

3rd International Cartoon Exhibition Ymittos 2014, Greece

3rd International Cartoon Exhibition Yymittos 2014, Greece
«Our Diet is Our Life - Genetically Modified Foods
Environmental Pollution - Codex Alimentarius»
on 15-29 November, 2014.
Venue: Event Hall of the Municipal Community of Ymittos,
1 Iroon Polytechniou Sq. Ymittos.
It will reward the best works.
Will be awarded 1st Prize, Best Guest and 4 more.

• The cartoons must be black-and-white or in colour.
• Each participant may present up to 3 works (size A3).
• Resolution must be at least 300 dpi
• It would be preferable that the works not contain any text or comments. In case they do, the English or Greek language should be definitely included.
• The use of collage is prohibited.
• The works must be sent via e-mail.
• The works will be evaluated by an Artistic Committee.
• There will be a Judging Committee Award.
• A short CV, the e-mail address and the postal address of each participant is required.
• All participating works may be exhibited in a touring exhiition in Greece or abroad.
• The works may be used in the information campaign of the Exhibition. Under no circumstances will the works or copies of the works be sold. The commercial exploitation of part or the total of the exhibition is prohibited.
• The artists who will participate will not receive any kind of payment for their participation.
• Participation in the exhibition implies full acceptance of all above terms.
• Copyright of the Exhibition belongs to the three organizers.
• Submission deadline October 20, 2014.
• The works should be sent to the following e-mail address:
• All participants will receive the Exhibition Catalogue in digital format.
• With the support of FECO HELLENIC GROUP LEVADIA.
• News:
• The Organising Committee:
The Chairman, Michael I. Stavrianoudakis, Mayor of Dafni-Ymittos
The Vice-Chairman, Yiannis Geroulias, President of the Cartoon Friends Association
The Coordinator, Yiannis Kaltsas, Ergastiri.
• Information:
Yiannis Kaltsas +30 6984106117.

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