

2nd International Contest of Social Illustration 2013, Argentina

2nd International Contest of Social Illustration • 2IS13!
Terms and Conditions
1. The Second International Contest of Social Illustration (2IS13!) is organized by Reacción Magazine. With the official sponsor ADRA Argentina.
2. The theme of this contest is based on the free interpretation of the word “HOPE”.
3. The 2IS13! is a contest open to illustrators, designers, cartoonists, artists interested and general public.
Over the age of 18 years old.
4. Receiving works:
The contest begins on the 4th of June and it will close on the 4th of September of 2013.
The work will be sent to the following e-mail address:
Any artwork turned in after the due date will not participate on the contest.
5. Format:
DIN A4 / Digitalized (or scaned) / JPG.
6. Next to every illustration sent (, the artist must provide the following information:
• Títle of the work
• Full name of the contestant
• Personal identification number (Pass. / ID / DNI / CI)
• E-mail address
• Mailing address, city and country
7. Digital technique will be accepted. If you use this technique the original work must be signed.
8. Artwork must be original work of the artist.
To participate on this contest, the work must not have been previously awarded, nor shall have image rights shared with other entities.
9. Each illustrator can send a maximum of 3 (three) works.
10. The author is owner of his work; however, Reacción Magazine & ADRA Argentina reserve the right to publish and/or distribute them without required authorization. Nor should pay for it.
The ownership of the works are shared by the artist and the organizers.
For other aggregate rigths, must be subject to a new agreement between the artist and the organizers.
11. A digital catalog will be publised and every participant who´s work has been selected for the International Exhibition of Social Illustrations, will receive a password to download the Catalog.
12. Awards.
The awards will be held in late September, after the final desition from the jury.
The 2IS13! grants:
• 1st Prize:
- US$ 300
- Diploma of Honor
- Digital Catalog EIIIS!
- Special mention to the author and his awarded work in Reacción Magazine.
- Official Selection Certificate (Internacional Exhibition of Social Illustrations • EIIIS! )
• 2nd Prize:
- US$ 200
- Diploma of Honor.
- Digital Catalog EIIIS!
- Special mention to the autor and his awarded work in Reacción Magazine .
- Official Selection Certificate (International Exhibition of Social Illustration • EIIIS! )
• Special Award from Reacción Magazine:
The communication team of Reacción Magazine will gran the following Special Mention.
- US$ 200
- Diploma of Honor.
- Digital Catalog EIIIS!
- Special mention to the autor and his awarded work in Reacción Magazine
- Official Selection Certificate (International Exhibition of Social Illustration • EIIIS!)
13. Participation in this competition amplies aceptante of these rules. Any doubts as to the interpretation thereof, shall be settled by the organizers, which may introduce any changes it deems appropiate, if necessary.
14. The organizers will confirm participants the receiving artwork (vía email). It also will report on the award of the contest, which will be published on the website of Reacción magazine and ADRA Argentina.

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