

9th International Cartoon Biennale 2011 Pisek, Czech Republic

Organisers: City of Písek and the Czech Union of Caricaturists
Potential participants: authors from around the world older than 18 years
Number of works: maximum 5
Size of work: A4, A3
Format: in electronic form only (pdf or jpg format, 300 dpi, up to 3 MB)
Entries to the Biennale must be original and still not evaluated in any international competition. Any apparent plagiarisms will be disqualified from the competition.
Applications: Works are to be sent exclusively by using the entry forms located at .
By submitting drawings, the Biennale participant consents to these particulars of the competition and to the rules laid down by the Competition Statute (located on the competition‘s website). Contestants agree, among other things, that the drawings may be used to promote the Biennale.
Deadline for submitting artwork: July 11, 2011
Jury: The jury holds members of the organizers as well as Czech and foreign cartoonists and professionals.
It is the exclusive right of the jury to choose the works to be entered into the competition, to choose a collection for exhibition and for the catalogue, and to award the prizes.
Prizes (5 total):
1st place: 1000 € + diploma + trophy
2nd place: 800 € + diploma + trophy
3rd place: 600 € + diploma + trophy
4th place: 400 € + diploma
5th place: 200 € + diploma
The organizer will invite those awarded to the opening ceremony and pay their accommodations for 2 persons for 1 night. Holders of awards from abroad will also receive a contribution for transportation at the maximum amount of EUR 100.
Award-winning authors absent at the opening of the authors will be sent only a financial reward and a certificate.
Financial awards are paid to the authors in EUR in the amount before taxes and subject to taxation under applicable laws.
The exhibition and catalogue: The exhibition will be launched at the ceremonial announcement of the results on September 21, 2011 and will last until October 26, 2011 in the Sladovna Písek o.p.s. (Malthouse), Velké náměstí 113, 39701 Písek, Czech Republic.
Each of the authors whose work is selected for the Biennale exhibition collection will receive one copy of the catalogue which will specifically name all participants of the Biennale.

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