

7th Edition International Prize in Humour and Satire “Novello: A Gentleman of Good Family"

“Novello: a Gentleman of Good Family”
Artistic Director Amedeo Anelli
Director's Prize Lele Corvi
The competition for the 7th Edition of the International Prize in Humour and Satire “Novello: A Gentleman of Good Family", is launched by the City of Codogno with the support of public and private institutions.
Participation is open to professional and amateur graphic artists, who can take part in the competition by sending unpublished drawings. An unpublished work is considered as such when not published on web sites, catalogues, magazines, newspapers, books, and TV programmes, or exhibited in no kind of art exhibitions..
How to participate
Each artist will be allowed to participate with a maximum of three works on the same theme :
EXPO 2015
In 2015, the Expo will address the theme of food in every facet. Therefore Authors are invited to illustrate all aspects related to food, through graphic art: that is to say quality, a fair redistribution of resources, the problem of Hunger and Thirst in the world, research and technology applied to food, styles life and rediscovery of the culinary traditions of the countries, as well as all other aspects related to food that can be graphically represented by a humorous drawing.
The drawings must be submitted in electronic format by loading into the Application Form available on the website, no later than June 3, 2014 (EXTENDED:June 16, 2014.
They must have the following characteristics: JPG 300 dpi - high resolution - A4 size indicative formed with maximum computing features 10Mbyte –
Author's last name and title of the work must also be mentioned in the Application Form.
No other forms of presentation are allowed.
The work must correspond to the grounding spirit of the Award, which consists of Humour and Satire. Therefore works of political satire or drawings that may transgress the laws of common human decency will not be accepted.
The work must be unpublished, and may be accomplished by using all techniques, in black and white or colours, and may either contain text or not.
The works will be judged by a jury formed by sorting cartoonists, journalists and personalities from the world of culture and entertainment. The best ones will be displayed in the exhibition of the International Prize in Humour and Satire that will be held in the month of October 2014, in the premises of the historic building "Soave Old Hospital", located in Viale Gandolfi, 6 – 26845 Codogno.
The winners will receive the following amount:
1st Rank - Novello Prize - EUR 1,500.00
2nd Rank - EUR 1,000.00.
3rd - Rank - 500.00 euros
The winners will be requested to integrate their applications with the production of personal identification documents.
The works received become part of the general Archive of the Prize, and may be used for promotional purposes of the Prize or the cultural activities of the City of Codogno in every public and private means of communication: magazines, newspapers, books, TV, or web sites, in Italy or abroad.
Therefore, the competitors are requested to consent to the reproduction of their work as long as this is not for profit.

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