

The Second Master Cup International Illustration Biennial 2011 - China

The Second Master Cup International Illustration Biennial 2011, China
Thanks to the artists all over the world, the First Master Cup International Cartoon and Illustration Biennial had been held successful in 2007. It was a big pity we could not continue the Biennial in 2009 because of some obstacles beyond the exception.
This year we restart the Biennial with the great support from the institutes and gallery of Beijing which are in the list as below. The Biennial aimed to spread the art of illustration, cartoon, printmaking and painting more and more globally. And we believe the art has the great power to touch our soul, increase the culture and to make the development of the real world. The name of the Biennial changed into the Master Cup International Illustration Biennial as the reason of the opinion – cartoon is a kind of humorous illustration of life.
Host Units:
Master Illustrators's Federation
Beijing Ziteng gallery
Joint hosts:
Beijing Yingbao Printmaking House
Beijing Cartoon Center
Caijing Visual Arts Center
Sanchen Publishing House
Red Man Art International.
1. Participation
The contest is open to all artist--Illustrator, Cartoonist, Printmaker and Painter around world regardless of nationality, age, sex, etc.
A) Noah's Ark -- New World, New Age, New Hope...
B) Free Topic -- Live and Create Freely...
3. Entries
1) No entry fee.
2) The works whether they have been awarded in other contests and exhibitions previously will be accepted.
3) Artist should summit the original works. Any computer prints, slide, photograph, xerox will not be accepted.
4) The maximum seven entries should be submitted for each category.
5) The maximum size of the works should be 350 x 500 mm (13.78 x 19.69 inch) respectively.
6) Author's resume and photo should be submitted with entries together.
7) First name, Last name, Address, Email, Telephone number and category should be written on the reverse side of the works.
8) There are unlimited technique and medium of works, any painting, print making (cover any printmaking except digital graphics) and mixed art will be acceptted, works finished by computer or xerox will not be considered.
4. Entry Form
Please download the entry form on web site: ;
At the same time, the self made entry form is also accepted.
5. Deadline and Exhibition
1) The deadline for entry is September, 15, 2011.
2) The Opening exhibition will take place in Beijing Ziteng gallery on October 1, 2011.
3) Host unit will invite winning artists to hold personal exhibition in Beijing after biennial.
6. Delivery
1) The entries must be flat protected with hard cardboard, or rolled in a hard case. The folded works will not be considered.
2) Please send entries to the address as follow:
Ms. Xiaoyu Hu
Master Illustration House
No.364 Lou, 341 Shi,
Jinqiaoshidai Community,
Yunjing Dong Lu, 101121,
Tongzhou, Beijing, P.R.CHINA
3) Please write "Don't bend" on the cover of envelope to prevent any damage.
7. Judgment
1) The jury will cover the well known panting and printmaking artist, cartoonist, illustrator and critics.
2) The jury meeting will be held on September 25, 2011.
3) Biennial will announce the result on October 1, 2011; host unit will contact the winning artists via postal mail or email directly.
8. Prizes
1) Grand Master prize
1-A) Grand Master prize for Category A) Noah's Ark: Gold Master Cup medal plus 5000 USD for 1 winning works.
1-B) Grand Master prize for Category B) Free Topic: Gold Master Cup medal plus 5000 USD for 1 winning works.
2) Master prize
2-A) Master prize for Category A) Noah's Ark: 5000 USD in total for 5 winning works, each Silver Master Cup medal plus 1000 US Dollars respectively.
2-B) Master prize for Category B) Free Topic: 5000 USD in total for 5 winning works, each Silver Master Cup medal plus 1000 US Dollars respectively.
3) Best work prize of Master Cup International Illustration Biennial
3-A) Prizes for Illustration: Silver Master Cup medal plus 500 US Dollars for 2 winning illustration respectively.
3-B) Prizes for Cartoon: Silver Master Cup medal plus 500 US Dollars for 2 winning cartoon respectively.
3-C) Prizes for Printmaking: Silver Master Cup medal plus 500 US Dollars for 2 winning Printmaking respectively.
4) Special Prize offered by Host Units and Joint Hosts: Silver Master Cup medal plus Certificate for 12 winning works.
5) Special Prizes of Jury meeting: Silver Master Cup medal plus Certificate for 15 winning works.
6) Honorary Prizes: Master Cup Certificate for 30 winning works.
7) Excellent Prizes: Master Cup Certificate for 50 winning works.
8) Host unit will also give selected prizes.
* Each Participator may win multi-prizes in same category or different category.
9. Copyright
Explicitly participators have whole copyright for their entries, of course Host unit may use some works on web site and other media for spreading biennial and artists.
10. Catalog
The authors whose works has been selected will receive a copy of the catalog made for biennial.
11. Provisions
1) The winning works will not be returned, Non winning works can be returned by request in due form and participators should cover the charge of return and package.
2) Participation in the contest means the complete acceptance of all the above conditions and agreements with jury's decision.
12. For Information
Secretariat of biennial
Ms. Xiaoyu Hu
Master Illustration House
No.364 Lou, 341 Shi,
Jinqiaoshidai Community,
Yunjing Dong Lu, 101121,
Tongzhou, Beijing, P.R.CHINA
Telephone: 0086 – 010 – 13161975421
Web site: ;
Email: .
Details at .

1 comment:

  1. I have sent my entry a month ago but I don't get any mail from you confirming its receipt. Is there an email problem?
    Can Goknil
