

KARIKATURUM 8 International Forum of Visual Humor, Surgut 2015 – 2016, Russia

KARIKATURUM 8 International Forum of Visual Humor
Surgut 2015 – 2016
1. The KARIKATURUM International Forum of Visual Humor is an open competition, happy to accept works from both professional artists and amateurs, regardless of education, age, sex, nationality, and citizenship.
2. The Forum is organized by the Surgut Government Department of Culture, Youth Policy, and Sport and the Surgut Fine Arts Museum.
3. The KARIKATURUM 8 International Forum of Visual Humor has one discipline – caricature.
Forum Timeline
Announcement of the competition – December 2014
Deadline for submitting entries – April 15, 2015
Work of the Jury – May 14-19, 2015
Award ceremony and exhibition opening – June, 11-12 2016
Exhibition will remain open – June–August 2016
1. Alexander Sergeev / Russia / - Artist, Cartoonist
2. Vladimir Stepanov / Russia / - Artist, Cartoonist
3. Igor Pashchenko / Russia / - Artist, Cartoonist
4. Ivailo Tsvetkov / Bulgaria / - Artist, Cartoonist
5. Svetlana Kruglova / Russia / - Director of the Surgut Fine Arts Museum.
Main Prizes
Grand Prix PLATINUM USHANKA 100 000 rubles
1st place GOLDEN USHANKA 80 000 rubles
2nd place SILVER USHANKA 60 000 rubles
3rd place BRONZE USHANKA 40 000 rubles
3 special prizes 90 000 rubles.
Cash prizes are paid in rubles and are subject to taxation as per the Russian legislation.
1. Requirements for Entries
1.1. The competition only accepts originals from participants who have the copyrights for their works. Entries received by email, copies and printed versions are not accepted. Works that have already received prizes at other competitions are only accepted if they are accompanied by information on when and where they were awarded. The jury retains the right to add or not add them to the list of prizewinning works.
1.2. Accepted techniques: painting, graphic, prints (etching, lithography, woodcutting, linocuts).
1.3. Entry size can range from А4 (210х297) to А2 (420х590).
1.4. Each participant can send an unlimited number of caricatures.
1.5. Postage and handling of the entries is paid for by the participants. Works must be carefully packaged. The organizers are not responsible for any damage incurred during transportation.
1.6. All entries must be accompanied by an Application Form including the author’s name, surname, telephone number, fax number, e-mail and address. The form should be filled in block letters. Unaccompanied entries are not accepted in the competition.
1.7. The entries must have the name and surname of the author as well as the year of their creation, materials and techniques used on their reverse sides.
1.8. The organizers guarantee that all operations with the personal data of participants will be conducted in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation (Federal Law from July 27, 2006 № 152-ФЗ “On Personal Data”).
1.9. The copyrights for their works, titles and texts are owned by the authors and are inalienable. Every author is responsible for his or her work in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Exclusive rights to their cartoons remain with the authors unless they turn them over in a deed of gift (Art. 1291 of the RF Civil Code).
1.10. Submitted cartoons will not be returned and will remain in the collection of the Surgut Fine Arts Museum. The museum gladly accepts the gifted works and urges authors to express their will by filling a deed of gift (deed of gift form supplied) in favor of the museum collection to send it together with their entries and application forms.
1.11. Entries may be put on display at the Surgut Fine Arts Museum as well as other museums, galleries, exhibition halls, and the museum’s website at the organizers’ discretion.
1.12. The organizers reserve the right to publish received works in the media including the internet and replicate them in Forum advertisements without paying the author but indicating their name, surname and country.
2. Special Conditions
2.1. The main prizewinners and jury members of the Forum will receive free transport to and from the award ceremony by any mode of transportation from any single city of the Russian Federation as well as free accommodation at the Surgut Hotel. Payment for taxis, passenger meeting services, and accommodation in transit points is not included.
2.2. The main cash prizes may be divided between several entries at the jury’s discretion.
2.3. The organizers and sponsors of the forum reserve the right to establish special prizes after receiving the entries.
2.4. A catalog will be published after the competition. All authors whose works are included will receive a free copy.
2.5. You can find more information about the KARIKATURUM 8 International Forum of Visual Humor at: ENG RUS
2.6. The fact of participation in the Forum implies that participants have accepted the above conditions.
Entries should be sent to the following address:
International Forum of Visual Humor
Surgut Fine Arts Museum,
30 Let Pobedy Street, bld. 21/2,
Surgut, Tyumen Oblast, Russia, 628403
Phone numbers: +7 (3462)51-68-12, 51-68-13; 51-68-08; Phone number / fax: +7 (3462)51-68-16; e-mail: .
Source: .

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sirs! Think carefully! Is it necessary to place the competition Russians called "Power over life" on your site, and cartoonists Ukraine and the world to participate in this contest chauvinistic when Russia is trying to impose their "power over the world and life, waging war in Ukraine." I propose to boycott this competition.
