

20th International Exhibition of the Arts of Humor, University of Alcalá 2013, Spain

The Quevedo Institute of Humor of the General Foundation of the University of Alcalá announces the 20th International Exhibition of the Arts of Humor. The title for this edition will be “OTROS TRABAJOS, OTRAS ECONOMÍAS (JOBrobados)” = (“OTHER JOBS, OTHER ECONOMIES”).
The economic situation in many countries is creating new levels of precariousness reflected in the temporary hiring, corruption, bad work conditions, abuse of the internships, underground economy ...
The 20th International Exhibition of the Arts of Humor IS NOT a competitive contest.
The exhibition will be divided in four sections: Graphic humor, video and animation, audio and literary humor.
1. All the persons older than 18 can take part in one or several sections of the exhibition.
2. The deadline for sending the works is June 28th 2013. Works can be sent via email to and via mail to:
Instituto Quevedo del Humor - FGUA
Calle Nueva 4, 28801 Alcalá de Henares (Madrid). España.
3. There will be a Selection Committee per each section. Those committees will make a selection of the works that will be displayed in the 20th International Exhibition of the Arts of Humor that will be organized in the last months of 2013. The organization will contact the authors with works to be displayed, and a list of the selected work will be published in the website of the exhibition.
4. The authors with works selected for the exhibition will receive a copy of the catalogue that will be edited for the 20th International Exhibition of the Arts of Humor.
5. The works selected will be part of the documentary collection of the Quevedo Institute of Humor.
6. When sending their works, the authors are giving the General Foundation of the University of Alcalá the authorization of reproducing, and spreading their works. That reproduction and/or spreading must be done always making a reference to the author’s name and its objective must be related to the content of the exhibition, with no obligation generated regarding the authorship of the work.
7. The organization reserves the right of not displaying those works that could violate individual or collective rights.
8. The participants will be responsible before any claim on the authorship of the works. The organization will not be responsible before any claim made by a third party upon the violation of intellectual rights or property of the works.
9. The participation in the Exhibition implies the acceptance of these general requirements and the renounce to any legal claim. The authors will be the sole responsible of their works.
1. The authors can send a work related to the topic “Otros trabajos, otras economías” (Other jobs, other economies). The works can be made as cartoon, comic strip or caricature. The authors must send the filled formulary attached to these requirements. That formulary can also be found online here. The organization reserves the right to invite those authors that the organization members agree to consider important for the exhibition.
2. The works must be original and must be signed. They can be made with any technique and in any format, with maximum dimensions of A3 (297x420 mm). For digital works, they must be made in formats JPG or TIFF with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi, and they must be sent to If the authors want their works to be returned, they must write the word “DEVOLUCIÓN” (Return) in the back part of the original.
1. A video or animation must be sent related to the topic “Otros trabajos, otras economías” (Other jobs, other economies). Works can be made in any cinematographic or digital format. The authors must send the filled formulary attached to these requirements. That formulary can also be found online here.
2. The works can be made in any language, but they must have subtitles in Spanish if that is not the language of the original work.
3. The maximum duration of the works will be 3 minutes.
4. The works can be sent in any digital format (AVI or MP4 recommended), stored in digital format and, if they are CDs or DVDs, they must be sent with a case with the title and the work and the name(s) of the author(s).
5. The works can also be sent via FTP. A formulary must be sent via online or via email to, requesting the passwords for accessing that FTP to send the work.
6. The authors sending the works will be responsible for the intellectual property rights of the music, voices and effects included. They will be responsible in the event that there is any claim made by other authors, interpreters or intellectual property rights managements associations.
1. An audio file must be sent related to the topic “Otros trabajos, otras economías” (Other jobs, other economies). The authors must send the filled formulary attached to these requirements. That formulary can also be found online here.
2. The works can only be made in Spanish.
3. The maximum duration of the works will be 90 seconds.
4. The works can be sent in any digital format (MP3 recommended), stored in digital format and, if they are CDs or DVDs, they must be sent with a case with the title and the work and the name(s) of the author(s).
5. The works can also be sent via FTP. A formulary must be sent via online or via email to, requesting the passwords for accessing that FTP to send the work.
6. The authors sending the works will be responsible for the intellectual property rights of the music, voices and effects included. They will be responsible in the event that there is any claim made by other authors, interpreters or intellectual property rights managements associations.
1. A humoristic text must be sent related to the topic “Otros trabajos, otras economías” (Other jobs, other economies). The authors must send the filled formulary attached to these requirements. That formulary can also be found online here.
2. The works can only be made in Spanish.
3. The works must have a minimum of 40 words and a maximum of 100 words.
4. The works can be made in any text format (DOC or DOCX recommended). The works can be sent via online, via email to or can be sent via mail, stored in a digital format with the name of the work and of the author(s).
Source: humorgrafico.

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