
Results 5th International Cartoon Festival SMILEANAPA 2011

The Winners of the 5th SMEHANAPA (SMILEANAPA) International Cartoon Festival – 2011 / Anapa, Russia
The 5th Festival has attracted more than 850 drawings from 205 cartoonists of 41 countries and in addition 29 young cartoonists (up to 14 years old).

Theme: Laughter – terapy
First Prize – Oleg Loktyev, Russia

Second Prize – Dmitro Skazhenyk, Ukraine

Third Prize - Darko Drljevic, Montenegro
Honorable Diplomas:
Boris Erenburg, Israel
Sergei Tunin, Russia
Valentin Georgiev, Bulgaria
Jia Rui jun, China
Wang Yinxiang, China
Viacheslav Shilov, Russia
Sergey Kokarev, Russia
Gheorghe Matei, Romania
Alfredo Martirena, Cuba.

Theme: Free
First Prize – Sergey Sichenko, Israel

Second Prize – Igor Smirnov, Russia

Third Prize – Alexandr Dubovsky, Ukraine
Honorable Diplomas:
Irien Trendafilov, Bulgaria
Mikhail Larichev, Russia
Valery Momot, Ukraine
Sergey Semendyaev, Ukraine
Vladimir Kazanevsky, Ukraine
Ba Bilig, China
Anton Lobanov, Russia.

Child's section:
Katia Sergeeva, Russia
Wu Qian Yun, China
Zhenia Chernyshev, Russia.

Prize of the General Sponsor (sanatorium “Di Luch”, Anapa):
Vladimir Pron’kin, Russia.

A Favorite Public Award:
Alexander Zotkin, Ukraine.
All awarded cartoons:
This report by:
Vasiliy Alexandrov, Chairman of Jury
Alexander Prohorov, Director.


Sad news: Syriacartoon reports the death of the young cartoonist Rabee Aridi

Death of the young Syrian Arab cartoonist "Rabee Aridi"
The late cartoonist "Aridi" was born in Damascus in 1976.
He studied art through private non-academic sessions.
Aridi also participated in several local and regional art
exhibitions and galleries being awarded many times.
He was a prominent poster designer.
He left us to the other life yesterday, 23rd of September 2011.
Source: syriacartoon


Theme in Brain Sneezing 2011, Slovakia: Ideal and Idealism

Park kultúry a oddychu in Prešov announces the International Cartoon Humour Competition
Brain Sneezing - from kalokagathia to hypochondria and back
Topic 2011: Ideal and idealism
Competition terms:
1. Each author can send maximum 5 original works.
2. The competition is open to everybody and it is not restricted in terms of artistic design methods.
3. The format of works should not exceed the A4 dimension.
4. The competition is non-anonymous. Each work should be signed on the reverse with the author´s name and full address. Electronic application form needs to be filled in when sending by email.
5. The awarded works will become the property of the organisers.
The exhibition of the works and the announcement of the results will take place in December 2011. The most successful authors will be awarded by the jury as follows:
1st prize 500.00 EUR
2nd prize 300.00 EUR
3rd prize 100.00 EUR
The competition Jury reserves the right to grant other special prizes or not to grant some of the prizes.
The organizers will accept all works that will be delivered by regular mail or email at the address:
PKO Prešov
Mgr. Ladislav Kišelák
Hlavná 50
08001 Prešov
On the envelope with drawings, please, write the competition motto: Kýchanie mozgu / Brain Sneezing
Deadline: 31.10.2011
e-mail :
The organizers reserve the right to publish the selected works in promotional materials and to re-install the exhibition, with each competitor receiving a catalogue of exhibited works.


