

MUTUAL CONTEST (comics, il​lustration​s, short animations​)

(comics, il​lustration​s, short animations​)
An anomalous contest!
Here the rules:

Results 13th International Festival of Caricature and Aphorism, Strumica 2012

On the day of 26th of January the international jury of the XIII th International Festival of Caricature and Aphorism , Strumica 2012, with the members set below:
Milan Alasevik - Slovenia - acting as president of the jury
Jordan Pop-Iliev - Macedonia - member
Risto Filcevski – Macedonia - member
Dr. Dimitar Alacki – Macedonia - member
Aleksandar Filev – Macedonia - member
Reviewed the received caricatures and aphorisms at the XIIIth International Festival of Caricature and Aphorism and decided to award the prizes as below:
1.Golden Plaque: Yuri Kosobukin - Ukraine
2.Silver Plaque: Erdogan Basol - Turkey
3.Bronze Plaque: Valery Chmiriov – Ukraine.
Award granted by the Organizational Board of Strumica Carnival:
Nikola Angelkovski – Macedonia.
Diploma awarded to:
Constantin Ciousu - Romania
Nikolay Arnaudov - Bulgaria
Leonte Nastase - Romania
Dubovski Aleksandar - Ukraine
Dragomir Dimik - Monte Negro.
1.Golden Plaque - code “MCM” Milan Milivojeviki – Serbia
2.Silver Plaque - code “Something firmer” Mile Gjorgijoski - Macedonia
3.Bronze Plaque - code “The best” Miroslav Bozhkov – Bulgaria.
Diploma awarded to:
Ljupka Cvetanova - Macedonia
Vasil Tolevski - Macedonia
Atanas Krlevski – Macedonia.
January 2012, Strumica
Milan Alasevik, President of the jury
Marjan Pecev-Zahov, Organizer of the Festival.


Internatio​nal Cartoon Competitio​n "Can you believe it?!"

International Cartoon Competition presented by the Arts and Cultural Center KuK e.V. in cooperation with the Aachen Newspaper Publishing Company and the Städteregion Aachen.
Call for Submissions
Can you believe it?!
They say Mr zu G. actually wrote a part of his dissertation himself! Mr Ch. W. himself paid for and planted a rose bush in his garden. Or maybe not? The Felix Krulls, Münchhausens and two-faced hypocrites populate the parliaments of this world – and this is no new phenomenon.
The list of politician lies seems long. Didn't George W. Bush say: "Iraq possesses weapons of mass destruction"? Who believed Walter Ulbricht when he said "No one intends to erect a wall"? Did anyone believe Bill Clinton's statement: "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinski"? Didn't the Hungarian Prime Minister admit that he lied to the people morning, noon and night during the election campaign? Shouldn't Putin's and Berlusconi's noses be infinitely long?
Does what was promised before the election still hold afterwards? Why should it? Is Truth a rare good in politics? Or is the lie in itself taken for granted in politics? And if not, then why not?
Telling lies in politics is a broad field – but it is also a humorous field, which is why we have chosen it to be the theme of our 6th International Cartoon Competition.
