

5th International Sports Humour Drawing Competition 2015

The Sports Federation Union of Catalonia co-organises with the Barcelona Olympic Foundation the V International Sports Humour Drawing Competition, with the goal of spreading and encouraging sports-related jokes and comic strips.
1. Participants
Any artist that is over 18 years of age and from any nationality and place of residence can participate in the competition.
2. Entries
Entries must be sports-related. They can be done from any perspective and technique. A maximum of two entries can be submitted per participants and these entries must not have previously won in other competitions.
Complete Regulation here in PDF.
3. Presentation
Entries can be submitted directly through or sent to the Sports Federation Union of Catalonia: Rambla de Catalunya, 81 08008 - Barcelona
4. Calendar
The deadline for presenting entries is 31 July 2015.
5. Prizes
The first prize is 1,500 €. Two runner-ups will receive 1,000 € each.
6. Exhibition
The awarded entries and other selected entries will be exhibited in the Olympic Museum's exhibition room from October 1 to 1 November 2015.
(Updated 6 May 2015).


Results of the 6th International Cartoon Competition Berlin 2015, Germany

The Winners of the Cartoon Competition Berlin 2015
Theme: Spying
The online contest was organized and arranged by the KURTUKUNST Gallery in collaboration with
the LIMES Image Agency. 1187 works of 567 cartoonists from 81 countries were sent to the competition.
Under the patronage of the Mayor (Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf) Reinhard Naumann the awards ceremony
takes place on the 5th of June 2015 at 7 o'clock pm in the Museums THE STORY OF BERLIN.
1st Prize: Sergey Semandyaev, Ukraine (Top)
2nd Prize: Dieter Hackebeil, Germany
3rd Prize: Milenko Kosanovic, Serbia
Audience Award: Jean Kim, U.S.A.
KurtuKunst Gallery Prize: Cristian Topan, Romania
Limes Prize: Pawel Nawrot, Poland
Saeed Sadeghi, Iran
Fan Lintao, China
Sava Babic, Serbia.


Competition for awards for caricatures and aphorism, Delcevo 2015, Rep. Macedonia

Based on article 55 from Statute of Delcevo municipality (“Official gazette of Municipality of Delcevo” 12/06), the Commission for organizing events and cultural manifestations within Municipality of Delcevo, on the occasion of International festival of caricature and aphorism “Drinker 2015”, announces:
C o m p e t i t i o n
For awards for caricatures and aphorism on subject “Watch out! A human!”
1. Call for caricature and aphorism on subject “Watch out! A human!” is open to authors from Macedonia and abroad, according following criteria:
• Art works to be original, not marked, black-white or in color;
• Art works to be encoded – code written on the back side of art work, and in separate envelope to deliver following data (name, surname, address and e-mail of author);
• Each author sends a set of 10-15 aphorisms;
• It is allowed to participate with maximum three art works;
The authors in the category of caricature can participate in any number of caricatures;
• Maximum size of caricatures A3 or A4.
2. The most successful authors in the category aphorism and caricature category will be awarded the following awards:
• golden plaque;
• silver plaque;
• bronze plaque.
3. Jury for this occasion will decide for the awards.
4. Detailed information about this call:
Mr. Mile Gjorgijoski, telephone 00389 70 382 189, е-mail: .
5. All received aphorisms / caricatures become ownership of the organizer.
6. Deadline for submission of aphorisms / caricatures: 12.05.2015 (Tuesday).
7. The results will be published on 20.05.2015
8. Aphorisms / caricatures to be delivered on following address:
Municipality of Delcevo
„Svetozar Markovik” 1, 2320 Delcevo
Republic of Macedonia
Reference: Open call on subject: „Watch out! A human!“
Municipality of Delcevo
Commission for organizing of events
and cultural manifestations
Delchevo, 06.04.2015
Source: blog.zikison.

International award "Caneva Ride" 2015, Italy

Pro Castello di Caneva promotes the international award Caneva Ride! (Caneva Laughs!) for humoristic sketches and satirical costume about the theme Like cats and dogs... friends and foes.
The award is open to all cartoonists of the world from 16 years old. Participants can apply individually or in groups (in case of several authors, the referent for all communications with the award’s promoters shall be indicated).
Up to three unpublished works, realized by any technique, color or black and white, which haven’t been awarded in other prizes. The maximum format shall be A4 (21 X 29.7 cm).
Works shall be submitted within 24:00 of 27th June 2015 at the address, as a .jpg, .tiff or .pdf file with resolution of 300 dpi, and report all personal data (first name, surname, complete address, phone number, in case of minors the name of one parent authorizing the participation). Every single file shall not exceed 5 MB. If more than one single work is submitted, then send each by single mail.
5 - JURY
Marco Tonus, Cartoonist President of the Jury 2015
Pietro Francesco Manfè, Pro Castello di Caneva
Vicenzo Bottecchia, Cultural Comics Operator
Giancarlo Rupolo, Photographer.
FIRST PRIZE euro 500,00
SECOND PRIZE euro 150,00
THIRD PRIZE euro 100,00
The jury reserves the right to report other works, which shall not receive any money prize. The authors, by participating the competition, agree with the non-exclusive right to reproduce the works on any support for promotional purposes of Pro Loco Castello, without any claims of copyright.
Opening of the exhibition and prize giving will be held Sunday 18th July 2015 during Castello in Festa 2015.
Source: canevaride.


