

Theme in Cartoonale Brugge 2015, Belgium: Freedom

Click on the image to enlarge
Regulation in languages:
Registration Form (deelnemingsformulier) on source:


Winners in Pannonpower Caricature Contest about biomass: Drawings in green 2014, Hungary

Theme: Drawings in green – innovative energy production by biomass
1st Prize: Bacsa Gergely, Hungary (Top)
2nd Prize: Bernard Bouton, France
3rd Prize: Valentin Druzhinin, Russia
Diploma: Dariusz Wójcik, Poland
Diploma: Marco D'Agostino, Italy.
Source: pannonpower.

XVII International Open Cartoon Contest – BUSINESS TRIP - Zielona Góra 2015, Poland

Invitation – XVII International Open Cartoon Contest – BUSINESS TRIP - Zielona Góra 2015
The Society of Supporters of Cultural Activities “Debut” and the Voivodeship and Municipal Public Library in Zielona Góra (Poland) cordially invite to participate in the XVII International Open Cartoon Contest. This year theme is BUSINESS TRIP.
Attached are the rules for the Contest and the Entry Form.
Yours Faithfully,
The Debut Society,
dr Andrzej Buck, President.


The 23rd Universitarian Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba/UNIMEP 2015, Brazil

01 – The 23th Universitarian Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba/UNIMEP, organized by the Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba – UNIMEP (Methodist University of Piracicaba), will be held in accordance with the following schedule:
Applications until: May 23rd, 2015
Art selection: June 8nd, 2015
Awards: June 12th, 2015
02 – Only students enrolled in an under-graduate or graduate program, of any University or College acknowledged by its local government, can apply to the Universitarian Humor Exhibition. They must send the Application Form together with a document that can prove his enrollment in a University or College.
CHARGE: humoristic drawing related to a recent fact
CARTOON: humoristic drawing with no relation with any specific fact
CARICATURE: face reproduction with anatomic distortion, usually from a well-known person.
COMIC STRIP: sequential story in stages/frames.
SPECIAL: thematic category specific to humor artworks that deal with ENVIRONMENTAL / ECOLOGICAL issues.
There is no charge or cost for the application and it can be done in person or by electronic or regular mail.
03 – Each participant can apply to as many categories as he or she wishes, with no limit reganding the quantity of works sent. However, THEY MUST BE FROM HIS OWN AUTHORSHIP AND NEVER BEEN PUBLISHED BEFORE. In the cases where these conditions are not followed, the committee will proceed with the cancellation of the application or the annulling of the awards and the mentions received. In addition, the committee may decide to take legal action against the transgressor.
Obs 1: COPIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED (photocopies, photography, heliography) of the artworks.
Obs 2: Artworks made in the computer and printed will be accepted since they follow the rules of authorship and must not have been published before.
Obs 3: Regardless of the number of works sent by the authors (free), there will be a limit for the selection of a maximum of 03 works by each artist in each category.
04 – The Artworks sent by email or delivered in person must respect the following observations: 30 x 40 centimeters (12x16 inches), no frames attached, identification in the overleaf containing first and last name, country, telephone, e-mail, the category in which the specific artwork is being submitted and the name of Educational Institute (write in print). The address is:
Salão Universitário de Humor de Piracicaba/UNIMEP
Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba
A/C: Laboratório de Comunicação
Rodovia do Açúcar, Km 156 - C. Taquaral
Caixa Postal 68 - CEP: 13400-911 Piracicaba/SP/Brasil
Telefone: 55 (19) 3124-1611
05 – Copies of the Application Form will be accepted if they are perfectly readable.
06 – The Artworks sent by e-mail to must be formatted in JPEG, 300 dpi, limit file size: 2MB. Other procedures for sending an electronic file can be found at
07 – The applications will be valid if, besides the observation of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 6th items, are received by the Organizational Committee until May 23th, 2015. For the application by mail, the date of postage will be considered.
08 – All valid Artworks applied will be submitted to a pre-selection process, and only these will be eligible for the awards.
Obs: All applied Artworks can be reproduced by UNIMEP with the purpose of promoting the Universitarian Humor Exhibition.
09 – The following awards will be granted:
a) Five (05) awards in cash of R$ 1.000,00 (one thousand Reais) each. Four of them will be given by the Award Jury. The fifth award will be granted to the winner of an open Internet Election. All categories are eligible for these awards.
b) One (01) Special/thematic Award “Meio Ambiente/Centro Cultural Martha Watts-Unimed”, in the value of R$ 1.000,00 (one thousand Reais), given to the best artwork that deals with ENVIRONMENTAL/ECOLOGICAL issues (according to the item “Categories”)
Note 1: Other awards and mentions can be created by the Organizational Committee.
Note 2 : CASH Prizes will only be deposited in Current Account (Individual) in the NAME OF ARTIST WINNER, who shall inform all data of that bank account to the Organizing Committee, after requested.
10 – The selection of the Artworks to be presented in the Exhibition and the selection of the winners will be conducted, respectively, by the Selection Jury and the Award Jury. Members of the Jury are people with acknowledgeable talent in the area.
11 The awarded Artworks in conformity with items 8 and 9, will be considered property of the Methodist University of Piracicaba. The ownership, utilization rights and any other rights over the Artwork will pertain to UNIMEP and Centro cultural Martha Watts-Unimed, that maintains to itself the right to use it as wanted.
12 – The non awarded Artworks can be withdrawn by the authors in person or by written permission to a third party in the period from August 24th to October 30th, 2015 in the same location mentioned in item 07. The Artworks can also be returned by mail; for that the author must send a written request authorizing the mailing of the work, which will be paid by the recipient.
13 The Organizational Committee and the Methodist University of Piracicaba are not responsible for eventual damage or loss of the artworks sent by mail.
14 – The formalization of the application will indicate that the participant is in accordance with this regulation.
15 – Problems not foreseen by this regulation will be solved by the Organizational Committee and the President of UNIMEP.
Registration Form on source.