How can light be brought into the darkness of the politician's lie? Who can uncover, debunk, explain? Isn't it all laughable?
The cartoonists and caricaturists of the world are called up to do "enlightenment work". Wanted are the funniest cartoons, the sharpest caricatures and gladly also those critical drawings of and about lying politicians and about Truth in politics.
All professional and amateur cartoonists 18 and over can partipate in this international contest..
Maximum 5 cartoons
Original drawings or signed prints, no copies
Black-white or colour
Format: DIN A4 bis DIN A3 (unframed, no matte)
Year of composition: 2009-2012
Provide the artist's full name on the back of the drawing, including if applicable the drawer's artistic pseudonym and the title of the work.
The completed entry form, a photograph or portrait caricature (electronic submissions at least 800 pixel/800 kB, jpg format) and a brief CV (max. 280 characters) for the catalog should be submitted with the drawings. If available, the print data of the entries are welcome for the catalog.
The jury will make selections for the exhibition and catalog, and award the prizes from the pool of submissions. The jury includes among others Prof. Bernd Mathieu (Editor-in-Chief of the Aachen Newspaper / Aachen News), Martin Sonntag (Caricatura Kassell), and Nina Mika-Helfmeier (Cultural Affairs director).
This year the exhibition will take place from 5 May to 1 July 2012. The awards ceremony and the opening of the exhibition is on 5 May 2012 at 16:00 in the Kunst and Kultur Center of the Städteregion Aachen, Austraße 9, Monschau.
In total up to 2 x 45 works plus extensions will be shown.
As in every year, the KuK e.V. will publish a catalog in collaboration with the Aachen Newspaper Publishing Company. Artists included in the catalog will each receive one copy.
1st Place 2500.00 EUR
2nd Place 2000.00 EUR
3rd Place 1000.00 EUR
4th-6th Places 500.00 EUR each
Return policy:
All work that does not become property of the Kuk e.V. will be returned at the organisation’s expense. The returns will be prepared and carried out with the appropriate care.
Entry forms available at:
All prize-winning work becomes the property of the Kuk e.V. In addition, the organisation retains the right to keep one submission from each participant whose work is exhibited. These drawings will be auctioned at the end of the year. The proceeds will be used to support cultural projects in schools within the county. Participants are requested to identify which of the submitted drawings the organisation may keep.
Submission deadline: 10 April 2012
Städteregion Aachen
S 16 Staff position for culture, empirical research and gender equality
Dr. Nina Mika-Helfmeier
Raum B025
Zollernstraße 10
52070 Aachen
Telefon 0241-51982664
Fax 0241-519882664
With the friendly support of:
Aachen Newspaper Publishing Company,
KuK Kunst und Kulturzentrum Aachen,
The Städteregion Aachen
Sparkasse Bank Aachen
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Karin Handrich