7th International Cartoon Biennale Jiaxing 2015, China

Invitation of Works for the 7th Jiaxing International Cartoon Biennale, China 2015
Jiaxing, China International Cartoon Biennale, initiated in 2002, is an influential thematic cartoon exhibition known both home and abroad. Over the past 13 years, this exhibition has provided a platform for the promotion of cartoon and fine art, cultural exchange at international level, and the image of Jiaxing City. Now, with the joint effort of both China Artists Association and the Municipal Government of Jiaxing, the 7th Jiaxing, International Cartoon Biennale will be held in the city this October, and we are looking forward to meeting cartoonists from all over the world.
I. Theme: "My Dream"
II. Time: The opening ceremony of The 7th Jiaxing, International Cartoon Biennale will be held in the late October this year, at Jiaxing, Zhejiang, China.
III. Requirements for works
1. Sections: Works submitted will be divided into two sections:
Section A: 'My Dream'
Section B: no restriction on themes
2. Works submitted: Every participant can submit a maximum of 4 pieces of works, two for Section A and another two for Section B.
No limit to genres; either vertical or horizontal works are accepted.
The size of works must be within 450 × 290mm (the size of ink cartoon must be within 450 × 340mm), and the back of the work must be signed in Chinese with the following information: the painter's nationality, name, section of the work , title of the work, address, zip code, e-mail address, telephone number, a photocopy of the ID card, bank name and personal account (artists outside mainland China should provide remittance address, a photocopy of the passport, bank name, bank SWIFT code and personal account).
Please do make sure of all the information so that it'll be convenient to contact, send work albums, certificates and remittance etc. We will not resend any work albums, certificates and collection remuneration due to the failure of delivery thereof caused by incorrect information supplied by the participating artists.
3. Submission of works: The artists outside mainland China should send the original hand-drawn version of the work which will be returned to the artist if not selected. Mainland China artists can either send hand-drawn works or submit works via e-mail. If works sent via e-mail passes the first screening process, we will notify the artists to send the hand-drawn version to compete in the forthcoming contest.
4. The deadline: From now on to Aug 31ST, 2015 (according to the postmarks).
5. Contact information:
Contact: Mr. Wang Xinyu / Ms. Liu Ping
Address: Jiaxing Art Gallery, Zhonghe Road, Nanhu District, Jiaxing, Zhejiang, China Zip code: 314000 E-mail: Tel .: 86-573-82031837, 82071601.
IV. Selection of Winners
1. Up to 120 pieces of works will be chosen to be exhibited in the Biennale.Assessment will be conducted by a panel comprising experts appointed by China Artists Association.
30 pieces of works will be given 'Award for Excellence', including 15 pieces of 'Best Theme Works' and 15 pieces of 'Best Free Creativity Works'. The prize money of these works will be USD500 each (for overseas works) or RMB3000 each (for works by artists from mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan).
90 pieces of works will be awarded 'Selected Works' and the prize for these works will be USD250 each (for overseas works) or RMB1500 each (for works by artists from mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan).
2. All works selected will be collected by Jiaxing Art Gallery. All prize winners will be given certificates along with a copy of Album of Works.
3. Rights of the Organizing Committee: the committee shall reserve the rights of exhibiting, researching, photographing, videoing, publishing and promoting all works selected by the Biennale.
V. Organizing institutions:
1. Sponsors: China Artists Association, the Municipal Government of Jiaxing
2. Supporters: China Artists Association Cartoon Committee, Zhejiang Artists Association, Jiaxing Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Jiaxing Municipal Administration of Culture, Broadcasting, Television, Press & Publication, Chinese Comic Base
3. Executive Supporters: Jiaxing Art Gallery, Jiaxing Artists Association
4. Cooperation Organizations: Zhejiang Artists Association, and other Jiaxing based institutions (to be determined)
5. Organizing Committee
Honorary Director: Liu Dawei
Directors: Wu Changjiang, Xiao Peisheng
Vice Directors: Xu li, Xu Pengfei, Chen Yueqiang, Chai Yongqiang
Secretary-generals: Ding Jie, Wang Yiwei, Luo Xianyue
Vice Secretary-generals: Mei Qilin, Jin Qinlong
Committee Members (in the order of Chinese surnames strokes): Ma Xuewen, Wang Guohua, Chen Shuanghu, Chen Jianjiang, Yu Zhida, Xian Yi, Hu Jing, He Xuan, Ling Jiachun, Xia Dachuan
Organizing Committee Office: Directors: Xian Yi, Xia Dachuan, Hu Jing
Vice Directors: He Xuan, Chen Shuanghu, Ma Xuewen, Ling Jiachun
Exhibition Editors: Yang Lei, Wei Xi, Kong Yuehua.
VI. Notes
Submitted works by any artist to the Biennale shall be deemed as acceptance to all the regulations included in this notice. The Organizing Committee shall reserve all the rights of interpretation to all the articles above.
The Organizing Committee of the 7th Jiaxing International Cartoon Biennale.
Source: tabrizcartoons.