6th International Competition in Cartoon Humour for Children and Youth, Praha

6th International Competition in Cartoon Humour for Children and Youth
Rules of contest:
Theme: Every man is the architect of his own health.
Jokes focused on healthy life style and on illness prevention (Sport, healthy food, toughening up…)
Age divisions:
A: 6 - 11 years
B: 12 - 17 years
Each participant could send maximum 3 cartoons either in black and white or in colour, with or without text.
The size of the cartoon should not exceed A4.
Deadline: 8th October 2011
Participants are requested to envelop information about the author or parents (name, surname, age, address, postcode and phone or email) and send cartoons.
a) by post on the address: DDM hl. m. Prahy, Karlínské nám. 7, 186 00 Praha 8 Czech Republic (with information on the reverse side)
b) by e-mail on the address: (each max. size 150 kB, jpeg)
Cartoons without this information will not be accepted as well as works which are not original, made by children and youth or which are copied from another cartoonist.
Participants do not get their works back.
Results and Prizes
The jury is consisted of representatives of organisers and partners. It will evaluate all sent cartoons and pronounce one winner in each age division.
Results will be announced in the transmission of the DDM hl. m. Prahy, Karlínské Spektrum (, on websites of the DTA (, the ČUK (
Winners will be informed by post, phone or email.
Prizes will be awarded on 22nd October 2011 at 2 pm on the occasion of opening the exhibition of the best works in the Karlínské Spektrum DDM hl. m. Prahy, Karlínské náměstí 7, Praha 8 - Karlín.
Prizes cannot be sent by post.
Organisers of the competition:
Karlínské Spektrum - Dům dětí a mládeže hl.m.Prahy,
(The House of Children and Youth of the capital Prague)
Mgr. Kateřina Klímková, tel. 222 333 835, mail:
Česká unie karikaturistů,
(The Czech Cartoonists' Union – CUK)
Mr. Jaroslav Dostál, tel. 606 241 826, mail:


Results XVI Salon Mercosur Internacional Premio Diogenes Taborda 2011

Winners in the XVI Salon Mercosur Internacional Premio Diogenes Taborda 2011, Argentina
Lista de artistas premiados en el XVI Salon Mercosur Internacional Premio Diogenes Taborda.
Fueron los Jurados: R.Diaz ; J. Hoogen; Volpe Stessens

