

International cartoon contest Young and EUROjobLESS, Ruse 2013, Bulgaria

International cartoon contest Young and EUROjobLESS, Ruse 2013, Bulgaria
"Youth unemployment and employment stimulation"
• Europe Direct Information Center Ruse
• The European Institute, Sofia
• Ruse Art Gallery, 7000 Ruse, 39 Borisova str.
• FECO Bulgaria.
Terms and conditions
The contest will focus at the issue of unemployment in the EU, in order to promote broad strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth "Europe 2020", and in particular youth employment.
In February 2013, 5.694 million young people (under 25) were unemployed in the EU27, of whom 3.581 million were in the euro area. Compared with February 2012, youth unemployment rose by 196 000 in the EU27 and by 188 000 in the euro area. In February 2013, the youth unemployment rate was 23.5% in the EU27 and 23.9% in the euro area, compared with 22.5% and 22.3% respectively in February 2012. In February 2013, the lowest rates were observed in Germany (7.7%), Austria (8.9%) and the Netherlands (10.4%), and the highest in Greece (58.4% in December 2012), Spain (55.7%), Portugal (38.2%) and Italy (37.8%).
The unemployment rate in the USA was 7.7% in February 2013. In Japan it was 4.2% in January 2013.
/These figures are published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union., February 2013, Euro area unemployment, STAT/13/50, 2 April 2013/
The challenge for politicians and stakeholders will be to improve opportunities for living and employment of young people in EU.
І. Cartoon;
Terms for participation:
1. The contest is open for professional and amateur cartoon artists over 18 years;
2. Each participant could send up to 3 works /originals/ in A4 or A3 format;
3. Cartoons could be either color or black and white;
4. Deadline for receiving works 15.07.2013 on the following address:
Information Center Europe Direct Ruse
26 Alexandrovska str.,Royal City Center, fl.3,
7000 Ruse, p.b.169 Bulgaria
For Cartoon contest
5. Participants should send a short СV, as well as name and family name, titles of the works, postal address, e-mail address and telephone.
6. Jury:
• Ivaylo Tsvetkov – chairperson of FECO for Bulgaria, cartoon artist for newspaper Monitor, newspaper Telegraph and magazine Tema.
• Valentin Georgiev, cartoon artist, illustrator, artist;
• Elena Velikova, director Ruse Art Gallery;
• Representative of IC Europe Direct Ruse.
7. Prizes:
І prize of the contest – plaque and diploma;
2 special prizes and diplomas;
SBH prize;
RAG prize;
FECO Bulgaria prize.
All awarded and selected works will be part of exhibition in Ruse Art Gallery and IC Europe Direct. Cartoons will not be returned. All cartoons will be included in collection of Europe Direct and will be included in travelling exhibition among Europe Direct Centers in Bulgaria.
8. Postal costs for sending works are covered by participants. There is no fee for participation.
9. Selected and awarded authors will receive paper and electronic catalogue - CD with exhibition.
10. Participation in this contest is considered as author’s agreement with present terms.
11. We wish success to all participants!
Opening of exhibition:
September – October 2013, 17.30 EET.
Ruse Art Gallery, Ruse, 39 Borisova str.
For all questions referring organization and terms of the contest you can write to: to the Europe Direct Ruse or to Valentin Georgiev.

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