Association: "Thumbi"
First International Kosova Cartoon Festival 2015
Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo
THEME: Hello Europe, Hello EU
Which means Europe’s response to the innocent people who are obliged to run away from war as well as other people towards European neighbors to find security and a better life; traveling and suffering for better life.
Similar cartoons and copied cartoons will be eliminated as well as cartoons that have been printed or shown in any media will not be accepted. Each author is responsible for his work.
DEADLINE: 15 October 2015
ENTRIES: Max. 3 cartoons in each section.
Cartoons can be in color or in different free technique of black and white
Size: No bigger than A3 no smaller than A4
The cartoons will be sent in electronic format, JPG, 300 dpi.
International Judging: 18 October 2015.
The participant must send their photo along with their autobiography.
The works should be sent to:
First Prize - 800 €
Second Prize - 400 €
Third Prize - 200 €.
5 Special Prizes - Diploma.
The results will be at on 20 October 2015, right after the international jury’s evaluation.
The exhibition's opening and awards: 28 October  2015.
The selected artists will receive a copy of the festival catalogue for free.
Rr: Bajram Curri 37,
10 000 Prishtina
Republic of Kosovo
Tel: +381 38 604 369
Tel: +381 38 604 640
Mob tel: + 377 (0) 44 708 725
Director: Agim Krasniqi
Winners will have to send the original cartoons by post to the mentioned address.
More info on facebook.
Gallery of received cartoons here.

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