

Bicycle is the theme in 19th Euro-Kartoenale Kruishoutem 2013, Belgium

1. Theme: “The Bicycle(Bicycle, cycling, bicyclist... as a way of transport, as recreation or as a sport)
2. The number of entries is limited to 5.
They may not have been exhibited or published before. Any kind of graphical technique will be accepted, including 3-D works. Digital artwork is preferably printed by the artist, in order to present a sufficient high quality work to the jury.
3. The works have to be sent to the following address:
Our website will inform you if your works have arrived. The list of participants will be updated every day.
4. The drawings shall have the following dimensions: 210 x 297 mm (A4) - (8.268 x 11.693 inches). The drawing must bear, on the reverse side, the surname and forename of the participant, for 3-D entries at the bottom of the work. The drawings shall not bear subtitles.
5. By participating, the artists authorize the organizers to publish the submitted works in the catalogue and for the promotion of the exhibition.
6. The following prizes are awarded:
1st prize € 1.600,00 + trophy
2nd prize € 1.400,00 + trophy
3rd prize € 1.200,00 + trophy
Prize of the ECC Personal exhibition in the ECC
Prize of the EU € 750,00
Best Belgian Cartoon € 750,00
On the occasion of the prize-giving, the winners are invited for a stay of 3 days.
7. On request the participants get a free catalogue. However, the postage costs are for their own account (for participants who do not reside in Belgium using 6 coupons international reply). These coupons are available in your local post office). They can also collect the catalogue at the European Cartoon Center.
8. By participating the artist lends the submitted works to the organizers for itinerant exhibitions .
Consequently, the selected works will remain at the disposal of the organizers until November 2014!
The awarded works will become property of the organization.
9. The entries will only be sent back by the organizers on written request. 3-D works can be collected at the ECC in the course of 2014. They can be sent back on written request, the postage costs being in this case on the account of the artist. The organization can in no way be held responsible for eventually damaged or lost works.
10. If after announcement of the prizes, it appears that plagiarism has been committed, the jury can after deliberation withdraw the prize.
11. Deadline: 15th of January 2013 !!!
Jury meeting: 27th of January 2013.
Opening and prize-giving: Saturday 23th of March 2013.
Exhibition: 24th of March till the 23th of June.

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