

Third International Productivity Cartoon Festival - Iran

Third International Productivity Cartoon Festival - Iran
Two caricature festivals on productivity have already convened successfully and active participation of artists in depicting non-productivity has taken place. Now the third caricature festival on productivity is on its way. All artists are hereby invited to contribute to the world productivity culture and do their parts on promoting such a social issue and passing it on to the next generation. This year, as past years, world thinkers and scholars working on productivity will delineate the judgment indices as follows:
1. Genuineness of works in innovation and creativity
2. conveyance of productivity concepts and its pedagogical aspect
3. relatedness to scientific and theoretical aspects of productivity (as efficiency and effectiveness)
4. skill and techniques employed.
Submitted works will fall under the two following categories:
A) critiques on current situation
B) directive works recommending wise solutions.
The latter, which deals with solutions, has a specific privilege over the first one.
Hints on Theme:
Productivity in Organizations
Productivity at Home
Productivity and Technology
Productivity in Transportation
Productivity and Human Resources
Productivity and Urban Life
Productivity in Education
Productivity in Production and Industries
Productivity in Banking, Finance and Fiscal Policy
Productivity and …
New themes added 22 Jan 2011: Vehicle & environment ; Vehicle & Fuel (Source:
A maximum of 3 works.
Only original art works are accepted (computer based copies are also acceptable, provided that the prints are signed by the cartoonist. The computer version should be in TIFF format with 300-DPI resolution on a CD, and sent along with the print out.)
NO photocopies or photographs will be accepted.
The size of the works should be A4 or A3.
There is no limit as for the techniques employed for cartoons.
Art works must be submitted along with a completed application form, a passport size photo and the CV of the artist.
The participating cartoons will not be returned.
The organizers will do their best to protect all submitted cartoons from any probable damage, but takes no responsibility of the damages.
Secretariat of the festival reserves the right to publish and showcase the submitted cartoons.
The published catalogue of the festival will be sent to all whose works are published. Therefore, apply care in printing your address and contact information in the application form.
Signing the form means the artist has accepted all regulations of the festival.
Send your works to the following address before 20/01/2011 (Deadline extended until 10 March 2011: )
Festival Secretariat: Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Campus, Poonak Square, End of Ashrafi Esfehani Highway, towards Hesarak, Faculty of Humanities, sixth floor, room No. 608 Tehran - IRAN
Telfax: 0098 – 21 – 44865231
P.O. Box No.: 14515/755 & 14155/4933
Zip Code: 1477893855

First prize: 3000 Euros and a Trophy
Second prize: 2000 Euros and a Trophy
Third prize: 1000 Euros and a Trophy
The top ten works will be awarded by the festival sponsors.
The jury consists of international referees and include Art (caricature specialists), and science (Management thinkers) referees.
The Prizes awarding ceremony will be on the National Day of Productivity, May 22nd, 2011.
Send your questions to:

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