

7th International Cartoon Contest "La Ciudad de las Ideas" 2015, Mexico

1. The contest is open to professional or amateur artists from anywhere in the world. You must be at least 18 to participate.
2. All work submitted must be completely original and unpublished. No entries can simultaneously participate in any other contest or event.
3. The idea to be developed as a cartoon is this year’s theme for La Ciudad de las Ideas Festival:
What’s the point?
We live in a world full of technology, where information is traveling at unimaginable speeds, where people and countries are connecting like never before in history. Ours is a world of impressive medical advancements, ever increasing knowledge about our own body, mind, and even psyche; of complex machines that have automated work systems in ways we only used to see in sci-fi movies. We have developed new technologies to obtain energy, to supply water and power to remote communities. Access to universities anywhere in the world is becoming a growing reality with training, diploma courses, masters and even doctorate programs available on line. Ours is a world in which public policy everywhere moves against discrimination and progresses slowly but relentlessly towards gender equality and equal rights for all. Today like never before human beings are understood as systemic entities integrating body mind and spirit, and all kinds of programs are being developed to enhance human growth.
Yes, there has been immeasurable progress that continues at this very moment in various parts of the world, but if that is the case, why do we still have war? Why is there still famine in several parts of the world? Why do so many human beings live in extreme poverty? Why is there exploitation of labor? And sexual exploitation? Why are there so many drugs? Why is basic education still unavailable to so many children? Why is there so much violence in streets? Why are entire populations devastated by curable disease? Why? Why? Why?
What’s the point?*
Give us your views on, or your answer to this question, (or even another question) in a cartoon. Entries will be judged, among other things, on the following: ability to approach the core theme of the contest, creativity and mastery of the technique(s) used in the creation of the cartoon you submit.
*The organization reserves the right to eliminate from the contest any work it deems offensive, or contrary to human rights.
4. Contestants are limited to only 3 cartoons (authors who send in more than three will be disqualified). Entries may be submitted via the official webpage of the Ciudad de las Ideas Festival or by postal service to the physical address of festival.
5. All techniques are eligible (digital or manual, color or b&w.)
6. Cartoons may be submitted in a size proportional to 21cm x 29cm, but not larger than that. Digital entries must be submitted in a resolution no less than 300dpi but not greater than 10Mb.
7. If you mail the original version of your cartoon, please do so in a closed envelope together with the following information:
• Full name of the author and pseudonym:
• Photo or self-portrait cartoon of the author:
• Address:
• Telephone:
• E-mail:
• Nationality:
• Title of each cartoon:
• Is this the first time you participate?:
• Brief biographical summary (CV, maximum 15 lines).
8. Contestants must sign to certify they accept the potential use of their work. If you send your entry online, fill out the form and click on the acceptance box; if you send your entry by mail, include and sign a printout of the following legend:
“I, (name of the author), certify that I am the author of this entry that I hereby submit to the 2015 La Ciudad de las Ideas contest, ‘What’s the point?’ I, (name of the author), accept that by submitting this entry in accordance to the rules of the contest, I am allowing Poder Cívico, A.C. to use it for the purposes it deems pertinent.”
SIGNATURE: ________________________
9. Entries may be submitted either as originals or as electronic files.
Original: Send mail in an envelope together with the author’s information to the following address:
7th International Cartoon Contest
What’s the Point?
Reforma 222, Piso 12, Colonia Juárez, Delegación Cuauhtémoc, C.P. 06600, México D.F.
Electronic: Must fill out the form and upload the cartoon(s) to this page: 
* Fill out one form for every entry, the resolution of which should not be below 300dpi and not above 10 Mb.
10. Selected entries will be displayed at Puebla, Mexico, on November 5-7, 2015 and will also appear in various Poder Cívico A. C. communications as social media of La Ciudad de las Ideas.
These cartoons will only be used in Festival releases to various media, and will therefore be reproduced in catalogs, postcards or books; on the internet or television as per agreements with sponsors of the Festival.
11. This invitation will remain effective as of June 17 through August 18, 2015. Entries delivered by e-mail or courier must bear a date or stamp with a date no later than the deadline.
12. The results of the contest will be released on the official webpage of La Ciudad de las Ideas, on Twitter @cddelasideas, and on Facebook
Winners will be notified via e-mail, to the address included in their entry information. Please ignore any confirmation mail other than those from the domain or
13. The jury will be appointed by Poder Cívico A. C. and will be empowered to settle any situation in the contest resulting from a breach in these rules. Should the jury, whose decision is final, deems that none of the entries meet quality standards it may refrain from selecting a winner. The names of the jury members will be released once this announcement becomes effective.
14. Unawarded original entries may be claimed by their authors at the offices of Poder Cívico A. C. three months after the decision of the jury is made public. Any unclaimed work will remain in the custody of Martha Barragán Méndez, who will address any requests for the return of entries after the date established by Poder Cívico A. C.
• First Place:
- A fully paid trip to Puebla, Puebla, Mexico including: transportation, lodging and meals.
- A ticket to attend the International Festival of Brilliant Minds “La Ciudad de las Ideas”, with more than 30 conferences from personalities who are changing the world.
- Access to alternative activities at the festival, theme parties, artistic interventions, exhibits and more.
- Presentation of the winner’s entry during the International Festival of Brilliant Minds “La Ciudad de las Ideas.”
- A diploma that will be presented to the winner during the International Festival of Brilliant Minds “La Ciudad de las Ideas.”
• Second Place:
- A fully paid trip to Puebla, Puebla, Mexico including: transportation, lodging and meals.
- A ticket to attend the International Festival of Brilliant Minds “La Ciudad de las Ideas”, with more than 30 conferences from personalities who are changing the world.
- Access to alternative activities at the festival, theme parties, artistic interventions, exhibits and more.
- Presentation of the author’s entry during the International Festival of Brilliant Minds “La Ciudad de las Ideas.”
- A diploma that will be presented to the author during the International Festival of Brilliant Minds “La Ciudad de las Ideas.”
• Third Place:
- A fully paid trip to Puebla, Puebla, Mexico including: transportation, lodging and meals.
- A ticket to attend the International Festival of Brilliant Minds “La Ciudad de las Ideas”, with more than 30 conferences from personalities who are changing the world.
- Access to alternative activities at the festival, theme parties, artistic interventions, exhibits and more.
- Presentation of the author’s entry during the International Festival of Brilliant Minds “La Ciudad de las Ideas.”
- A diploma that will be presented to the author during the International Festival of Brilliant Minds “La Ciudad de las Ideas.”
There will be three honorable mentions and each one of them will earn a diploma that will be sent to the recipients in the days following the festival.
Note: Prizes cannot be paid in cash nor transferred to another person.
If you come from abroad, please have your passport and visa ready to attend the Festival in Puebla, Mexico and collect your award.
Yours truly,
Martha Barragán Méndez “Mar”
Coordinator of the International Cartoon Contest of
International Festival of Brilliant Minds “La Ciudad de las Ideas”
Social Networks:
For questions or comments contact:
Tel: +52 (55) 5140-3660 / +52 (55) 8582-5340
E-mails: .

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