

Results the 7th HumoDÆVA International Cartoon Contest, Deva 2013, Romania

Results of the 7th HumoDÆVA INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CONTEST, Deva 2013, Romania
Theme: Free
From 55 countries 343 artists sent in their works by internet; 1095 drawings selected.
Jury: Liviu STANILA, Julian PENA – Pai. Horia CRISAN.
First prize, 1000 $, ex-aequo: Borislav STANKOVIC - STABOR (Serbia) 500 $
First prize, 1000 $, ex-aequo: Romeo RAILEANU (Romania) 500$
Second Prize (500 $): Lubomir KOTRHA (Slovakia)
Third Prize (300 $): Viacheslav BIBISHEV (Russia)
Excellency Prizes (Special Honor Diploma):
1. Hamid SOUFI (Iran)
2. Halasz GEZA (Hungary)
3. Costel PATRASCAN (Romania)
4. Rafael CORREA (Brazil)
5. Ze BIN (China)
6. Javad ALIZADEH (Iran)
7. Zu ZIZUN (China)
8. Ali MIRAEE (Iran)
9. Alireza PAKDEL (Iran)
10. Sun Shen YING (China)
Special Prizes (Special Honor Diploma):
1. Ba BILIG (China)
2. Mihai BOACA (Romania)
3. O-SEKOER (Belgium)
4. Menekşe ÇAM (Turkey) (Top)
5. J.Bosco de AZEVEDO (Brazil)
6. Iulian LALU (Romania)
7. Norbert van YPERZEELE (Belgium)
8. Ramiro ZAPATA (Colombia)
9. Raul Fernando ZULETA (Colombia)
10. Galym BORANBAYEV (Kazakhstan).
All winning cartoons here.

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