Winners of the International Exhibition Satyrykon - Legnica 2015, Poland

Satyrykon 2015. Jury verdict
The protocol of the jury session of International Exhibition SATYRYKON – Legnica 2015
21 February 2015
Jury represented by:
The chairman
having seen 2.222 works by 606 authors, who come from 51 countries of the world, the Jury has awarded Grand Prix Satyrykon 2015 and money award in amount of 8,000 PLN to Mr ANDREI POPOV (Russia) for his work Illusionist (Top).
The Jury has also awarded the following regular prizes:
Section I: enthusiasm
1st prize, golden medal and money award of PLN 6.000 to Ms KATARZYNA BOGUCKA (Poland) for her work Sale

2nd prize, silver medal and money award of PLN 5.500 to Mr ROBERT KEMPISTY (Poland) for his untitled work
3rd prize, bronze medal and money award of PLN 5.000 to Mr MIROSŁAW GRYŃ (Poland) for his work Method
and the two equal distinction awards of PLN 4.000 each for:
Mr AGIM SULAJ (Italy) for his untitled work
Ms MILENA MOLENDA (Poland) for her untitled work
Section II: joke and satire
1st prize, golden medal and money award of PLN 6.000 to Mr ALESSANDRO GATTO (Italy) for his work „Riflesso”

2nd prize, silver medal and money award of PLN 5.500 to Mr LEX DREWIŃSKI (Germany/Poland) for his work Double work

3rd prize, bronze medal and money award of PLN 5.000 to Mr ARTUR LIGENZA (Poland) for his work Women’s Day
and the two equal distinction awards of PLN 4.000 each for:
Mr POL LEURS (Luxembourg) for his work No future
Mr MARCIN WAWRZASZEK (Poland) for his work Europe 2050
That way the protocol was close.

s p e c i a l a w a r d s

The Director of Warsaw Museum of Caricature award in amount of PLN 4.000 for Mr PAWEŁ STAŃCZYK (Poland) for his work W stronę słońca
The Director of Legnica Culture Centre Award in amount of PLN 4.000 for Mr LUC DESCHEEMAEKER (Belgium) for his work Teddy.
See all prize-winning works on source:


Call for Cartoon Exhibition of Gender Equality, Ankara - Turkey

“Laughing” is one of the most significant features of humankind that distinguishes it from other species. In a world where being treated like a saint for being quiet is quite common and saying “…don’t laugh like a woman!” is a swearing, it is tried to make people forget that humour is actually the result of a deep thought. Yet, how much we laugh defines how “human” we are. Our hearts stay warm as we laugh and laughing to ourselves is the best cure for arrogance. That is why laughter and humour are considered to be threatening and get banned by religions and governments throughout history. Humour is an essential medium that points out details, what is unorthodox to nature’s course and illustrates bitter reality by covering it with sugar.
Humour, as an expression of critical thought, struggling, resisting and caricature matching up with this is another branch of art that leads us to think about our social roles.
Through the exhibition it is aimed to raise awareness on gender equality, get people discuss on this topic again, have a look at women issue, which is an essential part of political, economic and social life, by viewpoint of humour.
The exhibit which will be held on May 8th-18th 2015 is open for all amateur and professional caricaturists.
We are waiting for your attendance at this international exhibit until 1st of April, which will be carried out in cooperation with Flying Broom and Obur Humour.
Participation Conditions
1. Theme: Gender Equality
2. Applications will be accepted via email. Participants must send their works with name, surname, address and contact information. The works should be sent to both and
3. Cartoons must be in A3 size (29,7x 42 cm) and in 300 dpi resolution. All techniques are acceptable. Each artist can participate to exhibition with 5 works at most. If the works have written parts, they will be in English or Turkish.
4. The works reflecting the theme in the best way will be evaluated by a selection committee constituted of Flying Broom Women Communication and Research Association and Obur Humour Magazine.
5. Deadline for application to the exhibition is WEDNESDAY APRIL 1, 2015.
6. Exhibition will be held in Ankara at the Çankaya Municipality Contemporary Arts Center as part of 18th Flying Broom International Women’s Film Festival between 8th – 18th of May.
7. The sent and selected works will be collected in a special magazine, distributed during the exhibition dates and sent to the participants.
8. The works sent for the exhibit could only be used by Flying Broom during and after festival on printed materials and on the web site for the promotional purposes. In the event that the work is used except for the mentioned purposes, the permission will be received from the artists.
For detailed information: and


The 15th International Editorial Cartoon Competition of the CCWPF 2015

The 15th International Editorial Cartoon Competition of the Canadian Committee for World Press Freedom 2015
1. The theme for the 15th International Editorial Cartoon Competition is:
The price of freedom
Last year was difficult for cartoonists worldwide.
In Venezuela, Rayma Subrani was fired from the newspaper "El Universal" for linking former President Chavez to the problems of the health system.
Turkish cartoonist Mehmet Düzenli was jailed for "insulting" Adnan Oktar, a controversial Muslim preacher.
France experienced the worst terrorist attack in it’s soil when five "Charlie Hebdo" cartooonists were murdered in the office of the satirical magazine.
Freedom of the press has a value but it also has a price.
2. Prizes: three prizes will be given: a first prize of $1500 plus a Certificate from the Canadian Commission for UNESCO, a second prize of $750 and a third of $500. All sums are in Canadian dollars. Ten additional cartoons will receive an ‘Award of Excellence,’ Regrettably no financial remuneration accompanies the Awards of Excellence.
3. Only one cartoon will be accepted from each cartoonist. It may be either in color or black and white and must not have won an award.
4. The size of the cartoon should not exceed A4; 21 by 29.2 cm; or 8.50 by 11 inches.
5. The name, address, telephone number and a short biography of the cartoonist must be included in the submission.
6. The Canadian Committee for World Press Freedom shall have the rights to use any of the cartoons entered in the Competition for promotion of our Editorial Cartoon Competition and World Press Freedom Day.
7. The winners of the Cartoon Competition will be announced at the World Press Freedom Day Luncheon held at the Chateau Laurier in Ottawa, Canada on Friday April 30, 2015 as well as being advised by e-mail. The winner’s names and their cartoons will be posted on the CCWFP web site:
8. The winning cartoons will be exhibited at the luncheon.
The deadline for receipt of cartoons is 5 p.m. GMT, Friday April 3, 2015.
Send submissions by e-mail to :
Cartoons should be in jpeg format at 300 dpi.
Source: bado-badosblog.