13th International Graphic Humour contest on new Technologies, Barakaldo 2015

To pass the public announcement of the 13th International Graphic Humour contest on new Technologies – Barakaldo Hermes Prize 2015, which is an official announcement regulated by the guidelines established in the regulations of the Barakaldo Cultural Competitions, published in the Official Biscayan Bulletin on February 12th, 2010.
The budgetary limit for the aforementioned is set at four thousand five hundred Euros (4.500 €) charged against the Budget allocation 00700 33000 4810300, to face the obligations derived from the prizes to grant, in compliance with rules established under Article 7 of the regulation, prizes awarded will be as follows: First Prize – 1.500 €, Second Prize –1.000 €, Third Prize – 800 €, Fourth Prize – 700 €and Fifth Prize – 500 €.
Legal regulations which the competition will adhere to are as follows:
Sketchers will send in a scene depicting graphic humour relating to new technologies which impacts on daily life (INTERNET, BIOLOGY, SPACE, TELECOMMUNICATIONS, MEDICINE, ETC...) and which allows the citizens to reflect on new spheres of scientific progress. It can also be vignettes depicting geek attitudes generated by users of social networks or taking part in Web 2.0.
Anyone who so desires may take part with no age restrictions. Each contestant may submit up to three pieces of work. Anyone who was a Hermes prize-winner at the previous year’s renewal will not be allowed to submit entries to this year’s official announcement.
Scenes and characters must be the personal creation of the author and unpublished. Work can be submitted either in black and white or in colour. Works must not exceed a single page, with a format not exceeding 800 x 600 pixels per inch, with a minimum resolution 72dpi. None the less it will be convenient to carry out the work initially on an A3 or A4 format and 300dpi resolution, horizontally or vertically.
Works may be labelled in Spanish or Basque. It is permissible to enter humorous scenes without text written for those artists from different linguistic and geographical backgrounds.
The participants will register in the web page of the contest and will insert later on their work in format JPG.
Works containing the author’s details should be sent exclusively through the web page: before October 14th 2015.
Presentation of works will imply the granting of permission to the Local Council for the reproduction of images entered, for purely exhibition purposes only. Any such exhibition of the works does not mean that financial benefit will accrue to the authors of the illustrations. The winning artworks and other selected illustrations will be exhibited in the Virtual Museum established for that purpose, by the City of Barakaldo. This city launched a specialized website as an expression of the different subjects on which contestants have been providing creative illustrations with an humorous consideration.
The awarding of the Hermes de Barakaldo prize carries a financial reward amounting to 4.500 Euros and is divided into five categories: First Prize: 1.500 €, Second Prize: 1.000 €, Third Prize: 800 €, Fourth Prize: 700 € and Fifth Prize: 500 €. .
After the winners are notified individually, and by email, of the resolution, the winners of these prizes will have a maximum three months term to supply their details to the awarding organisation in order for the prize to be transferred to them. Should the time period of three months since the first communication have already elapsed, without the relevant data having been supplied, it is understood that the winner of the prize will relinquish his/her right to the relevant prize and the corresponding illustration will likewise be withdrawn from any medium the local council has published it in.
Required data:
Personal Data:
- Name and Surname
- Identity card/ Passport
- Address
- Town
- Postal code
- County
- Phone
- e-mail
Bank Data:
- SwiftCode BIB
- Document written and signed by thebank to certify that the above data correspond to the awarded person.
Any of the prizes may be declared void if none of the works come up to the required minimum qualitative standards.
Prizes will be awarded according to the following criteria:
a.- Quality and artistic relevance of the work: 50 points.
b.- Adherence to the theme of the Competition and to the humorous language pertainingto it: 30 points.
c.- Social and cultural impact of the cartoon in relation to the thematic aspect set out regarding new technologies and their implications for everyday life: 20 points.
Participation in the competition implies acceptance of the rules and regulations as already laid down in the current Decree.
Prizes will be awarded in accordance with the competition rules system, through comparisons of the works presented, and through the establishment of priority criteria amongst them, in conformity with the already outlined criteria, and the awarding of the corresponding financial amounts in compliance with the same with limits as stated in the official announcement, not exceeding the available credit.
In order to analyse and evaluate the works presented, a Qualifying Panel or Jury will be convened, composed by Mr. Carlos Fernández Martínez Delegate-Councillor of Culture, Education, Basque Language, Sports, Youth and Quality who will assume the title of President of the said panel, and, Mr. Alfonso Berroya Elosua, Mr. Enrique Martínez-Inchausti, Mr. Juan García Cerrada, as people of renown prestige in the world of graphic humour and illustration, and Mr. Juan Manuel de Los Santos Aranaz, a Technician in the sphere of Culture, who will take part as Secretary.
The maximum allowable timescale for the resolution and notification of the prizes’ awarding procedure will be two months, starting from the closing date for the submission of entries.
All interested parties will receive notification under terms outlined in Article 58 of the Law 30/1992, dated November 26th, of the Law Regulation of Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedures.
In case of any appeal against the decision, which exhausts the administrative procedures, an optional administrative reconsideration appeal may be lodged with the Council President to set aside the current resolution within a timeframe of one month starting from the day after the announcement of the results, alternatively an Administrative Reconsideration Appeal can be entered at the Court for Contentious Administrative Proceedings by virtue of the distribution of authority outlined in Articles 8 and 10 of the Law 29/1998, dated July 13th, which regulates the Contentious Administrative Jurisdiction within a timeframe of two months, also commencing, like the previous, on the day after receipt of official notification.
Source: ecomic-experience .
Regulation in languages .

