

11th International Humor Exhibition Caratinga 2011, Brazil

11th International Humor Exhibition Caratinga 2011, Brazil
Inscriptions: Until September 30, 2011
Works selection: 1 October
Opening: 10 October
Exibition: 10-30 October 2011
Place: Ziraldo Art and Culture House
Free Theme
Charge”: Graphic joke about nowadays journalistic theme
Cartoon: Graphic joke with universal and atemporal themes
Caricature: recognizable graphic distortions of personalities
Míriam Leitão
Journalist, writer and economist.
All the works inscribed in this category, independently to be selected or not, will be acquisitives for the Cultural Station Association of Caratinga.
Dimension: 30 cm x 40 cm
Number of works: Each competitor will be able to participate with two works for each category, that has not won at no other gallery or salon.
The works must be unpublished and original. The graphical technique is free. Digital copies, signed by author and indicated that it is print number 01 and sculptures with humorous content, will be accepted.
It will be awarded a total of 20 thousand Reais ( R$) in prizes, divided as follows:
A) Three Prizes for 1st Place on the value of R$3,000,00 for each category;
B) Three Prizes for 2nd Place on the value of R$ 2,000,00 for each category;
C) Three Prizes for 3rd Place on the value of R$ 1,000,00 for each category;
D) A 1st Place prize to “Thematic Category” on the value of R$2,000,00.
The prizes in cash will be paid by Caratinga City Hall.
(*) All the finalists mentioned above will receive the “Pererê Trophy”, besides the prizes in cash; all of them offered by Caratinga City Council.
It will be awarded by the Judging Commission five Certificates of Honorable Indication in all categories.
There will be a jury for selection and another one for awardness, made up by specialized people on the area.
The awardness jury keeps itself the right of not designating prizes to the categories which don’t achieve a sufficient level, transferring them to other categories or creating a special prize of the Salon.
If the awardness jury confirms any kind of irregularity, fraud or plagiarism in one of the inscribed works, it will be able to cancel the award, offering the same one to the following artist from classification list. Awarded works will be spread on the Salon’s site after its opening and they will be contested in the period of one week after salon’s opening with reasonable proves on any irregularity done without jury’s knowledge. Another prizes and indications will be set according to Organizer Commission.
All of them ACQUISITIVE.
(It will be observed the last day of posting)
The works must be sent to the following addres:
11º Salão Internacional do Humor de Caratinga
Casa Ziraldo de Cultura
Av. Benedito Valadares, 15 - Centro
Cep: 35.300 -035
Caratinga –Minas Gerais - Brasil
On the back of each work it must be mentioned the following information:
Category: Full name of the author
Full address with Zip Code, telephone number, CIC, Identity Card, bank data, e-mail or the candidate can paste a copy of inscription available on the site, with all data filled in.
The works will be returned until the end of five months after the event on April 10th, 2012; only to the artists that has sent a stamped special envelope joined together with the works. Those which were sent without envelope will be automatically given to the itinerant and permanent heap exhibition of the salon.
When inscribing, the author transfers automatically, authorial rights of his works when awarded acquisitivetely, according to the Law Nb. 9610, February,1998 (Authorial Rights Law), therefore, universal and definitely in all use modalities and gratuitous, the rights of the author, guaranteed by the mentioned law; referring to the awarded work in the International Humor Salon of Caratinga and now integrant part of National Cultural Heap and Research and Graphic Humor Spread from Caratinga Cultural Association Station; that reserves itself the rights to use them the way it judges better.
Simply the inscription implies automatically that you agree with the terms of this regulation.

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