

Results 39th International Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba 2012, Brazil

Winners of 39th International Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba / Brazil 2012
Grand Prix Gold and Caricature Award: Bruno de Carvalho Hamzagic - Taboão Sierra / SP - Brazil
Prize Draws: Rafael Correa -Porto Alegre / R S - Brazil
Award Khartoum: Oleksy Kustovsky - Ukraine
Charge Award: Angel Boligán – Mexico
Award Board of Aldermen of Piracicaba: Ulysses Araujo - Paraíba do Sul/RJ Brazil
Award Intolerance: Rodrigo Machado Rosa -Porto Alegre/RS -Brazil
Mention Strip: Tomás Serrano – Spain
Mention Khartoum: Pavel Constantin - Romania
Mention Khartum: Angel Boligan - Mexico
Mention Charge: Mohsen Asadi - Iran
Mention Charge: Ricardo Clement - El Salvador
Mention Caricature: Ulysses Araujo - Brazil
Mention Caricature: Glen Batoca –Brazil
Mention Caricature: Fab ricio Rodrigues Garcia - Brazil
Mention Caricature: Leibholz Lucas - Brazil
Mention Caricature: Saeed Sadighi - Iran
Mention Intolerance: José Antonio Costa -Brazil
Mention Intolerance: Darko Drljevic - Montenegro.

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