8th OSCARfest International Cartoon Exhibition OSOR, Croatia 2015

8th OSCARfest
International Cartoon Exhibition OSOR Hrvatska / Croatia 2015
(Island Cres, Town of Mali Lošinj / Northern Adriatic)
Exhibition: July-August-September 2015
(more than 10,000 visitors - tourists from around the world on summer season)
Deadline: June 18, 2015
1 (one) Cartoon WITHOUT WORDS
Format: A4 (210x297 mm)
Original and digital computer art works (numbered and signed) will be accepted.
Photocopies will not be accepted.
First place: Personal exhibition in 9th OSCARfest 2016, sponsorship award, diploma
Second and Third place: sponsorship award, diploma
Works returned: No
Digital catalogue and results for all participants
Copyright issues:
The selected participants give the organizer (ARTour Association)
permission to use their cartoons for promoting the Festival.
Organizer may copy the selected works in one (1) copy for
sponsors, awards to voters and promotions.
Address: Send by ORDINARY POST (Not recommended!) to:
Croatian Cartoonist Association (HDK)
Savska c. 100, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
(for 08 OSCARfest)
or by e-mail: (A4, RGB, JPG, 300 dpi)
Informations / Entry Form: (Dado Kovačević),


XXII International Exhibition of Arts of Humor, Alcala 2015, Spain

The General Foundation of the University of Alcalá, through the Instituto Quevedo del humor announces the XXII International Exhibition of Arts of Humor around the subject “We are different, we are equal. Freedom, respect and equality”. There will be more information about the subject in the website.
1 Participation is open to all the persons older than 18.
2 In order to participate in the Exhibition, every artist must send a piece on the theme “We are different, we are equal. Freedom, respect and equality”. It can be a vignette, a comic strip or a caricature. Together with the piece, the authors must send the filled formulary attached to these requirements, that can also be found and sent online ( The organization reserves the right to invite those authors that the organization members agree to consider important for the exhibition.
3 The works must be original and must be signed. They can be made with any technique and in any format, with maximum dimensions of A3 (297x420 mm). For digital works, they must be made in formats JPG or TIFF with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi, and they must be sent to or to the online form.
4 All pieces will be sent properly wrapped. It is recommended to protect them with flat cardboard. The organization won't take responsibility on any possible damage occurred during transportation. All shipping charges will be at the participant's expense.
5 All art pieces will be sent before May 30, 2015, by mail, online form, or to the following address:
Fundación General de la Universidad de Alcalá XXII Muestra Internacional de las Artes del Humor C/ Nueva, 4. 28801 Alcalá de Henares Madrid (España) It is essential to comply with the noted date for the adequate planning of the catalogue and design of the exhibition.
6 A Selection Comission will carry out a selection of the pieces submitted, that will be exhibited in the XXII Internacional Exhibition of the Arts of Humor in september-november 2014.
7 All pieces submitted will be kept at the Graphic Humour Archives of the General Foundation of the University of Alcalá, except specific indication to the contrary, for which the artist must write on the reverse of the piece “Devolución”. The authors who want a donation certificate must write "Certificado" on the reverse of the piece.
8 The submission of the piece means that the author authorizes the General Foundation of the University of Alcalá to reproduce it and exhibit it, as long as the name of the artist is displayed and the objective is the media coverage of the Exhibition and the rest of activities of the General Foundation of the University of Alcalá within the field of Graphic Humour and/or of this call (edition of catalogues, posters, leaflets, media coverage, web page, etc.), and in any case it generates any type of obligation on the author's part.
9 The organization will communicate through the Exhibition web page the list of participants with submitted piece and the list of selected pieces.
10 At the end of the exhibition in Alcalá, those people with selected pieces will receive a copy of the catalogue, which will be edited to mark the celebration of the Exhibition.
11 The organization reserves the right to not exhibit those pieces considered to infringe individual or collective rights.
12 The participants will be responsible before any claim on the authorship of the works. The organization will not be responsible before any claim made by a third party upon the violation of intellectual rights or property of the works.
13 The participation on this Exhibition means the acceptance of these conditions of entry.
Regulation in languages on source.


