

Theme in PortoCartoon 2011: Communication & Technologies

13th PortoCartoon World Festival 2011 - Portugal
General Rules and Regulations
1.An invisible and slow revolution is happening in the world. The epicentre of this revolution lies in communication and technologies. Therefore, after twelve themes of great international impact, the theme of COMMUNICATION AND TECHNOLOGIES is the chosen one for the 13th PortoCartoon.
Communication and Technologies penetrate so much in the everyday world that become almost equivalent to the air we breathe. Or the electricity we can not do without. They are goods we need most, and their roots are in the social essence. Despite that, they express and cause social differences, conflicts, discrimination, censorship, myths, loneliness, inequality, war, etc..
With the further development in this 21st century, will we have a world more fairly and balanced? Or will we have a more demonic, less communicative and more asymmetrical world?
In addition to participating with cartoons on the main theme, the cartoonists can also send works for the FREE CATEGORY, as per the previous editions.
2. The artists who do not wish to compete can send their works to the EXTRA-COMPETITION section informing of this decision.
3.1. Works must be originals and any kind of graphical technique will be accepted, including digital artwork, sent by Internet, if the prints are SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR and if they are indicated as PRINT NUMBER ONE, or a original to this contest.
3.2. Can also be presented sculptures pieces of humour, in any kind of material.
4. The works can have at the maximum the following measures:
- in paper, 42 x 30 cm (DIN A3);
- sculpture pieces, 42 x 30 x 30 cm.
5. The works should present on the reverse the following information: author´s name and address, title, theme section and year. The author’s CV in Portuguese or English (publications, exhibitions, prizes…) should also be sent.
6. The works should arrive at the PORTUGUESE PRINTING PRESS MUSEUM until February 27th 2011 (EXTENDED UNTIL 28 MARCH 2011), with the entry form.
7. The works should be sent to:
PortoCartoon-World Festival, The Portuguese Printing Press Museum, Estrada Nacional 108, nÂș 206, 4300-316 Porto, Portugal.
General Rules and Regulations

8. The participation in PORTOCARTOON means automatically that the author is waving copyrights of his works in any kind of support, concerning the production and diffusion of the festival.
9. The AWARDS, including a TROPHY and a DIPLOMA, will be the following:
GRAND PRIZE PORTOCARTOON 7000 Euro (half in money and half in Port wine), travel and stay costs for the Awards Ceremony in Portugal
2ND PRIZE PORTOCARTOON 2500 Euro (half in money and half in Port wine), travel and stay costs for the Awards Ceremony in Portugal
3RD PRIZE PORTOCARTOON 1500 Euro (half in money and half in Port wine), travel and stay costs for the Awards Ceremony in Portugal
HONORABLE MENTIONS PORTOCARTOON 50 Euro, stay costs for a weekend in Portugal
10. The Jury will have an odd number of judges and their decision will be final with no subjection to any kind of appeal or reclamation.
11. The awarded works will become property of the PORTUGUESE PRINTING PRESS MUSEUM and will be part of the INTERNATIONAL CARTOON GALLERY.
The others will be sent to the artists, if formally requested, after its public exhibition during the PORTOCARTOON and possible exhibition in other cities and countries.
12. In case of using non-awarded works in other cases except PORTOCARTOON exhibition or its promotion, copyright payment will be made to the artists whenever it takes place.
13. All the artists whose works are selected for the exhibition will receive a catalogue.
14. The prizes will be delivered in a public ceremony.

1 comment:

  1. It would be nice if you allow people to send their works by e-mail as attachment.If so what is the e-mail address ?
