

1st International Humor Exhibition about Environmental Education, Brazil

1st International Humor Exhibition about Environmental Education 2012, Brazil
The Postgraduate Program in Environmental Education, Federal University of Rio Grande - FURG, along with the V CPEASUL - Researchers Colloquium on Environmental Education in the South and IV EDEA - Encounter and Dialogue with the Environmental Education invites cartoonists in the world to participate in 1st International Humor Exhibition on Environmental Education, to be held in Rio Grande in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, from 25 to 29 September 2012.
What is Environmental Education?
According to Law 9.795/99, which deals with environmental education and establishing the National Environmental Education, in article 1st, "means for environmental education processes through which the individual and the collectivity build social values, knowledge, skills, attitudes and skills for the conservation of the environment and of common use, essential to a healthy quality of life and its sustainability. "
What is Environment?
The set of conditions, laws, influences and interactions of physical, chemical and biological, which allows houses and govern life in all its forms.
What are the basic principles of environmental education?
I - the humanistic, holistic, democratic and participatory;
II - the design of the environment as a whole, considering the interdependence between the natural environment, the socio-economic and cultural, with a focus on sustainability;
III - the pluralism of pedagogic ideas and conceptions, in view of the inter, multi and transdisciplinarity;
IV - the link between ethics, education, work and social practices;
V - the guarantee of continuity and permanence in the educational process;
VI - the ongoing critical evaluation of the educational process;
VII - the approach articulated environmental issues at local, regional, national and global;
VIII - the recognition and respect for plurality and individual and cultural diversity.
What are the fundamental goals of environmental education?
I - developing an integrated understanding of the environment in its multiple and complex relations, involving ecological, psychological, legal, political, social, economic, scientific, cultural and ethical;
II - the guarantee of democratization of environmental information;
III - the encouragement and strengthening of a critical awareness of the environmental and social issues;
IV - the encouragement of individual and collective participation, permanent and responsible in preserving the balance of the environment, understanding the protection of environmental quality as a value inseparable from the exercise of citizenship;
V - the encouragement of cooperation between the various regions of the country, micro and macro-regional levels, with a view to building an environmentally balanced society, founded on the principles of liberty, equality, solidarity, democracy, social justice, responsibility and sustainability;
VI - to promote and strengthen integration with science and technology;
VII - the strengthening of citizenship, self-determination and solidarity as the foundations for the future of humanity.
1 - Dates:
- Registration: until 15 September
- Selection: from 18 to 20 September
- Disclosure of 100 works selected for the official: 21 September
- Awards: 25 September
- Closing the Show: 29 September.
2 - Participation:
- Professional and amateur cartoonists can submit up to three (3) cartoons in various thematic categories involving the Environmental Education (sustainability, urban mobility, health, nature conservation, agricultural ecology, recycling, social justice, diversity, etc.)
- The cartoon may have been published or awarded in another contest, the goal of the exhibition is to provide a forum for debate on environmental education through the Graphic Humor among teachers, students, researchers, cartoonists and the community.
- By signing the papers the cartoonist agrees to assign the right to use freely on the works for work in environmental education and exhibitions that have educational character.
- All cartoons will be displayed in, stating the job title, artist name, site, city and country.
- The 100 selected works will form the official show will be presented in the lobby of the auditorium CIDEC-South - Center for Integrated Development of Coastal and Ocean Ecosystem, Campus Carreiros Federal University of Rio Grande - FURG, where there's the V CEPASUL and IV EDEA, bringing together researchers, students and communities in southern Brazil and Uruguay.
- All registrants will receive a certificate of participation.
- All work will be part of the proceedings of the V CPEASUL and IV EDEA.
3 - Registration:
- The work will be received via e-mail .
- The cartoons should be in JPEG format, size A3 (42x30cm) and be at 300dpi.
- The three cartoons must be attached in the same e-mail, which shows the organization of the responsibility to confirm receipt.
- In the body of the email should be the following information about the work:
Full Name:
Artistic Name:
1 - File Name: Title of Cartoon:
2 - File Name: Title of Cartoon:
3 - File Name: Title of Cartoon:
4 - Award:
- The three (3) finishers will win a trophy, certificate and Brazilian graphic humor books and Environmental Education books.
- Also will be given five (5) honorable mentions with the right certificates.
- Other prizes may be added to the prizes described above.
The regulation is available on the blog
We appreciate the publicity and participation.
Best regards,
Wagner Passos
Cartoonist and Organizer of the Exhibition
Prof. Dr. Vanessa Hernandez Caporlingua
Coordinator of PPGEA
Postgraduate Program in Environmental Education
Federal University of Rio Grande - FURG

Source: .

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