StädteRegion Aachen
S 16 Stabsstelle Kultur, Empirische Forschung und Gleichstellung
Raum F 403, Zollernstraße 20, 52070 Aachen
Tel.: +49(241)51982663
Fax: +49(241)519882663

Theme in the 1st ECO International Festival of Visual Arts 2012 : Norouz

Norouz World Festival
Call for the 1st ECO International Festival of Visual Arts March-April 2012
ECO Cultural Institute is planning to hold the 1st ECO International Festival of Visual Arts with the aim of strengthening and broadening the level of cultural exchanges among the contemporary artists with a focus on the major theme of cultural identity in the works of contemporary artists from 10 ECO Member States of i.e. I.R. of Afghanistan, Rep. of Azerbaijan, I.R. of Iran, Rep. of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Rep., I.R. of Pakistan, Rep. of Tajikistan, Rep. of Turkey, Turkmenistan and Rep. of Uzbekistan.
Contemporary artists from outside ECO region are welcomed to submit their works pertaining to the given theme.
Theme: Norouz World Festival, Customs & Traditions
“Norouz” is an ancient celebration observed in ECO Member States, some Kurdish regions of Iraq, Syria and even Zanzibar (an Island in Eastern Africa) and Egypt.
In the light of artists` visual experiences in recognition of Norouz customs, the Festival provides a proper opportunity to create cultural bonds and promote friendship among the countries as well as uphold the glorious traditions that our ancestors left us as legacy.
Policy Making & Planning Board:
- Kambiz Derambakhsh
- Ebrahim Haghighi
- Amrollah Farhadi
- Seyfollah Samadian
- Arash Baradaran Amini
Chairman of the Board: Dr. Hojatollah Ayyoubi
1- Photography
2- Graphic Arts (Poster)
2- Graphic Caricature (Cartoon)
Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan (nominated country to hold the World Norouz Festival in 2012)
The exhibition presenting the entire or selected works will be mounted in other ECO Member States or any applicant organizations or countries outside the Region.
Awards (in all categories):
First Place: Trophy + Honorary Diploma of ECO Cultural Institute + US$ 3000 cash prize
Second Place: Trophy + Honorary Diploma of ECO Cultural Institute + US$ 2500 cash prize
Third Place: Trophy + Honorary Diploma of ECO Cultural Institute + US$ 1500 cash prize
Seven selected works: ECO Cultural Institute’s Certificate of Appreciation+ US$ 1000 cash prize each
Selected entries will be published in a precious volume and Festival`s certificate of participation will be awarded to the entrants.
Secretary: Seyfollah Samadian
- Maryam Zandi- Iran
- Farzad Hashemi- Iran
- Zaur Dakhte- Tajikistan
Specific Entry Requirements:
- The exhibit is open to the photographers worldwide.
- Limit to 5 single images and 1 picture story in sets of max. 5 images per photographer.
- Color and /or black and white photos are acceptable.
- Entries should be presented in TIFF format with a resolution of 300 dpi in RGB colors, dimensions: 20cm x 30cm (8”x12”). Images must be uploaded through the online entry page.
- Picture stories should be numbered and sorted in numerical order.
Graphic Arts (Poster)
Secretary: Amrollah Farhadi
- Ebrahim Haghighi- Iran
- Saed Meshki- Iran
- Sadik Karamustafa- Turkey
Specific Entry Requirements:
- The exhibit is open to the designers worldwide.
- Limit to 3 single images or one collection (each collection counts as one entry)
- Entries should be presented in TIFF format with a resolution of 300 dpi in CMYK colors, Size: A4. Images should be uploaded through the online entry page.
Secretary: Kambiz Derambakhsh
- Hassan Karimzadeh-Iran
- Jamal Rahmati- Iran
- Elman Mirzayev - Republic of Azerbaijan
Specific Entry Requirements:
- The exhibit is open to the cartoonists worldwide.
- Limit to 3 single images or a collection (each collection counts as one entry).
- Entries should be presented in TIFF format with a resolution of 300 dpi in CMYK colors, Size: A4. Images should be uploaded through the online entry page.
General Conditions:
- The entries not accompanied by a filled out entry form or uploaded later than the submission deadline will not be considered.
- The information provided in the entry form will be used for publication and exhibition purposes. Thus, the entrant is responsible for the accuracy of the information.
- The participant who submits the entries is considered as the sole owner of the author`s rights of the submitted images; but if proved otherwise, all privileges granted will be null and void and the Festival reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify and refuse the respective work immediately. Moreover, the sender may encounter legal consequences.
- Preserving the owners` privileges, the organizer is authorized to reproduce the images in materials and forms of artistic or media presentation relating to the festival.
- Uploading images and signing the online entry form means the participants` agreement with the rules of entry and any decisions on unpredictable situations is at the discretion of the Policy Making Board.
- To fill out the entry form, visit our website:
- The files should be named and uploaded as follows:
Country-Surname-First Name- work number
Example: Iran- Samadian-Seyfollah-1
Submission Deadline: February 5, 2012 (EXTENDED) 13 February 2012
February 19-21, 2012
Opening: March-April 2012 at the State Philharmonic Hall, Dushanbe, Tajikistan
Central Secretariat of the Festival:
Address: No.10, Naz St., Movahed Danesh (Aghdasiyeh) Ave., Tehran, Iran
Postal Code: 1957653643
Postbox: 19395/6414
Tel: 0098-21-27673223
Fax: 0098-21-27673456
Email Address:
Head of the Secretariat: Mehrad Sheykhan
More info:


5th International Contest of Caricature and Cartoon of Vianden 2012

The Museum of Caricature and Cartoon of Vianden with the cooperation of Les Amis du Château de Vianden, Naturpark OUR and are pleased to announce their
1. Subject:
Category 1 – CARTOON: Art
Catogory 2
– CARICATURE: Victor Hugo (French writer 1802-1885) and/or Ronald Searle (British cartoonist 1920-2011)
2. Deadline: 18th March 2012
3. Prizes:
Category 1: 1st prize: 2750 € + trophy, 2nd prize: 1750 € + trophy, 3rd prize: 750 € + trophy, 3 honourable mentions
Category 2: 1st prize: 500 € + trophy, 2nd prize: 250 € + trophy, 1 hourable mention
4. Entries: Initially, each participant can submit up to 3 entries in digital format by sending them to the following address: The author must include the following details in his or her e-mail: first name, last name, complete address, e-mail address, phone number, date of birth, as well as the category and the title or the number of each submission. The specifications for these electronic submissions are as follows: format JPEG, good quality, and max. 1MB per picture. If, for some reason, the participant is unable to submit his or her work via e-mail, he or she may submit the original prints via regular mail.
Out of these submissions, the jury will make a selection of 90-120 drawings and will ask the artists to send in the original documents via regular mail. All these originals will be shown in the exhibition and in the catalogue. Their size should be between DIN A4 (210x297 mm) and DIN A3 (297x420 mm); furthermore, the paper should be of high quality. The drawings must not be folded or included in a passe-partout. On the backside of every drawing, the artist needs to indicate his/her first name, last name, complete address, e-mail address, phone number, date of birth, as well as the category and the title or the number of the work. This deadline is 6th April 2012.
5. Technique: Free, black and white or in colour, without subtitles. Printouts of digitally created drawings will be accepted, but will not be returned. The submitted drawings must be signed by the artist on the backside. Photos, collages, photocopies and coloured b&w reproductions will be eliminated.
6. Announcement of the prizes and exhibition: The announcement of the prizes and honourable mentions will happen on 5th May 2012 in Castle Vianden and the exhibition will take place in the Hall of the Knights of Castle Vianden from 6th May until 4th June 2012. There are plans to display the exhibits in the Museum of Caricature and Cartoon of Vianden and in other cities until end of June 2013.
7. Returns: At the end of this series of exhibitions, the original drawings will be returned to their authors. The drawings that were awarded one of the prizes will not be returned. They will become property of the organizer.
The organizer cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage that might occur during shipping.
8. Catalogue: The authors whose submissions are selected for the exhibition will receive a free catalogue by mail upon return of his or her submissions after end of 2013.
9. Results: The results will be published on the website on 8th May 2012. The award winners selected by the jury will be personally informed via e-mail or by phone.
The final decisions of the jury are incontestable.
10. Copyright: The selected participants give the organizers permission to use their drawings only for promoting the artist and the event itself. Every other aspect of the copyright remains with the artist (except for the awarded submissions). It ensues that the awarded works can no longer be submitted in other contests or published by their authors or third parties after the official publication of the results.
11. Generalities: The submitted work should not have been awarded or published before the deadline of this contest. Artists interested in selling their work will need to label the backsides of their drawings with the words “for sale” and his selling price in Euros.
By taking part in this contest, the participants accept the abovementioned rules.
12. Submission address:
Musée de la Caricature et du Cartoon de Vianden
48, Grand-rue
L - 9410 VIANDEN
13. Further information:
Phone nr.: 00352-621 28 37 90
Phone nr.: 00352-78 83 18
Source :


5th International "Smiling Cat" Cartoon Web Contest 2012

Contest: Open to all cartoonists
1) Cartoon: Jury
2) Caricature: World cartoonists
Deadline: 01 April 2012
ENTRIES: Max. 1 cartoons
A4 size max. 200 dpi, format (JPEG).
Max one entry in each section:
black & white or colored,
any style, any technique will be accepted.
Name, address, tel and e-mail.
At the end of competition there will be an exhibition on internet from the selected cartoons.
The participant must send their photo along with their autobiography.
All cartoonists can participate through their own e-mail by submitting your cartoons to:
Grand Cat Prize: Trophy + Diploma
Golden Cat Prize: Trophy + Diploma
Silver Cat Prize: Trophy + Diploma
Bronze Cat Prize: Trophy + Diploma
Honorable Mentions ( 2 ) Certificate.
The results will on 30 April, 2012
right after the international juries' evaluation.
Jury: Cartoon Committee Members
Source: cartooncenter


