

Still fake cartoonet contest & a shame on the editors

The following regulation is from edited by Seyran Caferli in Azerbaijan. Still this cartoonet contest is a fake one since there is no responsible person, not a sponsor, nor an establishment behind it. So it aims at cheating honest cartoonists out of their original ideas & this is unacceptable esp. for an editor who has been acting as a jury member in some international cartoon competitions(!?).
Mr Angel Boligan has unveiled another fake cartoonet competition where he himself had been mentioned as the jury member without his knowledge and consent: .
Although it is a known fact that there is a kind of fight against cartoon art of great impetus, some editors of cartoon websites never hesitate to announce whatever info(!?) arrives in their mailboxes. Today (August 9) I see that Tabrizcartoons are also announcing this false cartoonet contest and without any source (!?): .
Hope they all will reconsider this piece of news and delete it with a protest against the pirates as the world-famous cartoonist Mr Angel Boligan did honestly; otherwise people would wonder if they are themselves involved in that non-ethical exploitation!

The 1th “WORLD HUMOUR” International Cartoon Competition 2010 - Portugal
1) The competition is open to professional and amateur cartoonists from all over the world.
2) Theme:
A-World Heritage
World famous tourist spots in each country
3) The maximum number of sent cartoons is 10 .
4) Please attach in .doc format a brief presentation of your artistic activity (surname and first name, address, e-mail address, a photo and your CV)
5) prizes :
1st prize: 3000 euro 2nd prize: 2000 euro 3rd prize: 1000 euro Honorable Mentions
6) The cartoons must be sent at the e-mail address: or
(300 dpi, 3500 Pixel and JPG format). 7) Deadline: October 20 , 2010.
8) The jury will include representatives from cartoonist and artist, will meet in December 2010.
9) The organizers hold all the rights to publish the cartoons submitted to the contest and use them for promotional purposes: catalogs, posters, cards, books, newspaper, magazine, Internet and new media, etc.

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