

International Cartoon Exhibition theme "DIGNITY", Portugal

FECO PORTUGAL (Cartoonist association) and Amnesty International - (Portugal), are co-organizers, of a cartoon international exhibition, whose topic and title is : “Dignity”.
It is the intention of this initiative to call the attention of society for a crisis in values which we have been witnessing, where “HAVING” is being overestimated as up against the undermining of “BEING”.
For more information about the theme, see Demand Dignity Campaign in .
This event is not a contest; consequently there will not be any prizes or classifications.
1 - Theme: “Dignity”. Each artist is free to approach the concept of Dignity (or the lack of it….), having in mind the positive side of such a concept.
2 - The exhibition is opened to all nationalities, professionals or amateurs.
3 - All the proposed drawings must be original creation of each authour, irrelevant of the fact that they might have already been (or not) published or exhibited in any way.
4 - Only one work is allowed per artist in one of the following: cartoon, caricatures and graphic story (the last one, not exceeding one page). Any technique is allowed, including the usage of a computer, in black and white or in color.
5 - If a drawing has text, this text must be written in Portuguese.
6 - Drawing size permitted is A4 (21 x 29,7 cm). Drawings must be sent by e-mail using JPEG file at 300 dpi to:
7 - Each work must be accompanied by a file containing: the title of the work, the author’s name, telephone number, e-mail address, (not forgetting to mention the country).
8 - Short curriculum must be included in another computer file.
9 - Entry deadline is September 30, 2010.
10 - Drawings will be selected by a Jury composed by 5 elements, after which the works will be framed, exhibited and reproduced in a catalogue. The jury is entitled to the right to select a number of works extra-catalogue, which will also be exhibited and their authors will be also mentioned in the catalogue. The jury is composed by a representative of FECOPORTUGAL, one representative of Amnesty International, one guest-cartoonist, one cartoonist-researcher and one text expert.
11 - Every artist who has been selected will be given a copy of the catalogue.
12 - The exhibition will be inaugurated at the “Sociedade Artística Guilherme Cossoul, Rua Prof. Sousa Câmara, n.º156” (Lisbon - Portugal) October 21st, 2010. The exhibition will stay on place for about two weeks after which it will go on an itinerancy through Portugal and other countries.
13 - The artist’s participation implies accepting the rules above and the submission of respective author’s rights, only to be used to promote and inform about the event as well as the edition of the catalogue and the itinerary exhibition. As there is no profit involved in these procedures, no payment will be made to any of the participants.
14 - No media or other entity will be authorized to use for publication or any other use, any of the works submitted to this event, with the exception of rule 13.

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