29th Aydın Doğan International Cartoon Competition 2012, Turkey

• The Aydın Doğan International Cartoon Competition is organized every year in Turkey by the Aydın Doğan Foundation.
• The competition is open to professional and amateur cartoonists from all over the world.
• The Jury, composed of international members, will meet in June 2012.
• The 29th Aydın Doğan International Cartoon Competition will be celebrated with an award ceremony in October 2012 in Istanbul.
1. Choice of subject is free.
2. Only original cartoons will be accepted. Cartoons sent as printouts should bear original signatures of cartoonists. Photographs, photocopies, etc. will not be accepted.
3. Size of cartoons should not exceed 29.7 x 42cm (A3 paper size).
4. Participants are expected to send the filled out participation form, with a short curriculum vitae and a photograph, together with their cartoons. Please fill out the form attached or download it from . The documents should be sent to
Aydın Doğan Foundation
Burhaniye Mahallesi, Kısıklı Cad. No 65
34676 Üsküdar Istanbul, Turkey.
5. The Foundation will not be responsible for any damage that may occur during postage.
6. Award-winning cartoons will not be returned to their artists.
7. By filling out the participation form, the participant declares and accepts in advance that (s)he hands over the financial rights such as processing, duplication, distribution, representation, indication and transmission to the public via audio and/or visual means (s)he holds over the cartoons to the Aydın Doğan Foundation without limitations on location, time period and number including assignment to third parties under Articles 21-25 of the Law No. 5846 on Turkish Intellectual and Artistic Works for publication; (s)he also declares and accepts in advance that the Aydın Doğan Foundation may use such cartoons to exhibit them, to keep them in its archives, to publish them on the Internet or through other media or to use them in any other way without limitations.
8. The Foundation will cover travel and accommodation expenses of the first three award-winning cartoonists for the award ceremony in Turkey.
9. Cartoons that have not received any awards shall be returned to their owners upon written application to the Foundation within one year. The responsibility of the Foundation finishes after one year.
10. The deadline for entries is Tuesday, May 1, 2012.
11. Jury members cannot participate in the competition in the year they act as a jury member.
12. The decision to upload the cartoons sent to the competition on the Virtual Museum lies with the Aydın Doğan Foundation.
Winner : 8,000 USD and the Aydın Doğan Foundation Winner Award
First Runner up: : 5,000 USD and the Aydın Doğan Foundation First Runner up Award
Second runner up : 3,500 USD and the Aydın Doğan Foundation Second Runner up Award
Success Award : 500 USD and the Aydın Doğan Foundation Success Award
(In the event of a tie, the monetary awards may be shared equally among the winners. A minimum of 5 and maximum of 12 success awards will be granted.)
Source (PDF): aydindoganvakfi


8th International Biennial of Caricature, The Golden Smile, Belgrade 2012

The 8th International Biennial of Caricature
November 2012
* The eigth International Biennial of Caricature THE GOLDEN SMILE – BELGRADE 2012, organised by the ULUPUDS (Association of Fine and Applied Artists and Designers of Serbia) and The Union of Cartoonists of Serbia FECO, in colaboration with the Serbian Tennis Federation on the 90th anniversary.
* The competition is open to artists from all over the world.
* Themes of the exhibition
2. PORTRAIT CARICATURE of famous players, coaches etc. from Serbia and around the world.
* Each author is to submit original works (all fine or graphic arts techniques are accepted). Author may enter unlimited number of works. The maximum size of one caricature is 42 X 29.7 cm (format A3) and minimal size is A4 (29.7 X 21 cm). Digital prints signed by the author, will also be accepted, preferably accompanied with a CD (jpg, tif, psd, 300 dpi).
* The selection of works and the decision on awards will be made by an international Jury appointed by the Exhibition Council.
* Awards
The Golden Medal and 1500 EUR
The Silver Medal and 1000 EUR
The Bronze Medal and 500 EUR,
The Karolj Seles honourable Award UCS FECO.
* The works with the author’s name and address, or with the stick- er filled and pasted on the back (or the photocopy of the sticker) should arrive BY AUGUST 20th, 2012 (EXTENDED UNTIL 31 AUGUST 2012) to the following address:
ULUPUDS (»The Golden Smile«) Terazije 26/II, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
To avoid custom problems, please write DOCUMENT, NO VALUE on the envelope.
* The exhibits shall not be returned to the artists and will remain in the Serbian Tennis Federation’s collection for their museum, calendar and other non-commercial purpose. All exibitors authorise the organiser to reproduce their works without reimbursement, for advertising purposes of the exhibition. The exhibition will be shown in other towns in Serbia and abroad.
* The organiser will publish an illustrated catalogue of the exhibition and all exhibitors will obtain it free of charge. By sending his works, each exhibitor accept the conditions mentioned above.
* These regulations are subject to interpretation of the Council of the Exhibition. President of the Exhibition Council and author of the exhibition is Prof. Jugoslav Vlahovic, graphic artist and cartoonist.
* For all the further information please contact Dijana Milasinovic Maric, curator ULUPUDS: telephone/fax: +381 11 2685 780 e-mail: ; or ; ; .
Sources: ecc-kruishoutem & .