22nd International Cartoonrendon Festival 2015, Colombia

The Outstanding Colombian caricaturist born in Rionegro - Antioquia (1894-1931), call "The Emperor" of the Cartoon. One of the most penetrating and fine Latin American humorists in the XX century, in their work the humor was satire, it was characterized especially by the political cartoon. Their cartoons were true x-rays of the facts and of the individuals. It was pioneer of the graphic publicity in Colombia.
The Festival is an event sponsored by the municipal administration of Rionegro during twenty one serial years in memory of Ricardo Rendón Bravo.
The Festival, only in the history of the country for their trajectory and continuity; he has allowed to look at the perception of authors of but of 90 countries, main characters of the changes and experiences of the towns that contribute to the humanity's growth with the same humour. The laughing thought and its universal language, caricature is the most effective weapon against the thought that does not laugh.
It is a dream and an universal yearning to erase frontiers so territorial as ideological that prevent us to live in harmony and to visualize the light of the freedom as principle of peace and coexistence.
1) The contest is open to all cartoonists all over the world.
2) The deadline for entries is September 5 (Saturday) 2015
3) The themes of the competition are Three:
1. THE LIGHT, AND THE TECHNOLOGY BASED ON THE LIGHT: On the recommendation of UNESCO, the United Nations General Assembly meeting in May 2013, declared 2015 as the International Year of Light and technologies based on it (2015 - The International Year of Light and the Light-based Technologies).
2. PERSONALITIES: Scientists: Abu Hasan Ibn Al Haytam (Alhazen), Augustin-Jean Fresnel, James Clerk Maxwell, Albert Einstein, Charles Kao.
3. FREE.
4) Each participant can present in the competition a maximum of Three cartoons for theme.
5) You can participate with cartoons in white and black or in color.
6) The size of cartoons will not exceed 30 x 40 cms maximum.
7) You can also participate in the competition with cartoons that have already been published or rewarded previously, all the presented cartoons will be original. Photographs, photocopies etc, will not be accepted, and the transport of the cartoons in charge of the participant.
8) Participants are requested to send, together with their cartoons, a short curriculum vitae and a photograph.
9) In the reverse of each cartoon he/she should go the name, surname, address, telephone number and country of origin of the participant.
10) The selected Caricaturist will receive free a catalogue.
11) The jury composed of Colombian and foreign cartoonists.
12) The results will be announced in the month of October of 2015.
13) The cartoons presented in the competition won't be returned, which will be part of the future National Museum of Caricature of Rionegro, in accordance with the representative of Cartoonrendon.
14) By filling in the entrance form attached, the participant declares and accepts in advance that (s)he has turned over the financial rights (s)he holds over the cartoon or cartoons vis-à-vis the public to Cartoonrendon without limitation on location, time period and number the intellectual property all rights for publication. (S)he agrees that Cartoonrendon may use such cartoons, exhibit them, keep them in its archives and publish them on the internet or through other media. With the actual delivery of the request for participation is considered delegates these rights to Cartoonrendon and/or his representative.
15) The organization is reserved the right of exhibiting those works that he/she understands they can attempt against individual or collective rights.
16) The Participation in the competition supposes the entire acceptance and without reservations all the conditions.
THE PRIZES : (Awards are subject to taxation according to Colombian tax regulation)
1) Grand Prix RENDON Theme The LIGHT and Technology based on the Light: US 2.500
2) Prize COOSERVUNAL Theme The LIGHT: US 1.000
5) Special Prizes offered by various institutions.
ADDRESS :The works should be sent to:
Fernando Pica / Casa Cultural Cll 48 
#  50 - 36, Rionegro, Antioquia COLOMBIA
Source: fb.