Gran Premio Diógenes Taborda 2011:
Humor Grafico: MAGOLA (Adriana Mosquera), España
Caricatura: Wesam Khalil, Egipto
Fotografía: Valeria Faria, Brasil
Pintura: Sljivo Husein, Bosnia
Trayectoria: Agus Widodo, Indonesia
Premio Historieta: compartido por
Olga (Poro) López, Argentina y Michael Abarca - Venezuela
Premio Humor Gráfico y Escrito:
1º Premio: Luis Duran, Argentina
2° Premio: Darko Drljevic, Montenegro
3° Premio: Ferreol (Murillo Fuentes), Costa Rica
1º Mención: Leandro Martínez, Argentina
Mención: Wesam Khaliul, Egipto - Domokos Incze, Rumania - Mileta Miloradovic, Serbia - Kemal Ozyurt, Turquia - Jana Matatkova, Checoslovaquia.
Premio Humor Gráfico monocromo:
1º Premio: Mohammad Ali Khalaji, Irán
2° Premio: Michael Abarca, Venezuela
3° Premio: Jovan Prokopljevic, Serbia
1º Mención: Leomid Storozhuk, Ucrania
Mención: Henryk Cebula, Polonia - Domokos Incze, Rumania - Mostafa Hossein Nia, Irán - Claudio Boikoski, Argentina - Héctor Alejandro Adon, Argentina - Jiaruijun, China - Pooya Sareh, Irán.
Premio Humor Grafico color:
1º Premio: Jiri Srna, Checoslovaquia
2° Premio: Jordán Pop Iliev, Macedonia y Jovan Prokopljevic, Serbia
3° Premio: (Charli) Fuentes Hierrezuelo, Cuba
1º Mención: Dubovsky Alex, Ucrania
Mención: Li Hai Jun, Tawan Chuntra, China – Kemal Ozyurt, Turquia – Adrian Guida, Cuba - Shen Hongli - Valery Momot, Ucrania – Serdar Sayar – Turquia - Mohammad Ali Khalaji, Irán - Adrian Aníbal Palmas, Argentina - Chengwei Yin, China - Jana Matatkova, Checoslovaquia.
Premio Humor Digital:
1º Premio: Makhmudjon Eshonkulov, Uzbekistán
2° Premio: Anatoly Stankulov, Bulgaria
3° Premio: Mostafa Hossein Nia, Irán
1º Mención: Darko Drljevic, Montenegro
Mención: Tawan Chuntra, China - Michael Abarca, Venezuela – Wasam Khalil, Egipto.
Premio Caricatura:
1º Premio: Darko Drljevic, Montenegro
2° Premio: Sljivo Husein, Bosnia
3° Premio: Adrian Aníbal Palmas, Argentina
1º Mención: Robinson Avello, Chile
Mención: Pooya Sareh, Irán - Gianluca Costantini, Italia – José Nosello – Argentina, Tawan Chuntra, China.
Premio Ilustración:
1º Premio: Jovan Prokopljevic, Serbia
2° Premio: Chengwei Yin, China
3° Premio: Gianluca Costantini, Italia
1º Mención: Leslie Ricciardi, Uruguay
Premio Fotografía color:
1º Premio: Incze Domokos, Rumania
2° Premio: Salvador Gómez Sánchez, España y José Mata, México
3° Premio: Sljivo Husein, Bosnia y Jo Tuculet, Argentina
1º Mención: Andrei Storozkule, Ucrania
Mención: Ferreol (Murillo Fuentes), Costa Rica - Alejandra Rangel, Venezuela - Fabiana Bertolotti, Argentina.
Premio Fotografía monocromo:
1º Premio: José Matta, México
2° Premio: Incze Domokos, Rumania
3° Premio: Sljivo Husein, Bosnia
1º Mención: Ronaldo Girgulsky, Argentina.
Premio Pintura:
1º Premio: Jerzy Stepniak, Polonia
2° Premio: Cesar Soria, Argentina
3° Premio: Verónica V. Ríos Verdugo, Chile
1º Mención: Horacio Sánchez, Argentina
Mención: Bernarda Enríquez, México.
Premio Grabado:
1º Premio: Coulembier Rogge, Argentina
2° Premio: Mónica Paz, Chile
3° Premio: Jussara Pires, Brasil
1º Mención: Horacio Sánchez, Argentina
Evento: 16º Salón Mercosur Internacional Diógenes Taborda 2011
Descripción: Concurso de Humor Grafico, Fotografía y pintura
Organiza: Fundación Cultural Volpe Stessens
Fecha y hora de la inauguración: miércoles 21 de septiembre 2011 a las 19 hs.
Finaliza: 10 de Octubre 2010 a las 19 hs.
Lugar de exposición: Av. Caseros 2739 Parque de los Patricios Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Como llegar: Estación Caseros Subte Línea H; Colectivos: 6 - 9. 25 - 28 - 65 - 95 -134 - 150 - 133 -
Auspicia: Ministerio de Cultura del Gobierno de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Resolución Nº 3353 Registro Nº 1.153.575- DGTALMC – 10
Source: museodiogenestaborda


Ross Thomson from United Kingdom wins the 2011 Boston International Humor Festival, the Online Tribute to the 10th Anniversary of September 11

178 entries from 46 countries, 50 finalists.
Omar Zevallos, Perú, President
Angel Boligán, Cuba/México
Julio Carrión (Karry), Perú
Arturo Kemchs, México
Omar Figueroa Turcios, Colombia/Spain.
First Prize: Ross Thomson, United Kingdom (Top)
Second Prize: Silvano Melo, Brazil
Third Prize: Raúl Zuleta, Colombia.
Honorable Mentions
Lubonir Kotrha, Slovakia
Raúl de la Nuez, Cuba/USA
Elrayah Ombaddi, Sudan
Ramiro Zapata, Colombia.
Among the 50 finalists are Hakan Demirci,
Muammer Kotbas, and Salih Kutukcu from Turkey.
All prize-winning and finalist cartoons on