17th International Cartoon Exhibition Zagreb 2012, Croatia

The organizer of the 17th International festival of cartoon ZAGREB 2012 is the Croatian Cartoonist Association. The festival is opened for everyone regardless of nationality, age, sex, or profession.
Conditions of entry:
1. Original works and digital artworks will be accepted. Digital artwork is to be numbered in pencil on the front and pencil signed. Copies cannot be admitted.
2. Entries can be either black and white or coloured.
3. There should be the name, the surname and the adress on the reverse side of cartoons.
4. The cartoons must not have been previously awarded on festivals.
5. Maximum 3 entries will be submitted.
6. Size of entries is A4 or A3 format.
Entry deadline is the 19th of April 2012.

First Prize 1.000 EUR
Second Prize 500 EUR
Third Prize 300 EUR
Five Special mentions.
The exhibition will take place in Gallery Klovićevi dvori in Zagreb on the 5th of June 2012.
Authors of works that qualify to the exhibition are given a presentation copy of the exhibition cataloque.
Only on explicit request will remaining (original) works be returned to the owners in the end of the exhibition cycle (in the second half of the year 2013).
The organizer reserves the right to reproduce the works sent to the festival, Zagreb 2012, as the advertising material without being obliged to pay a fee to an author whose work may be used.
The prize-winning works become property of the organizer.


British cartoonist Ronald Searle passes in France, aged 91

Famous British cartoonist Ronald William Fordham Searle, born 3 March 1920,
passed away on 30 December 2011 in Draguignan, France.
More on BBC:
See also: &

Awakening World Award 2012, Iran

Themes & Subjects:
World's Insurrection for Justice
Resistance against Mastery
Fight with Despotism
Awakening in modern world
Wall Street, 1=99
- Each participant can send maximum 5 artworks in each Section.
- Sending (Name, family name, post address, Email address and Telephone)
of artists Just by word file is necessary.
- The catalogue will be send to the entire artist that their
artworks published in the catalogue.
- Artworks must be in 200 dpi by width or length of 2000 pixel
by jpg format.
- Subject of [Awakening ] must be mentioned in the send Email.
Grand Prix: Golden Mention and cash prize of EU 10,000 .
Best Artist Prize: 5 selected works will be
awarded golden mention together with the cash prize of EU 2500.
Deadline:19rd Feb., 2012 (EXTENDED:) 10 MARCH 2012
Address for sending artworks:
Source: irancartoon

21st International Satire Exhibition, Trento 2012, Italy

«Trento between reality and madness»
We encourage designers to express, in their mode of thought and technical congenial, investigating this theme controversial and fascinating, from the most intimate aspects to the wider dimension of life. A thought about the slowness all round.
Subject: slowness
1. Authors may submit an unlimited number of works, Studio d’Arte Andromeda reserving the right to expose those, which, in its sole discretion, considers most adherents to the theme.
2. The works must be original, can be made with any technique, and must adhere strictly to the theme.
3. Maximum size allowed: A3.
4. The works must arrive at the Studio d’Arte Andromeda - via Malpaga, 17 - 38122 - Trento - Italy before April 15th 2012.
5. The date of the inauguration will be notified in time to all participants.
6. The works will be returned on demand.
7. The Organization Committee will keep the prize-winner and signal works.
8. The Studio reserves the right to print a catalog with the most significant works and the right to use the same access to information, news and documents about the exhibition. The catalog will be delivered during the opening or sent on request with the works.
9. Andromeda’s Art Studio don’t answer of possible damaged or missing works, but maximum care of the delivered works is assured.
10. The contest has the following prizes:
1st prize: € 1000,00
2nd Prize: € 700,00
3rd Prize: € 500,00
Youth Prize, ages 15-29: € 300,00
Audience Award: Gift.
Regulation & Entry Form .

