

The Anti-Capitalism Occupy Wall Street Movement cartoon contest / Iran 2012

The Anti-Capitalism Occupy Wall Street Movement cartoon contest / Iran 2012
Festival Topic:
The Anti-Capitalism Occupy Wall Street Movement

Each participant can send a maximum number of 7 works
Please attach your name and surname, postal address, contact numbers and E-mail in a file in Word Format to your works.
All works should be 1500 pixels (200 dpi) in length and width at minimum.
All participants will be presented with a copy of the Festival's Book of Selected Artworks.
Winners Prize:
* Top Artist Prize: 5000 euro + diploma and festival statue
* Second Winner: 4000 euro + diploma and festival statue
* Third Winner: 3000 euro + diploma and festival statue
* 4th to 10th Winners: Each 500 euro + diploma and festival statue
* Diplomas for 70 finalists
* Special Prize, including 500 euro, for the selected artist from the viewpoint of our internet visitors.
Deadline: 10 January 2012
The Board of Jury will announce winners on 20 January 2012.
All works should be sent to: or .
Sources: rahimcartoon & farsnews

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