

International Cartoon Contest La Sonrisa Moche 2014, Peru

Organization: Peru MAS Magazine and Carpa de Tinta
Humanity is going through a crisis of values expressed in different actions or reactions in many of our daily life aspects. This is particularly evident in urban life, when violence menaces the physical and spiritual integrity of each and every one of us, contributing to the pollution of our ecosystem, a fact that is becoming more complex and global.
MAS Magazine of Trujillo, Peru, and Carpa de Tinta publisher committed to the society and the environment, in the midst of the anguish and fear that overcome our cities, seek to awaken our consciousness against this situation, from a catalyst language and readable universally: the CARTOON.
For this reason, from northern Peru to all continents of the Pachamama, we convened LA SONRISA MOCHE International Cartoon Contest, with the theme PUBLIC SAFETY. An event that also brings as jury outstanding exponents of National and International Cartoon, who will share their professional experiences and the approach they take when illustrating similar topics.
We invite you to participate with the warm welcome of Trujillo people and all Peruvians.
1. All illustrators and graphic humorists who live in any part of our Mother Earth, amateurs or professionals, from 18 to 120 years old, of any marital status, religious or sexual militancy may participate. Members of the Contest Organization, or MAS or Carpa de Tinta publisher team may not participate.
2. Each participant may submit a maximum of 3 illustrations without dialogues or parliaments or text balloons. PUBLIC SAFETY, an urban social factor rundown in many of the cities is been designated as the topic on which works should be inspired. Works may or may not have achieved any consideration or prize in other similar events, but the individual sending them must have the authorship. It means, copies and/or plagiarism detected by the jury will be disqualified immediately (the story of the secretary’s mistake or tribute to a particular person, not worth).
3. The technique is completely free, in color or black and white, and the submission will be digital, it should be in 21 cm X 30 cm, in JPG (horizontal or vertical) format, in RGB colors, in high resolution (300 dpi). The file name will be the title of the work.
4. The submission of each illustration should attach a Word document containing the title of the work, the author's name, email, phone, address, and country of origin, as well as a brief CV of no more than 10 lines, a photo or personal caricature and a miniature of the work.
5. Deadline: 28 September 2014. And the work must be sent to the following address:
FIRST PLACE USD 1,000.= + diploma
SECOND PLACE USD 500.= + diploma
THIRD PLACE USD 300.= + diploma
HONORABLE MENTION (which the jury deems appropriate) diploma.
The results will be announced on October 27, 2014 and officially published on the MAS magazine website:
7. The jury will be composed of prominent and experienced national and international professionals, most of them awarded and/or former juries in countless similar contests. The jury's decision shall be final.
8. If after the jury's decision, is still detected that any of the work, awarded or not, it is plagiarism or copying from another work, the author or authors will assume all legal responsibility that the situation demands them.
9. By participating in this contest, the author accepts all the conditions mentioned in these rules, and assigns the rights of the illustration to the Contest Organization for use in various publications related to LA SONRISA MOCHE International Cartoon Contest.
For more information contact ; ; .

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