

International Forum of Visual Humor KARIKATURUM 6 Surgut, Russia

The International Forum of Visual Humor KARIKATURUM 6 Surgut 2011-2012
The Competition Terms
I. generalities
1. The International Forum of Visual Humor KARIKATURUM 6 is held with the view of development and support of the humoristic visual arts, consolidation of creative and professional international contacts.
2. Nomination: caricature
3. Topics
The main topic: “Oh, what a lucky man!
Special topics:
Surgut is the town of Black Fox
Surgut was founded in 1594. A black dog-fox became its symbol that is depicted on the emblem of Surgut.
The Surgut Fine Arts Museum celebrates its 20th anniversary!
4. The organizers
Department of Culture, Youth Policy and Sports of Surgut Administration;
The Surgut Fine Arts Museum
5. Time-frame
Competition starts on the 1st of February 2011.
Deadline – the 1st of June 2011.
Period of the jury work – 9-13 of June 2011.
Opening of the Exhibition and the Award Ceremony – 11-12 of June 2012.
The exhibition will be open till the 31st of August 2012.
6. The Jury
Andrei Popov (Russia),
Vladimir Stepanov (Russia),
Rumen Dragostinov (Bulgaria),
Svetlana Kruglova (Russia),
Iatsek Fratskevich (Poland).
7. Prizes
The main prizes:
Topic: “Oh, what a lucky man!”
The 1st Prize “Golden Ushanka” 120 000 rubles
The 2nd Prize “Silver Ushanka” 60 000 rubles
The 3rd Prize “Bronze Ushanka” 30 000 rubles
The special prizes:
Topic: “Surgut is the town of Black Fox”
The 1st Prize “Black Fox in the Golden Ushanka” 50 000 rubles
The 2nd Prize “Black Fox in the Silver Ushanka” 30 000 rubles
The 3rd Prize “Black Fox in Bronze Ushanka” 20 000 rubles
Topic: “The Surgut Fine Arts Museum celebrates its 20th anniversary!”
2 prizes each worth 20 000 rubles.
According to the legislation of Russian Federation the money prizes are taxable.
The competition is open, professional artists as well as amateurs can take part in it.
Only original works of authorship or printouts of high quality with the autograph (for computer works) are accepted to the competition. The works sent by e-mail as well as xerocopies are not to be considered.
Any techniques are available. The size of each work is from А4 (210х297) to А2 (420х590). The quantity of works is not limited.
The works must be carefully packed. The shipping cost is paid by the participants of the competition. The organizers do not bear responsibility for any damages caused during the shipping.
The works sent to the competition stay it the Museum collection. The Surgut Fine Arts Museum expresses big thanks for the presented works and pressingly requests a free expression from the authors for donation to the Museum collection which is declared in the Deed of Gift. Please, send the Deed of Gift with the works and the Form.
The participant’s Form must be filled in with block letters. The works without the filled Form are not to be considered.
At the back of the work there must be the topic (the main or the special topic), the name, surname, address, telephone, fax, e-mail of the author, material and techniques.
The works sent to the competition may be exhibited at the Surgut Fine Arts Museum, other museums, galleries and exhibition halls at the discretion of the Museum. Also the works can be displayed at the Museum site.
The organizers have the right to publish the works in mass communication media and replicate them for the publishing package of the Forum, with no royalties to the author.
Сopyright for the picture, title and the texts of the work belongs to the participant of the competition (the author of the picture), it’s inalienable. The author bears responsibility for his works as provided by the existing legislation of RF. The author reserves the prerogative right to the original work of art at alienation (transfer into the ownership, donation) if the author doesn’t transfer the right by the Deed of Gift.
Drawings awarded at other competitions can take part in our competition, but it must be stated where and when they were awarded. The jury reserves the right to introduce such works to the award list or not.
The money prizes may be divided among several winners by the jury’s decision.
The fact of the participation in the Forum means the participants submit to all the Terms of the Competition.
Special conditions
To the Winners of the Main and Special Prizes of the Forum the organizers pay the travel costs to the Award Ceremony by any type of transport from any city in Russia and back, and staying in a hotel in Surgut.
To the opening of the exhibition and the Award Ceremony all comers are welcome. They bear travel and living costs by themselves.
A catalogue will be issued as a result of the competition KARIKATURUM 6. All authors whose works will be included in the catalogue by the jury’s decision will take a free issue.
The organizers and sponsors of the Forum may institute more special prizes after having received all the works to the competition.
The International Forum of Visual Humor
The Surgut Fine Arts Museum,
30 Let Pobedy Str., 21/2,
Surgut, Tyumen region, Russia, 628403
Tel/fax: +7 (3462) 51-68-16, 51-68-12, 51-68-08,
Please, pass information about the Forum to your friends – artists.

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