

11th Barakaldo International Graphic Humour Contest 2011, Spain

.- To pass the public announcement of the 11th International Graphic Humour contest on new Technologies –Barakaldo Hermes Prize 2011, which is an official announcement regulated by the guidelines established in the regulations of the Barakaldo Cultural Competitions, published in the Official Biscayan Bulletin on February 12th, 2010.
SECOND- The budgetary limit for the aforementioned is set at four thousand five hundred Euros (4.500 €) charged against the Budget allocation 00700 451802269902. In compliance with rules established under Article 7 of the regulation, prizes awarded will be as follows: First Prize – 1.500 €, Second Prize – 1.000 €, Third Prize – 800 €, Fourth Prize – 700 € and Fifth Prize – 500 €.
THIRD.- Legal regulations which the competition will adhere to are as follows:
Sketchers will send in a scene depicting graphic humour relating to new technologies which impacts on daily life (INTERNET, BIOLOGY, SPACE, TELECOMMUNICATIONS, MEDICINE, ETC...) and which allows the citizens to reflect on new spheres of scientific progress. It can also be vignettes depicting geek attitudes generated by users of social networks or taking part in Web 2.0.
Anyone who so desires may take part with no age restrictions. Each contestant may submit up to three pieces of work. Anyone who was a Hermes prizewinner at the previous year’s renewal will not be allowed to submit entries to this year’s official announcement.
Scenes and characters must be the personal creation of the author and unpublished. Work can be submitted either in black and white or in colour. Works must not exceed a single page, with a format not exceeding 800 x 600 pixels per inch, with a minimum resolution of 72 pixels per inch.
Works may be labelled in Spanish or Basque. It is permissible to enter humorous scenes without text written for those artists from different linguistic and geographical backgrounds.
Contestants must send an email containing their name, surname(s), address, date of birth, National I.D. Number or NIE number (Foreign Resident ID Number) and contact telephone no. This email is to be sent with the picture file attached in JPG format.
Works containing the author’s details should be sent exclusively by email to: before October 13th 2011.
Presentation of works will imply the granting of permission to the Local Council for the reproduction of images entered, for purely exhibition purposes only. Any such exhibition of the works does not mean that financial benefit will accrue to the authors of the illustrations.
The awarding of the Hermes de Barakaldo prize carries a financial reward amounting to 4500 Euros and is divided into five categories: First Prize: 1.500 €, Second Prize: 1.000 €, Third Prize: 800 €, Fourth Prize: 700 € and Fifth Prize: 500 €.
After the winners are notified individually, and by email, of the resolution, the prize winners will have a maximum three months term to supply their details to the awarding organisation in order for the cash prize to be transferred to them. Should the time period of three months since the first communication have already elapsed, without the relevant data having been supplied, it is understood that the prize winner will relinquish his/her right to the relevant prize and the corresponding illustration will likewise be withdrawn from any medium the local council has published it in.
Any of the prizes may be declared void if none of the works come up to the required minimum qualitative standards.
Prizes will be awarded according to the following criteria:
a.- Quality and artistic relevance of the work: 50 points.
b.- Adherence to the theme of the Competition and to the humorous language pertaining to it: 30 points.
c.- Social and cultural impact of the cartoon in relation to the thematic aspect set out regarding new technologies and their implications for everyday life: 20 points.
Participation in the competition implies acceptance of the rules and regulations as already laid down in the current Decree.
FOURTH.- Prizes will be awarded in accordance with the competition rules system, through comparisons of the works presented, and through the establishment of priority criteria amongst them, in conformity with the already outlined criteria, and the awarding of the corresponding financial amounts in compliance with the same with limits as stated in the official announcement, not exceeding the available credit.
FIFTH.- In order to analyse and evaluate the works presented, a Qualifying Panel or Jury will be convened, composed by Mr. Carlos Fernández Martínez Delegate-Councillor of Culture, Education, Basque Language and Sport, who will assume the title of President of the said panel, and, Mr. Prudencio Díaz Lopez de Armentia, Mr. Sergio Román and Miss Gloria Alvarez Casquete, as people of renown prestige in the world of graphic humour and illustration, and Mr. Juan Manuel de Los Santos Aranaz, a Technician in the sphere of Culture, who will take part as Secretary.
SIXTH.- The maximum allowable timescale for the resolution and notification of the prizes’ awarding procedure will be two months, starting from the closing date for the submission of entries.
SEVENTH.- All interested parties will receive notification under terms outlined in Article 58 of the Law 30/1992, dated November 26th, of the Law Regulation of Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedures.
EIGHTH.- in case of any appeal against the decision, which exhausts the administrative procedures, an optional administrative reconsideration appeal may be lodged with the Council President to set aside the current resolution within a timeframe of one month starting from the day after the announcement of the results, alternatively an Administrative Reconsideration Appeal can be entered at the Court for Contentious Administrative Proceedings by virtue of the distribution of authority outlined in Articles 8 and 10 of the Law 29/1998, dated July 13th, which regulates the Contentious Administrative Jurisdiction within a timeframe of two months, also commencing, like the previous, on the day after receipt of official notification.
Rules in languages at source:

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