UMO – 7th International Cartoon Contest’11, India

UMO – 7th International Cartoon Contest’11, here is the summary:
Open to everybody
5 entries per participant
No entry fee
Awards worth Rs 60,000/-
Deadline: September 11th, 2011
The UMO 7th International Cartoon Contest’11 is organized by UMO towards the World Usability Day. Participation is open to all cartoonists from every country in the world.
All the awarded and qualified cartoons will be exhibited. There is no Entry fee.
Please go through the rules and regulations - and in particular - the conditions applicable to the intellectual property rights.
Theme for the Competition
Design Education for a Social Change
Education plays a vital role in the development of an active citizenry of a nation. A well educated population is able to take charge of the many issues facing society, including social problems and political decisions, rather than sitting by the sidelines and allowing someone else to do deciding for them.
Social change can be both positive or negative. History is filled with many revolutionary examples that has given us the world we live in today. Even today our educated societies are waging battles all over the world, be it in India against corruption or in the Middle East against governance or else where for a positive change.
The goal of education should simply be to provide opportunity for a student to look at the world through eyes and mind that do not merely accept status quo, but rather see the world as a place that can be changed by its citizens.
UMO's only agenda ever since its formation has been 'Good Design for Better Living'. But more importantly the route we have taken to accomplish this is by educating every one concerned about design through various initiatives. We always believed that spreading awareness is the best form of education. Programs like 'Boycott Bad Designs' has been the most participated and appreciated initiatives of UMO.
What makes it even more special is that 2011's World Usability Day theme is 'Design Education for a Social Change'.
Design in essence is a message, it is a medium through which designers and businesses communicate how a new product and service will make our lives both easier and exciting. We the design community should take the ownership of educating the users and consumers of products and services through better design. So much so that peripherals like communication design and information design around these products and services gets quite crucial in informing and educating users about them.
We welcome all enthusiasts of UMO to participate in our 7th year celebrations by spreading the spirit of good design even more strongly.
UMO encourages all enthusiasts to come up with humorous instances around consequences of wrong, irrelevant, misleading and insensitive information design. Your cartoons may reflect situations and incidences around information design we encounter in day to day business ranging from a piece of ticket (any ticket), forms/e-forms to labels & product packaging, medicine packaging/ labels, product manuals, movie posters, government notices, new papers, magazines, information systems, maps, signage, webpages and many others.
Awards and Acknowledgements
A jury will select the top 6 winning entries, the cartoonists will be granted a cash prize award of
First prize Rs.25,000/- (Rs. Twenty five thousand only)
Two second prizes of Rs. 10,000/- (Rs. Ten thousand only) each
Three Third prizes Rs. 5,000/- (Rs. Five thousand only) each, and,
Five Special mention awards.
An exhibition of the winning and short listed entries will be held and UMO will publish an exhaustive works report.
The Jury and the Judgment criteria
For Judgment jury will use criteria such as creativity, humor, visual communication, presentation, persuasiveness, originality, cleverness, relevance of content and execution to identify the winner.
An exhibition of the winning and short listed entries will be held and UMO will publish an exhaustive online-works report.
Deadline for Submission
Cartoons will be accepted through September 11th, 2011
Rules and Regulations
Entries: up to 5 cartoons per person.
Size (hard-copy) : A4 (210 X 297 mm ) or A3 (297X410)
Size (digital) : 300 dpi and in dimensions that are suitable for printing
Technique : Free
Entries in hard-copy/paper will not be returned. Entries in digital format may need to be re-posted if the resolution is not found good for printing.
Exhibition and Prize distribution
We are going to exhibit the entries in several metros of India. Dates will be announced
Submitting your entries
Mail your cartoons keeping the competition name in subject line to toons(at)usabilitymatters(dot)org
If you are sending through the snail mail, use the following address:
UMO 7th International Cartoon Contest’11,
Flat No. 407, E- Block, Keerthi Apartments,
Ellareddyguda, Hyderabad- 500073.
Phone: +91-984 886 1432

Please mention a little background information about yourself that may help identify you with your work and the email id that will help us get back to you with any communication.
Intellectual property rights
UMO may, in its sole discretion to use the art-work (images, photograph, written content) for any purpose, change, alter, amend, add to, delete from and otherwise modify, including but not limited to, any and all cuts, edits, rearrangements and other alterations, additions and deletions.The responsibility for authenticity of all the submitted content, including the including the art-work and the personal information rests solely with the provider, and UMO will assume no role in case of litigation and copied works. The involved parties shall have to settle the matter themselves, within the conditions the original work was published/released.We respect your privacy and will not be giving out, or sharing your personal information with any third party, for commercial or non-commercial use.
WEB: usabilitymatters