

17th International Cartoon and Graphic humour Contest BOMBUROVA ŠABĽA

Town Brezno
and town cultural centre of Brezno
in co-operation with HLP grafik, s.r.o.
and regional newspaper MY HOREHRONIE announce
XVII. International Cartoon and Graphic humour Contest
BOMBUROVA ŠABĽA (Bombura sword)
Cartoonists may use any techniques they like, size A4.
Each cartonist may submit up to 10 cartoons..
Theme: We like animals
Name of the cartoon, first name and surname of the author, address, age, profession
and phone number or email should be written on the back side of each cartoon.
Competition will be devided into two categories according to the age
- first category till 15 and the second category over 15.
Entry deadline is May 10, 2012.
The jury, nominated by the Organizers, will award prizes for the best cartoons in each category.
The winners in the first category will be awarded by gifts
and in the second category they will get financial reward
1st place - 100 €, 2nd place - 65 €, 3rd place - 35 €.
Jury has the right not to award every prize, but they can award „Certificate of Merit“.
The best works will be displayed during a town festival “Days of the town Brezno”.
The opening exhibition and award ceremony with authors participation
will be held on June 2, 2012 in Synagogue, Štúrova 11, Brezno.
The Cartoons will not be returned and organisers reserve the right to publish the works in press or other way.
Results of the competition will be published in regional newspaper MY HOREHRONIE
and other comics journals and newspapers.
Original cartoons should be sent in an envelope marked “Bomburova šabľa
Mestské kultúrne stredisko, Švermova 7
97701 Brezno SLOVAKIA

For more information call:
* Mr. Daniel Rakyta
Phone/Fax. No. 00421/48 6113412, 00421 (0)907688058
* Mr. Peter Zifčák
Phone No. 00421/486115585, 00421(0)908605196
HLP grafik s.r.o. Brezno
* Mr. Ferdinand Hrablay
Phone No. 00421/486113671
e-mail: .

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