

International Cartoon Competition: The Ball is in Play 2012, Poland

Organiser: Museum of Caricature and Cartoon Art in Warsaw
Main Partner: Media Corporation Sp. z o.o.
SPAK Association of Polish Cartoonists
LSMDK “Debut” in Zielona Góra.
Sport is an integral part of social life, and a means of conveying many ideas, such as: noble competition, striving for perfection, overcoming one’s weakness, or crossing boundaries that no one has crossed yet. In modern societies, sportspersons are models to emulate, icons of success, celebrities – primarily because they are identified with the ideas that encapsulate the essence of sport.
Football is one of the most popular sport disciplines, an encounter of two teams that provokes incredibly powerful emotions. On the pitch, we have the opportunity to observe various attitudes, from those noblest to those amazingly brutal and reprehensible. Fans and players experience the joy of victory or taste the bitterness of defeat. Emotions, euphoria, despair can be unbelievably strong.
The organisers of the Competition hope to see artists’ reflections on the role of football in social life, its lights and shadows, laughter and tears, the emotions aroused by the leather ball with a pattern of black-and –white pentagons... Who else but the cartoonists could and should comment upon, and commemorate, this discipline of human activity.
1. The topic of the International Cartoon Competition “The Ball is in Play” is football. The Competition is organised to mark the UEFA European Football Championship – Euro 2012, held in Poland and Ukraine.
2. The Competition will be announced on 1st December 2012 on the internet sites of the Museum of Caricature and Cartoon Art and of the partners of the Competition. Invitations to participate in the competition will be sent by email, together with the rules of the Competition and the entry form, to individual artists as well as Polish and international artistic associations and organisations.
3. The competition is open to all artists working with caricature, cartoon, satirical drawing, as well as to students of fine arts schools – institutions of higher artistic education.
4. Competition entries will be considered and selected in two stages:
Stage One: competition entries will be forwarded to the organisers, exclusively by electronic mail or on electronic carriers, in jpeg format, resolution 300 dpi, the longer edge – not longer than 1500 pixels. Each participant may submit up to 5 works. Entries must be sent by 10th February 2012 to the following address:
Stage Two: From among the submitted entries, the Competition Jury will select approx. 300 works. A list of the selected entries will be published at Their Authors will be notified of the selection by email or by telephone.
5. The Authors of the selected works are obliged to send in the originals, created by means of any drawing, painting or other graphic technique (including collage and computer graphics), in a format not larger than A3. Works created on a computer must be signed in hand. Photocopies will not be accepted. The works, marked with the note “The Ball is in Play”, are to be sent at the participant’s own expense or delivered in person by 5th March 2012 to the following address:
Museum of Caricature and Cartoon Art,
ul. Kozia 11, 00-070 Warszawa, Poland.
Each work needs to be signed on the back with the Author’s name and surname, as well as a title, if applicable.
With the works, participants must attach the completed and signed registration form.
Organisers shall not bear any responsibility for possible damage to the works during delivery.
1. The works will be assessed by a Jury consisting of eminent cartoon artists and representatives of the organisers.
2. The Jury will select the works for the post-competition exhibition and grant the following
Regular Prizes:
Grand Prix – 10, 000 PLN, 1st prize – 7, 000 PLN, 2nd prize – 5,000 PLN, 3rd prize – 3,000 PLN and the prize for the best work by a participant under the age of 30 - 2,000 PLN
Tax will be deduced from the prizes in accordance with the Polish tax law.
3. The prize money may be collected by the candidate personally at the award ceremony or at the office of the Museum of Caricature and Cartoon Art in Warsaw, or by providing the organisers with the number of the bank account to which the award is to be transferred.
4. The Jury reserves the right to divide the Regular Prizes in a different way, change their value or refrain from granting prizes. The rulings of the Jury are final and indisputable.
5. Apart from Regular Prizes, special awards may be funded by other institutions and by sponsors.
1. Entering the competition is tantamount to granting permission for participation in the post-competition exhibition, and for reproducing the works for the publicity purposes of that exhibition by means of all media, in an indefinite number of copies, without any remuneration, as well as to printing the works in publications accompanying the post-competition exhibition. Copies of the works may be presented in the form of touring exhibitions held after the close of the post-competition exhibition outside the seat of the Museum of Caricature and Cartoon Art in Warsaw, in Poland and abroad.
2. The awarded works become the exclusive property of the Museum of Caricature and Cartoon Art in Warsaw, together with copyright and property rights allowing the Museum to use and freely dispose of the works, unlimited in time and territory, for purposes related to the promotion of the Museum of Caricature and Cartoon Art.
3. The Museum also reserves the right to select and include in its collection one work by each Author presented at the post-competition exhibition. The works awarded by other institutions and sponsors become their respective property with regard to copyright and property rights to those works, allowing them to use and freely dispose of the works, unlimited in time and territory.
4. Authors of the works selected for the post-competition exhibition will receive the exhibition catalogue. Winners of the competition will be invited to the award ceremony.
5. Submitting works for the competition (in Stage One – in electronic form, and in Stage Two – the originals) together with the registration form is tantamount to the Author’s acceptance of these rules and permission to present the submitted data publicly.
Deadline for submission of the works in electronic form – Stage One – by 10th February 2012
Work selection for Stage Two – by 15th February 2012
Deadline for submission of the originals of works selected for Stage Two – by 5th March 2012
Planned date for the session of the Jury – 15th March 2012
Announcement of the Competition results – 20th May 2012
Opening of the post-competition exhibition in the Museum of Caricature and Cartoon Art in Warsaw and the ceremony of presenting awards to the winners – late May 2012.
Rules & Entry Form

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