

Internet is the theme in 43rd Umoristi a Marostica 2011 - Italy

The "Gruppo Grafico Marosticense" announces and organizes the 43th International Graphic Humour Exhibition "Umoristi a Marostica 2011"
1. The contest is open to all the cartoonists, illustrators and graphic artists from all over the world. It's possible to participate out of the competition. That request excludes the author from award of the prizes.
2. The theme of the contest is: INTERNET
3. The authors can participate with a maximum of 3 works (Cartoons or Strips) inherent to the theme proposed in connection with the man, his existence and the society, seen in humorous view-point. The works, for being able to be comprised all over the world beyond every linguistic barrier, will have to be without dialogue or texts.
The works, realized with free technique, should be originals or digital prints numbered and signed by the author. The photocopies will not be accepted.
The format of works is free, within a maximum of 60x60 cm.
The works should bear the author's name, surname, address, email and possible title on the back.
4. The deadline for works reception is january 18, 2011 (based on the postmark).
The works, accompanied by the author's entry-form, must be sent (pastage paid by the sender and without frames or glass) to the following address:

5. The acceptance of the works, the selection, and the assigning of the prizes are completely up to the Jury nominated by "Gruppo Grafico Marosticense". The Jury's decisions are final.
6. The Jury will award the following prizes:
"International Grand Prix Scacchiera"
12 Special prizes "Umoristi a Marostica".
Special prize "Sandro Carlesso" (for the graphic research)
Special prize "Marco Sartore" (for well-known author)
Other special prizes or honorary mentions may be awarded.
7. The results of the Jury will be given directly to all the participating artists by email or mail and published on the web site within february 2011.
8. The opening ceremony and the prize distribution will have place on april 16, 2011 at Castello Inferiore of Marostica. The exhibition will remain opened till 29 may, 2011.
9. All the authors selected will receive a free copy of catalogue.
All the other participants not selected will be able to demand the catalogue compiling the module on the site
10. The prize-winning works will not be returned and will be included in the collection of "Umoristi a Marostica Museum".
Only the original works of authors selected will be returned after the exhibition and with postage paid by "Gruppo Grafico Marosticense". The works of authors not selected and all the digital prints will not be returned. The authors selected may give their works to "Umoristi a Marostica Museum" in any case.
11. The "Gruppo Grafico Marosticense" reserves the right to authorize the reproduction of the work citing the author with the words "Taken from Umoristi a Marostica", without any payment. The "Gruppo Grafico Marosticense" is not responsible for transport damages.
12. The participation in the contest implies the complete acceptance of all the conditions and rules from the author.
For further informations:
phone/fax: +39-0424-72150
Timetable Umoristi a Marostica 2011
Deadline: january 18, 2011
Jury meeting: february 5-6, 2011
Opening and prize distribution: april 16, 2011
Exhibition: april 16 - may 29, 2011
Jury 2011
Massimo Bucchi - graphic artist - President
Matteo Bertelli - illustrator
Ferruccio Giromini - journalist
Valeri Kurtu - cartoonist (Germany)
Elzbieta Pietraszko - Satyrykon organizer (Poland)
Alessandro Tich - journalist
Piero Zanotto - journalist
Gruppo Grafico Marosticense and City Culture coincillor of Marostica
GiĆ³x & Maurizio Minoggio - cartoonists artistic directors of "Umoristi a Marostica".
Complete Regulations & Entry-form in PDF:

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