The V International competition of cartoons/caricature "Totalitarianism" 2015, Ukraine

The V International competition of a cartoons/caricature "Totalitarianism"
"Give me mass media and I will make a herd of pigs of any people". Joseph Goebbels.
"Goebbels was the talented person". Vladimir Putin.
Competition is devoted to creation in the World of "a new order" at which any aggression against the neighboring state was possible to justify as the "blood call" as it was in the years of blossoming of the fascist states.
Magazine of the Ministry of Defence in Ukraine "Army of Ukraine". Editor-in-chief Valentin Buryachenko.
The site:
Valerii Kruhov the International festival of arts "Gogol - fantasy" (Kherson, Ukraine).
Mikhail Shlafer International exhibition competition of cartoons of "Carluka" (Poltava, Ukraine).
The chairman Mikhail Zlatkovsky, Russia.
Willem Rasing, Netherland.
Valery Kurtu, Germany.
Valentin Buriachenko, Ukraine.
Mir Teymur Mamedov, Azerbaijan.
Oleg Dergachov, Canada.
Valerii Kruhov, Ukraine.
The structure of jury is forming.
Subjects of the competition
I. Influence of promotion of the totalitarian state. Competition of a cartoons.
The subject opens the using of Russian mass media for conducting the information war against neighboring states, Ukraine, European Union, USA and other countries, creation of the virtual reality for people, justifying occupations of others territories, violation of international treaties, direct support of terrorists and conducting wars.
II. "One people, one country, one leader!" Competition of caricatures of organizers of Russian totalitarian promotion and the members of the media supporting the totalitarian modes.
The first place: a figurine - the prize is a Big bronze "Rudy Panko".
The second place - Small bronze Rudy Panko.
For the third place - "Rudy Panko" in the form of a traditional interior doll.
All figurines - handiworks of masters of Ukraine.
10 Diplomas of competition.
Authors of cartoons/caricatures of the final catalog will receive an author's copy. The prize fund is forming.
Competition conditions
1. To send new caricatures which didn't take prizes at other competitions. Cartoons/caricatures which took prizes at other competitions aren't considered and will be removed from participation in the competition.
2. Technology of execution is free. Format of caricatures in electronic form: JPEG (3MB - 4MB), 300 dpi. to the address: the Accompanying inscription to a cartoon/caricature: in Ukrainian, Russian or English: nomination, name, surname of the author, contacts, creative biography (at will).
3. To specify in the nomination No. 2 who is the journalist and from what body of mass media it is drawn.
4. Carrying out terms from the February 5 till March 15, 2015 - reception of works in electronic form on the site and voting on the site in the sections "Caricature" and "Cartoons". The final decision for selection of caricatures in the final catalog and definitions of prize-winners belongs to the jury of the competition.
On March 15 the publication on the site of the list of 50-100 cartoons which will be included into the catalog.
On April 1 - holding a total exhibition of a caricature "Totalitarianism. Caricatures and cartoons."
Till April 1, 2015 Authors of cartoons/caricatures that will be published in the catalog, send originals (or qualitative author's copies, the A4 format - A3 (more preferable) and a personal photo (A6 format) to the address: To Kruhov Valerii.73034, Ukraine, m Kherson, p.o. box 16.
On April 1, 2015 - the announcement of results of the competition on the site in the section "News". Artists of caricatures who will be included into the catalog will receive author's copies.
Presentation of the catalog: On june, 2015 - the World Day of the Freedom of speech.
Provision of competition
1. Any author without restrictions can become the participant of competition. Technology of execution is free.
2. Copyright infringement isn't admissible!
3. Caricatures have to answer the moral standards accepted in democratic society. Shouldn't contain any scenes of excessive cruelty, pornography.
4. In case of violation of Conditions and the Provision of competition - caricatures will be removed from the competition without explanation. "Gogol fantasy" of www is corresponded with authors only on pages of the official site of the International festival of arts.
5. By sending the caricatures to the competition - the author of a caricature accepts conditions of the
V International competition of a cartoons/caricature "Totalitarianism" without any exception and restrictions.
6. Prior to reception of works (on February 1, 2015) changes, additions can be made to Conditions and the Provision of competition; directed on competition improvement.
7. Cartoons/Caricatures of participants of the competition can be used by organizers of competition for holding exhibitions, promoting of competition, the site, a festival of arts. Cartoons of winners of competition remain in property of organizers of competition.
8. Information to the artists participating in competition and fans of a caricature: in case of obvious repetitions among the works sent to competition and uploaded to the website in the section "Cartoon" and "Caricature" - acceptance of a final decision on a caricature is assigned to a discretion of jury.
9. In the course of carrying out the competition of any of the sites organizers can become the main platform of demonstration of caricatures and cartoons.
10. The best cartoons/caricatures will be printed in the magazine of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine by "Viysko of Ukraine".
Advance payment conditions:


8th International Biennial of Caricature "Masters of Caricature", Plovdiv 2015, Bulgaria