Winners in the XXIII International Satire and Humor Contest 2015, Italy

XXIII International Satire and Humor Contest 2015
1° prize
Michael Kountouris – Grecia (Top)
2° prize
Constantin Sunnenberg – Belgio
3° prize
Ismail Kar – Turchia (Above)
Menzioni speciali della Giuria
Valentin Georgiev – Bulgaria
Frank Hoffmann – Germania
Emanuele Benetti – Italia
Andrè Carrilho - Portogallo
Rafael Correa - Brasile
Marco de Angelis - Italia
Mihai Ignat - Romania
Bruce Mac Kinnon - Canada
Elena Ospina - Colombia
Federico Ricciardi - Italia
1° premio
Bicio Fabbri – Italia
Menzioni speciali
Giuseppe Mangini – Italia
Roberto Fiaschi – Italia
1° premio
Non assegnato
Menzione speciale
Davide Weber – Italia.
Report of the Jury (PDF).


8th International Contest of Caricature and Cartoon of Vianden 2015, Luxembourg

The Museum of Caricature and Cartoon of Vianden with the cooperation of
Les Amis du Château de Vianden and Naturpark OUR
are pleased to announce the
2. Deadline: 24 April 2015
3. Prizes: 1st prize:1500 €, 2nd prize: 1000 €, 3rd prize: 500 €, 3 honourable mentions
4. Entries: Initially, each participant can submit up to 5 entries in digital format by sending them via internet to the following address: . The author must include the following details in his or her e-mail: first name, last name, complete address, e-mail address, phone number and the title or the number of each submission. The specifications for these electronic submissions are as follows: format JPEG, good quality, and max. 1,5 MB per picture. Out of these submissions, the jury will make a selection of 60-100 for the catalogue and for the exhibition. Only the awarded artists will be invited to send the original work by mail.
5. Technique: Free, black and white or in colour, without subtitles.
6. Prizes and Exhibition: The announcement of the prizes and honourable mentions will happen on 2th May 2015 in Castle of Vianden and the exhibition will take place in the Hall of the Knights of the Castle of Vianden from 2th May until 23th May 2015. There are plans to display the exhibits in the Museum of Caricature and Cartoon of Vianden and in other cities.
7. Returns: The drawings that were awarded one of the prizes will become property of the organizer.
8. Catalogue: The authors whose submissions are selected for the exhibition will receive a free catalogue by mail.
9. Results: The results will be published on the website on 3th May 2015.
The award winners selected by the jury will be personally informed via e-mail or by phone. The final decisions of the jury are incontestable.
10. Copyright: The selected participants give the organizers permission to use their drawings only for promoting the artist and the event itself. Every other aspect of the copyright remains with the artist (except for the awarded submissions). It ensures that the awarded works can no longer be submitted in other contests or published by their authors or third parties after the official publication of the results.
11. Generalities
The submitted work should not have been awarded or published before the deadline of this contest.
By taking part in this contest the participants accept the abovementioned rules.
12. Submission address for the awarded works:
Musée de la Caricature et du Cartoon de Vianden
48, Grand-rue, L - 9410 Vianden, Luxembourg
13. Further informations .
Source: .


Alessandro Gatto wins the 17th PortoCartoon World Festival 2015, Portugal

Alessandro Gatto, from Italy, is the winner of the Grand Prize of the 17th PortoCartoon World Festival 2015, organized by the Portuguese Printing Press Museum, with a work named "Window" (Top). Gatto already had in 2012 won the grand prize of this international contest.
The Second Prize, entitled "Safe Light" (Above) is from Izabela Kowalska-Wieczorek (Poland) and the Third Prize named "Lantern" is from the Russian Andrei Popov (Below).
This year's edition included two caricature special awards, in tribute to the Literature Nobel Prize laureate novelist Ernest Hemingway and the football player Cristiano Ronaldo. The winners were, respectively,
Dálcio Machado from Brazil, and
Grondziel Krzysztof, from Poland.
The high quality of the works led the international jury to give nineteen Honourable Mentions to artists from different countries: Belgium (two), Brazil (three), Croatia (two), Spain, France, Iran (three), Poland, Portugal (three), Romania and Russia (two).
Source: fb.


