

2013 University Cartoon Competition on Environmental Protection, China

2013 University Cartoon Competition on Environmental Protection / China
1. Theme: “Saving, Recycle, Environment friendly
Cartoons and illustration works on the theme or any other concerning with environment protection are accepted.
2. Participants
1) Students group of those from China and oversea universities,
2) Social group of professional and armature cartoonists
3. Schedule:
The works should be submitted from June 5 to October 31, 2013
Notice: Since the deadline is set upon the receipt of the works, it is suggested to have the works delivered as early as possible.
4. Prizes
Student group:
First Prize [1 competitor]: RMB 5,000 (pre-tax) and certification
Second Prize [2 competitors]: RMB 3,000 (pre-tax) and certification
Third Prize [3 competitors]: RMB 1,000 (pre-tax) and certification
Excellent Prize: [50 competitors]: souvenir and certification
Top-over-List Prize: souvenir.
Notice: Top-over-list Prize is awarded to the top on the voting rank on the official website.
Social group:
First Prize [1 competitor]: RMB 8,000 (pre-tax) and certification
Second Prize [2 competitors]: RMB 4,000 (pre-tax) and certification
Third Prize [3 competitors]: RMB 2,000 (pre-tax) and certification
Excellent Prize: [50 competitors]: souvenir and certification.
5. Sponsors:
China Daily, the People’s Government of Nantong,
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Center for Environmental Education and Communication of the Ministry of Environmental Protection (CEEC), China Environmental Protection Foundation (CEPF), China Journalistic Caricature Society,
China Daily Website, 21st Century,
Natong Environment Protection Bureau, Natong Culture, Natong Gouyou Property Grouop.
6. Requirements
1) There is no limitation on number of works submitted by the participants.
2) Hand painting on paper should not be smaller than A4 size (210mm*297mm). Please mark the title, participant’s name, college name, address and other contact information at the back of the paper.
3) If you submit your contribution via email, please follow the specifications as follows :
- 300 dpi (file size no more than 2MB)
- longest side of the file should be under 1000 pixels.
4) Work description: title of the work, participant’s name, and the name of the college or university he or she attends are required, and pen name (if necessary).
Caption of email contribution should be in TXT format and include the title of the work, name of author, college and department she/he attends, address, and telephone number.
7. Submissions
1) Register on the official application webpage, fill in authentic information and upload your work(s).
2) Email to
3) Postal delivery to the address found below. Please write “Cartoon Contest” on the front cover of envelope.
8. Application Form (downloadable)
All participants shall register for the competition with an application form. Fill out the form. Photocopies or hand painting form are acceptable. Click to download.
9. Contact Us
Address: 6/F, B3 Tower, Ziguang Building, No.11 Huixin Dongjie Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100029, China
Tel: 86-10-8488 3652 Mr. Zheng
Official Website:
Email Address:
10. Contest Procedure:
1) Registration: No fees required
2) Work submission;
3) Winning works will be displayed on
4) Top-over-list prize are selected according to the numbere of votes and views received.
5) The contest results will be posted on, as well as other newspapers or websites.
11. The Referees
1) The referees include pro cartoonists, academic professors and environment protection experts.
2) The referees will review the works submitted and select the winners.
3) The winner will be announced on December, 2013
12. Copyrights
1) The organizers reserve the right to refuse entries they consider morally, politically or religiously offensive, as well as work that is considered in contravention of the acknowledged moral standards.
2) If a contribution has any intellectual property rights or copyright dispute, the organizer holds the right to revoke the participant’s eligibility to participate in the competition. Participants are solely liable for any consequence that may arise from submitting work to the competition. The participant must be the owner of all rights on the work submitted and it is the responsibility of the participant to ensure that his or her contributions to the competition do not generate any copyright or other intellectual property rights dispute.
3) reserves the right to use the contributions for presentation and media use.
4) Organizers and participants share the copyrights of the contributions: the organizers of the event have the right to display and distribute the works of the contestants.
5) By submitting a contribution to the competition, the participant is assumed to agrees to accept all of the terms and conditions.

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