SUBJECT: Sheep and Wolves
In ancient times somewhere between the mountain and the sky “the good acquaintances” a wolf and a sheep met. Could a caricature tell us more about their meeting? Is the contemporary caricaturist capable of portraying the diversity of relations in this awkward pair? Old Bulgarians would say: “God save you from the wellbeing of a sheep whose well-wisher is wolf.” The wisdom of yore will entwine new mores.
The ram is the herd’s leader, a shepherd’s deputy, a sacred animal that links our world and the otherworld. The ram is a symbol of stoutness, strength and leadership.
The wolf is different. He is related to the wilderness that is unavailable for human beings. The wolf is among the foul forces created by the Devil, a symbol of death and winter.
Some people say that if you behave like a sheep, you will attract wolves. Others say that the wolf is bad as he eats the sheep, but what would a sheep seek against the wolf. Let’s see...
Regional Ethnographic Museum
Dr. Stoyan Chomakov St. 2
4000 Plovdiv 
1. The Biennial of Caricature is open to professional and amateur caricaturists from all over the world.
2. Each participant should send at least one original work in 210/297 mm (format A4). Participants should send their caricatures by July 31st, 2015.
3. The caricatures may be colorful or black-and-white.
4. Caricatures sent via e-mail do not participate in the contest.
5. It is advisable that along with their caricatures, participants should also send a photograph or take-off and CV.
6. An international jury will nominate five caricaturists who will be conferred the title “Master of Caricature”.
7. The awarded caricatures are not sent back.
8. The rest of the caricatures will be sent back if authors state that in written form.
9. The Catalogue of the exhibition will be given free of charge to participants whose caricatures are included in the Catalogue.
Time and location:
Opening ceremony: October, 1st 2015, at 18.00,
Regional Ethnographic Museum – Plovdiv.
Submission deadline: July 31st, 2015 (mail date)
The Nominated works will be stored at the Fine Arts Fund of Regional Ethnographic Museum – Plovdiv
Phone: + 359 32 626 339
Source: Tsocho Peev.


XX° Mercosur International Cartoon Contest Diógenes Taborda 2015, Argentina

XX° Mercosur International Cartoon Contest Diógenes Taborda 2015, Argentina
Theme: Tango Music
Límite de envío/ Deadline: 15 de Agosto /August 15th
Inauguración/Opening: 21 de Septiembre /September 21th
Entrega de premios/Awards: 21 de Septiembre /September 21th
Categories: Cartoon (graphic humor) , Comic Strips/Comic Stories (graphic art in sequence. Caution: for comic stpries will be accepted with a maximum of 03 pages), Caricature (graphic humor that expresses the physical and/or personality character known), illustration + Special Prize to the artwork most voted by the public.
The graphicl tehnique is free. The entry form or a word document with the artist name, address, telephone, e-mail, website and a small biography. Each artist may enter with a maximum of 03 works per category in a size that no exceed 30x40 cm., digitalized in 300 DPI in RGB or CMYK and in JPG format. The works should be sent by e-mail to this e-mail addresses:
The Big Prize Diogenes Taborda 2015 will win a personal exhibition exclusive about him the Night of the Museums of Buenos Aires 2016 (the most popular day of the argentinean museums) and a colective exhibition the other 4 awarded artists in the 4 categories during the next year to be realized in the Cartoon Museum Diogenes Taborda, el día de la historieta. Also will be edited a postcard in 10x15 cm with 4 colors. 1.000 copies and a diploma will be sent to the awarded artists.
Additional information:
A simple application requires the artist to acceptance of these regulations. The artists selected tranfer automatically authorial rights of his artworks for reproductions in any media, without restriction, aiming to promote the event; and allows to the Cartoon Museum Diógenes Taborda to use this artwork in any other exhibitions.
Museo del Humor Grafico Diógenes Taborda
XX° Mercosur International Cartoon Contest Diógenes Taborda
XX° Salón Mercosur Internacional Premio Diógenes Taborda
Av. Caseros 2739 - Ciudad de Buenos Aires – Argentina
Jorge Omar Volpe Stessens
Director Museo de Humor Gráfico Diogenes Taborda
Source: museodiogenestaborda.