3rd International "Ramiz Gökçe" Cartoon Competition 2012, Cyprus

1. Regardless of religion, language and race, this competition is open to all amateur and professional caricature artists or anyone who can draw cartoons.
2. Theme: “A World without Engineers
3. Pieces of work to be sent for the competition should have the form of a cartoon. Pictures and illustrations will not be accepted.
4. Cartoons to be sent for the competition should be in digital format. The sizes of the cartoons should be either A4 or A3 with a minimum 100 and maximum 300 dpi. Both color or black & white are acceptable. Name, surname, address, phone number and e-mail address of each participant should be indicated. Cartoons submitted for the competition should not contain any script – writing on them.
5. A person can not be given more than one award.
6. Before they are presented for the Selection Committee members’ evaluation, all cartoons submitted for the competition will be exhibited on a website formed with the aim of bringing submitted pieces of work to the attention and objection of all cartoon artists, cartoonists’ organizations and any other international organizations formed against similar – imitated – stolen cartoons. If a submitted piece of work is found to be similar, imitated or stolen, it will be disqualified from the competition.
7. Each participant may join the competition with two cartoons at most. Along with the cartoons, a short biography in the Microsoft Word format [.doc] including name, surname, address, phone number and e-mail information and a recent photo of the applicant in the “.jpg” format should be submitted.
8. All submitted cartoons will be archived at “Cyprus International Cartoon Museum” to be formed by the Association of Turkish Cypriot Cartoonists (FECO – CYPRUS) regardless of the fact that they receive an award or not.
9. All cartoons submitted for the competition may be printed, duplicated or published on cards, posters, albums, newspapers, magazines, books and CDs by FECO – CYPRUS. By submitting cartoons for the competition, the participants fully understand and agree with the terms of the competition. Participants also agree to the future duplication, printing or publishing of materials relating to this competition without any financial compensation.
10. Results of the competition, as well as the selection committee decisions, will be released to the cartoonists who have qualified to receive awards, all participants and press.
11. Cartoons should be sent to the specified e-mail address by 20 March 2012.
12. Works of art sent for this competition will not be used in any other different event serving for any other purpose than this competition. However, Eastern Mediterranean University reserves the right to use these caricatures for non-profit educational activities or events.
13. Should the cartoonists who have won awards in this competition wish to attend the award ceremony and the exhibition, they undertake all transportation expenses. Accommodation and any other related expenses will be covered by EMU.
First Place Award: 1000 USD + Plaque
Second Place Award: 500 USD + Plaque
Third Place Award: 300 USD + Plaque
Special Awards [Plaque].
The exhibition will be inaugurated at EMU Library Exhibition Hall, Famagusta – Cyprus on 20 April 2012.
SPONSOR: Gökçe Medical [Sıtkı Gökçe]
Hasan Amca [EMU Faculty of Engineering Dean]
Hüseyin Çakmak [FECO – CYPRUS Chair]
Ulaş Gökçe [Representing Ramiz Gökçe Family]
Dudu Cumaoğulları [Famagusta Cultural Association Vice Chair]
Özgür Kofalı [EMU Cartoon and Humour Club]
Mehdi Sadeghi [EMU Cartoon and Humour Club]
3rd Representatives from the EMU Cartoon and Humour Club
Musa Kayra [Chair, Association of Turkish Cypriot Cartoonists]
M. Serhan Gazioğlu [General Secretary, Association of Turkish Cypriot Cartoonists]
Hüseyin Çakmak [FECO – CYPRUS Chair]
Arif A. Albayrak [Executive Board Member, Association of Turkish Cypriot Cartoonists]
Mustafa Tozakı [Executive Board Member, Association of Turkish Cypriot Cartoonists]
Cemal Tunceri [Executive Board Member, Association of Turkish Cypriot Cartoonists]
3rd Representatives from the EMU Cartoon and Humour Club].


Board and Juries in 'The International Cartoon Festival of Wall Street Downfall'

Board and Juries in 'The International Cartoon Festival of Wall Street Downfall', Iran:
Executive Secretary: Mohammad Azizi
Art Secretary: Maziyar Bijhani
Policy Board: Seyed Nezamoddin Moussavi, Mohammad Azizi, Mohammad Hossein Ziyarati, Maziyar Bijhani, Alireza Zakeri, Shahin Kalantari.
1- National Section: Maziyar Bijhani, Alireza Zakeri, Mohammad Hossein Niroumand, Javad Alizadeh.
2- International Section: Julian Pena-Pai (Romania), Musa Gumus (Turkey), Marcin Bondarowicz (Poland).

Santa Claus : Similarity was the best policy in 2011 either !

2011 Musa Gumus, Turkey

2007 (page 115) Santos Lunarde, Brazil.
Hope 2012 won't be any SIMILAR !
(Santa Klaus, Turkey).