28th International Biennial Exhibition of Humour in Art, Tolentino 2015, Italy

28th INTERNATIONAL BIENNIAL EXHIBITION OF HUMOUR IN ART Tolentino August 27 – September 27, 2015
The Municipality of Tolentino convenes and organises the 28th International Biennial Exhibition of Humour in Art – a prize contest focused on satire.
The contest is divided into two sections:
● “City of Tolentino Award” - for satirical art on the theme of “Die laughing”
" Die laughing " is a proverbial expression, a figure of speech, as well as a call to artists to reflect on the key role of laughter within the critical issues of contemporary world. Because today more than ever before freedom to satirize is synonymous with essential freedom of expression
● “Luigi Mari Award ” for caricatures of illustrious figures.
The contest comprises:
- a selection of works sorted out by a qualified jury later to be displayed at the 28th International Exhibition of Humour in Art, that will run in Tolentino from August 27 through September 27 2015;
- a prize awarding event;
- publication of a complimentary catalogue that will be presented to the authors of the exhibited works.
The contest is open to contemporary artists of any nationality and any age, who are allowed to enter a maximum of three works which must be unreleased and authentic, free in size and technique, and performed in whatever form of visual art, material and support – pictorial, graphics, sculpture and installation, photography and video.
The deadline to enter the contest is May 27th 2015, by which time all entries will have to have been sent to the address below:
Segreteria della “28a Biennale Internazionale dell’Umorismo nell’Arte”
Palazzo Sangallo,
Piazza della Libertà, 18
62029 TOLENTINO (Italy)
After having filled out and signed the entry form, the contestants are requested to attach it to their works prior to shipment. Artworks must be authentically signed and provided with the special coupon. The works must be shipped carriage free - they will only be accepted on condition that they are not subject to any taxes or customs fees - the local municipality will not bear any fees due.
Admission of the works, their selection for display, and the awarding of prizes are exclusive competence of the jury nominated by the Municipality of Tolentino in consultation with the Artistic Director. The jury's decision is final and irrevocable.
The Jury will award below prizes:
"Premio Internazionale Città di Tolentino" (City of Tolentino International Award) for satirical art on the theme of “Die laughing”
1st money prize - € 2.000,00, will be awarded to the winner of the 2015 Exhibition. In case of a tie, the prize money awarded will be split among the winners.
2nd Prize - Commendation
3rd Prize - Commendation
“Luigi Mari Award” for caricatures of illustrious figures
1st Prize - Commendation
Audience Award It's a special commendation awarded to a work that gets the most public appreciation among those on display, based on the preferences shown by the visitors.
Other special commendations may possibly be awarded by the jury.
The prize winning works will not be returned, they shall remain the property of the Municipality of Tolentino and will become part of the collection of MIUMOR - the International Museum of Humour in Art.
As clearly shown on the coupon, the works that are expressly donated by the artist shall remain the property of the Municipality of Tolentino, that is entitled to make a discretionary use of them. The works not expressly donated can be collected from the MIUMOR by March 31, 2016 personally by the artist or their delegate; alternatively they can be returned, not earlier than the thirtieth day after the scheduled closing date of the Exhibition, unless extended, if specifically indicated on the coupon attached to the work.
The Municipality of Tolentino, in its capacity as organizer of the event, pledges to the greatest care, custody and supervision over the length of time they will be at the venue of the Biennial Exhibition and during transportation, but declines all responsibility for theft, fire, damage or loss that may occur as a result of any unforseen causes.
Contestants allow the Municipality the right to reproduce any of the selected works free of charge for publication in the official catalogue of the Exhibition, in as many copies as the Municipality shall deem appropriate, including publication on the website and any other form of communication and promotion.
The City is authorized to publish the works on any support, even for commercial purposes. In case of reproductions, the author will be mentioned in the habitual ways. The author allows free use of their work for popularisation, cultural and recreational purposes, as well as for public enjoyment. The author must expressly renounce all rights to any compensation.
Contestants expressly authorize the Municipality of Tolentino to process the personal data in its possession in accordance with the personal data protection law, so as to include them in databases operated directly by the local administration or a third party appointed by it.
As organizer of the 28th Biennial Exhibition, the Municipality is entitled to adopt final decisions on all matters not mentioned in these Regulations. These are published on the website in Italian, English, French and Spanish. In case of controversy, the Italian text shall prevail. Participation in the 28th International Biennial Exhibition of Humour in Art implies unconditional acceptance of all items contained herein.
phone : 0733 901365/0733 901326 /0733 - 969797
fax 0733.966535
ENTRY FORM and regulation in languages on source.