Catalog 15th International Contest "Fax for Peace, Fax for Tolerance" 2010-2011, Italy

I got involved in the international contest "Fax for Peace, Fax for Tolerance" when I supervised a specialist graduation thesis of uncoming defence by a student from Spilimbergo at the Degree Course in Integrated Communication for Enterprises and Organizations of the University of Udine.
In this way I started my approach towards an initiative worthy of attention both for its noble social purposes and also because it has been possible to retrace the continuous evolution of the media used in the various editions, starting from the fax, which appears historically in the name of the award, up to the newest multimedia support.
The wide young audience who attended the closing ceremony of the event leads me to further consideration on the formative importance and on the very concept of "peace".
For a very long time peace has been fixed in a static vision, often memorized in a sequence of dates and events related to conflicts ("after a certain war the interrelated peace is signed"); actually, peace is identified with a dynamic notion closely tied to an active dialogue both inside the same community and internationally.
That is, peace implies activating positive communication processes among peoples beyond any barriers and geographical and, above all, mental borders; for young people, peace means being engaged in exploring social contexts with an open mind and living anytime a surplus-value approach to their own maturation process and to that cultural adventure called life.
Vincenzo Orioles
Professor of Glottology and Linguistics
at the University of Udine.
(*) Size: 21x21 cm.
96 color pages
Cover image: Paolo Coda
Printed in November 2011, Italy.


Confucius Caricature & China in the Eyes of Artists International Competition & Exhibition

2015 Confucius Caricature & China in the Eyes of Artists International Competition & Exhibition
The download link of application form: .
Confucius Caricature & China in the Eyes of Artists 2015 International Exhibition is an open competition. The objects of the competition are Cartoon, drawings, graphics and other works of fine arts created with the use of optional techniques, being originals, and qualified by artists to:
1. Confucius Caricature
2. China in the Eyes of Artists
Both themes are required to submit without limitation of quantities. WORKS AWARDED IN OTHER COMPETITIONS Can be included in the competition.
1. Maximum A3 (297 x 420 mm). Works should be sent or delivered(original scripts are preferred)by May 15, 2015 (date of the postmark), packed in a protective cover to: Organizing Committee of “Confucius Caricature” 2015 International Exhibition.
2. Participants can also send electronic edition( JEPG, 300 dpi) to .
Awards and Prizes
Grand Prix (1) 2000 USD
Gold Medal (2)1500 USD
Silver Medal (2) 1000 USD
Bronze Medal (2)800 USD
Special Prize (10) 300 USD
1. Works for the competition will be qualified by the international Jury.
2. The Jury will award the following prizes + Diplomas for each prizes
3. Jury has the right of final distribution of the statutory prizes, change of their amount, or non-awarding them. Jury's decisions are final.
4. The competition results will be announced after the final selection in July, 2015 at web site: . AWARDS ARE SUBJECT TO TAXATION ACCORDING TO CHINESE TAX REGULATIONS.
1. Participation in the competition is free of charge.
2. Organizers reserve the right to include the submitted works in the Gallery and publishing.
3. The submitted art works would be promoted on the internet.
4. Works should be accompanied by their author's photo or caricature, a short biographical note and a filled application form (PLEASE USE CAPITALS).
1. Authors of work qualified to the exhibition are given a presentation copy of the catalogue.
2. Works sent to the exhibitions will be exhibited in the country and abroad after the main exhibition. Organizers plan to award the author of the best Debut and will organize her/his individual author’s exhibition at Gallery included in 2015 program as well.
3. Participants wish to participate in the exhibition and in the catalog only, they may send a print copy, or by e-mail (JEPG, 300 dpi)
1. Organizers reserve the right to use the sent works for advertising purposes without any special fees paid to the authors: to be exhibited and reproduced in a variety of advertising materials, as well as printed and circulated in catalogues.
2. The prize-winning works become the property of the organizers and will be included in the collection of the gallery.
3. The exhibition organizers are the finial judges in interpretation of the regulations.
4. Sending her/his work the artist agrees to the mentioned above rules and regulations and agrees to the publishing of the author's profile in the post-exhibition album.
Contact Information
e-mail address:
Mailing address: 2801 Suite, No.7 Building, Tianchang Yuan Media Village, Beiyuan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100107
Tel: 0086-10-84827182
Fax: 0086-10-84827182
(Organizers are not responsible for transport damages.)
Deadline for works reception May 15, 2015 (date of the postmark)
Final Jury Meeting in July 2015
Exhibition in July 2015.
Source: .
Application Form in jpg format.