42nd lnternational Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba 2015, Brazil

42nd lnternational Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba 2015
The 42nd lnternational Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba 2015, realized bythe Piracicaba City Haii/Cultural Action Secretariat/National Graphic Humor Center of Piracicaba in will be held in accordance with the followings scheduIe – Registration until July 17. Selection: 25 and 26 July. Awards: August 15. Opening: August 22. Closing: 04 October.
Professional and amateur artists, Brazilians and foreigners can apply unpublished artworks that were not awarded until the closing date for entries.The theme is free.
The works – all categories – can be sent by MAlL or ELECTRONIC (applications over the Internet on the official website, in the format and 300 DPI, JPEG, attached Images at once).
The graphical technique is free. Digital copies signed by author and being indicated that it is print number 01 and sculptures, with humorous content will also be accepted. Maximum measures allowed: paper- 42 x 30 centimeters (A3) (16,54 x 11,81 inches), sculptures – 42 centimeters or 16,54 inches (height) x 30 centimeters or 11,81 inches (depth) x 30 centimeters or 11,8 1inches (width).
Each artist may enter a maximum of 03 works per category: Cartoon (graphic humor with universal and timeless themes), Charge (graphic humor with journalistic themes of now a days), Caricature (graphic humor that expresses the physical and/or personality of a known celebrity), Comic Strips/Comic Stories (graphic art in sequence. Caution: for comic stories will be accepted a maximum of 02 pages per work) and Theme CORRUPTION (only for works that address the theme CORRUPTION, proposed by the organization).
Along the registered artwork, the artist must attach a complete registration form with legibly writing. lt is also requested reduced curriculum and photo, for registration in the CEDHU’s data base.
2.1 – Sent by MAlL 42º Salão Internacional de Humor de Piracicaba – Av. Dr. Maurice Allain, 454 – Caixa Postal 12 – CEP 13.405-123 Piracicaba SP Brasil
IMPORTANT: The work submitted must be accompanied by the registration form, duly completed and signed by the author.
2.2 – Sent by ELECTRONIC
IMPORTANT: Uploaded files should be named as follows: artist name_country_number. Example: paulosilva_brazil_01
The Awards are a totaI of R$ 51.500,00 (fifty-one thousand and five hundred reais) divided as follows:
a) Five 1st place prizes in the amount of R$ 5.000,00 (five thousand reais) each, divided among the categories.
b) One award of R$ 10.000,00 (ten thousand reais) called GRAND PRIZE INTERNATIONAL HUMOR OF PIRACICABA chosen among the five winners of each category.
c) One prize called Popular Jury “Alceu Marozi Righetto”, in the value of R$ 5.000,00 (five thousand reais),chosen by online open voting. The contestants to this award will be selected by the Awarding Committee. The indicated, such as the schedule and the local for the voting will be announced on the event’s opening.
d) Also planned: a prize of R$ 3.131,11(three thousand one hundred thirty-one reais and eleven cents) called CHAMBER OF MUNICIPAL OF PIRACICABA award, exclusively for the caricature category; a prize of R$ 3.500,00 (three thousand five hundred reais) called UNIMED HEALTH AWARD for work for any category that explore the themes of health and a prize of R$ 5.000,00 (five thousand reais) called ÁGUAS DO MIRANTE AWARD, intended to work by Brazilian authors in any category.
Beside the money prize, the awarded artists will be receiving trophies (a creation of Zélio Alves Pinto). Other awards and honors may be imposed at the discretion of the Organizing Committee.
There will be a Selection Jury and an Award Jury composed by qualified people in the area. lf the Award Jury finds any type of fraud or pIagiarism in one or more registered works, the Jury may cancel the award. The result of the award may be contested until a week after the opening of the Exhibition, with reasonable evidence of any wrong doing without acknowledgement of the committee.
The simple application requires the artist to accept these regulations. The selected artists automatically transfer the authorial rights of his artworks for reproductions and publications in any media, without restriction, aiming promotion of the event. The returning of the artworks after the closing of the exhibition must be formally requested early in the registration form. Otherwise the artworks will ultimately belong to the collection of the NationaI Graphic Humor Center of Piracicaba, which will exercise the right of property, as it finds interesting.
The organization of the 42th lnternational Exhibition Humor of Piracicaba is not responsible for possible damages that may happen when the arts are sent or returned.
The authors transfer automatically Authorial Rights of his artworks when awarded acquisitivetely (including mentions), in accordance with the Law n 9610, February 19st, 1988 (Authorial Rights Law),therefore, universal and definitely in all use modalities and gratuitous, the rights of the author, guaranteed by the mentioned law; referring to the awarded artworks in the lnternational Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba and now integrant part of Municipal Public Property for the purposes of entitlements, in accordance with the Municipal Law n 2249,1976, partially amended by the Municipal Law n 2486-1982 and consolidated by the Municipal Law n 5194-2002.


"Vanity Fair" exhibition of cartoons by Alla & Chavdar Georgievi at Osten Gallery, Skopje

Today at Osten Gallery at 13:00 h. opens "Vanity Fair", the exhibition of cartoons by Alla & Chavdar Georgievi , Bulgaria.